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Cabbies cause gridlock by blocking London Bridge for fourth night running in protest at TfL pro-cycling, bus and pedestrian plans – but cyclists breeze through

meanwhile, Will Norman insists East-West Cycle Superhighway here to stay despite black cab trade-backed campaign against it

Black cab drivers have this evening blocked London Bridge for the fourth time this week in protest at plans to stop them using bus lanes on Tooley Street. The protest has caused bus routes to be diverted and gridlock on both sides of the river – but happily, cyclists are breezing through the blockade.

Writing on the London Cycling public group on Facebook yesterday, John Coupe said: “I walked past the cabbie protest last night at about 6:15. If I hadn't known it was a protest I wouldn't have known.

“It didn't take many of them to block Tooley Street and it looked like people on bikes were passing freely. It really demonstrated how much better the environment can be when traffic is removed via a modal filter.”

The proposals for Tooley Street are subject to a consultation being held by transport for London (TfL) which runs until 9 January.

TfL’s director of strategy and network development, Ben Plowden, commented: “A consultation is currently underway on changes to Tooley Street to improve conditions for people walking and cycling, or travelling by public transport.

“The best way for people to let us know what they think about these proposals is to respond to the consultation, so this type of protest is unnecessary.

“All feedback on our proposals will be thoroughly assessed and taken into account.”

The cab drivers’ protest comes in a week in which a rather opaque pressure group called Unblock the Embankment, whose backers are known to include representatives of the black cab trade, claimed that the East-West Cycle Superhighway was costing east London businesses £5.3 million a year, as reported by BBC News.

The group says that the route causes congestion and pollution – both claims that have been comprehensively debunked – and London’s cycling and walking commissioner, Will Norman, insisted that the cycle route is here to stay.

He told BBC News: “We know that having walking and cycling facilities encourage footfall to our high street shops, but we also know it's absolutely critical to the continued investment and retention of big business to our city because the workforce want to walk and cycle more."

Should you head to the website, you’ll find a rather different attitude towards cycle lanes than that on their Twitter feed – explained by the fact that they didn’t register the domain, so cycling author Carlton Reid did so instead. Oops.

Transport for London (TfL), meanwhile, has responded to a Freedom of Information request by Mark Treasure, chair of the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain, asking for details of a meeting between TfL and Unblock the Embankment. You can find TfL’s response here.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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ktache | 5 years ago

Doesn't their taxi driver navigation brains instantly work out a new route?  And they get paid for extra distance and sitting in traffic when a fare is aboard.  I don't see a problem.

Dnnnnnn | 5 years ago

Probablly left their engines idling while stationary and complaining about congestion and pollution.

StuInNorway | 5 years ago

Anyone would think they were talking about banning cabs from the entirety of London, not from a short stretch of bus lane on one street. They're like a group of toddlers throwing their toys out the pram because they are not allowed one of their toys.

EddyBerckx | 5 years ago

They are the first to complain and moan and moan again whenever someone other than black cabs takes to the streets to protest.

Protest against people being killed? You're scum and costing London trillions...but anything they think will affect them in the tiniest manner and instant blockade.

They make up an absolute miniscule proportion of the London population (with many also living outside) yet they get an awful lot of power in tfl and London affairs...why???? They're not public transport and never have been. Virtually no Londoners use them and that was true even before uber

Legs_Eleven_Wor... replied to EddyBerckx | 5 years ago

StoopidUserName wrote:

They make up an absolute miniscule proportion of the London population (with many also living outside) yet they get an awful lot of power in tfl and London affairs...why????

For the same reason that they get to use cycle lanes, and that is because MPs and peers use them to get to and from Parliament. 

Rapha Nadal | 5 years ago

Parked their cabs to block the road but then got out & hung out in the pissing rain & getting wet. Brilliant level of thinking.

At peak times there's often far more bikes & pedestrians on Tooley Street than cars and with London Bridge station's redevelopment program in full swing there'll be a much higher footfall to come.   Further developments to encourage this should be welcomed with open arms.


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