I figured I'd pull this into a separate thread:
drheaton wrote:
Here's a game for you then, pick three Italians for 50 credits or less, combined fantasy score at the end of the race wins. Only riders making it to the end of the race count, if your's quits mid race, they get no points
Teams for far:
drheaton - Scarponi, Santambrogio, Locatelli
TERatcliffe26 - Nibali, Locatelli, Aru
JAndrewHill - Paolini, Santambrogio, Chichi
STEVESPRO 79 - Nibali, Pirazzi, Gavazzi
ray silvester - Nibali, Oss, Gavazzi
Dave Atkinson - Nibali, Santambrogio, Garzelli
Ghedebrav - Nibali, Gatto, Aru
Philip Unwin - Pirazzi, Locatelli, Modolo
chrisdstripes - Santambrogio, Salerno, Gavazzi
Gkam84 - Locatelli, Tiralongo, Cataldo
NeilG83 - Nibali, Santambrogio and Di Luca
stumps - Santambrogio, Garzelli, Pirazzi
Timbo13 - Nibali, Aru, Trentin
stevemarks - Nibali, Santambrogio, Bongiorno
Wig_Billy - Nibali, Santambrogio, Battaglin
spin cycle - Nibali, Appollonio, Di Luca
livestrongnick - Cataldo, Santambrogio, Pietropolli
djb123 - Scarponi, Pozzato and Caruso (Giampaolo)
SounDaz_7 - Nibali, Aru, Locatelli
hguop13 - Pozzovivo, Pozzato, Santambrogio
rcorbin - Nibali, Santambrogio, Garzelli
m.n.charlton - Nibali, Aru, Gatto
enrique - Nibali, Aru and Pellizotti
fico - Nibali, Santambrogio and Gavazzi
obutterwick - Santambrogio, Modolo, Aru
taustin789 - Agnoli, Aru, Nibali
Gmancervelo - Nibali, Aru, Locatelli
thorolf - Nibali, Santambrogio, Cattaneo
johnny2names - Nibali, Santambrogio, Garzelli
shishman - Nibali, Pirazzi and Battaglin
northstar - Santambrogio, Nibali & Battaglin
letgoup - Nibali, Pirazzi, Bongiorno
flying11 - Nibali, Santambrogio and Gavazzi
fluffchucker - Santambrogio, Pellizotti, Pirazzi
viveLaPants - Nibali, Pirazzi, Gavazzi
farrell - Sabatini, Tiralongo, Santambrogio
makiavelli - Nibali, G. Caruso and Locatelli
jasonbrim - Nibali, Santambrogio, Di Luca
smiley_boy2501 - Nibali, Santambrogio, Battaglin
stepho - Nibali, Locatelli, Aru
Mikeh789 - Viviani, Pozzovivo, Di Luca
TheHatter - Pozzovivo, Appolonio, Pirazzi
Alan Tullett - Nibali, Santambrogio, Canola
andynic - Nibali, Santambrogio, Garzelli
d_jp - Pozzovivo, Santambrogio, Salerno
Tuarts - Nibali, Santambrogio, Battaglin
debbieg - Nibali, Locatelli, Trentin
Rant - Nibali, G Caruso, Locatelli
Feel free to pitch in your team, no prizes but a bit of fun.
EDIT: Dave has confirmed that there'll be a prize for the winner pulled from the legendary road.cc swag bag so get your teams in fast. Deadline is 12:00 on Saturday (midday).
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Pirazzi!!! First points in comp.
Well, I guess whoever's got Paolini, Viviani and Visconti are kicking butt!
Plan is to do another score update on the rest day as it'll no doubt be all change by then.
Current Scores:
Wig_Billy - 288
northstar - 288
smiley_boy2501 - 288
Tuarts - 288
shishman - 282
NeilG83 - 255
jasonbrim - 255
fico - 240
flying11 - 240
STEVESPRO 79 - 234
viveLaPants - 234
JAndrewHill - 221
Alan Tullett - 220
Dave Atkinson - 206
rcorbin - 206
johnny2names - 206
andynic - 206
stevemarks - 205
thorolf - 200
letgoup - 199
fluffchucker - 183
Mikeh789 - 183
spin cycle - 181
stumps - 180
Timbo13 - 180
taustin789 - 171
ray silvester - 166
enrique - 159
Ghedebrav - 156
m.n.charlton - 156
TERatcliffe26 - 155
SounDaz_7 - 155
Gmancervelo - 155
stepho - 155
debbieg - 145
obutterwick - 135
chrisdstripes - 130
drheaton - 127
livestrongnick - 122
makiavelli - 115
Rant - 115
farrell - 111
hguop13 - 96
Philip Unwin - 94
d_jp - 91
TheHatter - 85
Gkam84 - 50
djb123 - 37
The combination of Nibali, Santambrogio and Battaglin clearly coming out on top at this stage.
The Wig-Meister even leads in this!!
There's time yet, plus these points only apply if the riders make it to the finish. If Battaglin fails to finish the race then all of the top guys at the minute will be out of the running.
what will you do if it ends with a 4-way split? 4 digs into the swag bag Dave?
Assuming joint top scorers then:
You can piss off if you think I'm hopping on one leg for an entire rest day!
I've scored a century then
JAndrewHill -100
taustin789 -60
Mikeh789 -55
thorolf -54
Dave Atkinson -53
rcorbin -53
johnny2names -53
Alan Tullett -53
andynic -53
livestrongnick -50
Wig_Billy -49
northstar -49
makiavelli -49
smiley_boy2501 -49
Tuarts -49
Rant -49
obutterwick -48
NeilG83 -47
stevemarks -47
fico -47
flying11 -47
jasonbrim -47
farrell -46
Ghedebrav -45
m.n.charlton -45
Timbo13 -44
djb123 -40
TERatcliffe26 -39
SounDaz_7 -39
enrique -39
Gmancervelo -39
stepho - 39
Gkam84 -35
stumps -34
drheaton -33
hguop13 -33
chrisdstripes -28
fluffchucker -28
d_jp -28
debbieg -24
shishman -21
ray silvester -19
spin cycle -19
letgoup -19
viveLaPants -19
Philip Unwin -0
TheHatter -0
[inquote=drheaton]Managed to cobble together a spreadsheet that's worked out the scores, top three are:
JAndrewHill - 100
taustin789 - 60
Mikeh789 - 55
with lots and lots of people hovering between 40 and 50 points.[/quote]
I Feel a bit like Manuele Boaro, sprinting away on the first climb, but I doubt I will hang on til the finish.
Well, I guess whoever's got Nibali, and a mix of Viviani, Paolini or Pirazzi must be doing well !
Andrew, you just never know!
Anyway, good luck to all and thanks to the organisers for getting this up and running.
Battaglin would be right up there too!!
I expect the Nibali,Santambrogio and maybe even Caruso to come to the fore soon.
good game.
Nibali, Pirazzi, Gavazzi
Franco Pellizotti (AND) 5.4
Mauro Santambrogio (VIN) 14.7
Stefano Pirazzi (BVI 15.6
Well, it is only a game
Nibali, Santambrogio and Gavazzi for me please
Nibali (30.0) No surprise there
S. Pirrazzi (15.6) To offset all the Santambrogio picks
Bongiorno (3.0) His name sounds ball bouncingly funny
If he was English, he'd be called Frank Goodmorning
Or 3 Yankees for Cali?
Don't know, this is getting the point where it'll take me ages to do the scores, think I'll just save it for the Tour and Vuelta.
You want me do them on a spreadsheet? just for the individual riders then can work out which combo has won on the last day?
I was only kidding(sort of!!).
I don't mind doing it really, this just got a lot bigger than I expected quite quickly
Cali wouldn't be too hard as there'd be fewer people interested (as there likely wouldn't be prizes) and I'd have time to set up a clever spreadsheet by then. We can give it a go if people want.
Not bothered, had a think and I reckon it'd be fairly easy to pull the teams into a spreadsheet so I'll just do that, thanks though.
Crikey, that's 31 teams so far, wasn't expecting it to be this popular...
Best get planning my 'three Frenchmen team' now then.
Santambrogio, Nibali & Battaglin thanks.
Aru, Santambrogio, Pirazzi
Lets see how I do with 40.2 value...
Top post updated with your teams so no changes!
Also, djb123, I assume it's Giampaolo Caruso you've picked as Damiano doesn't fit in your budget