We have a winner for our first 2012 Tour of Britain compo of a day sampling the action at close quarters from a race convoy car. The prize comes courtesy of the nice people at Collins and who are also giving away two copies of their new book The World's Ultimate Cycling Races as runners up prizes. And the winner is…
arrieredupeloton - who gets the chance to go up front for the day and to bring a friend too.
Copies of the World's Ultimate Cycling Races will be in the post to:
Chutzpah - which is a bit spooky given his comment in the compo - I hate it when the random-number-o-meter does that; and
Congrats to those three and if you didn't win fret not… we've got another awesome Tour of Britain compo coming up shortly.
As well as experiencing the full stage from the back of a race convoy car, our winner (+ friend) will get:
An opportunity to mix with the riders
Continental breakfast served with tea and coffee (although you might want to go easy on that seeing as you'll be in a car non-stop for four hours shortly afterwards)
An official Tour of Britain programme
Experienced hostess to ensure the smooth running of your morning
All you've got to do is get yourself to the start line and home from the finish line - the race car will pick you up from one and drop you off at the other it will be up to you to manage the rest.
he World's Ultimate Cycling Races comes out on September the 27th and was compiled by top cycling journo, (and an old road.cc chum), Ellis Bacon. The book contains everything you need to know about the best cycling events across the globe, including facts and statistics for cyclists of all levels, and for spectators who want to learn about the best races to watch, ahead of publication you can find out more by visiting The World's Ultimate Cycling Races Facebook page.
All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning the prize is comment in below. Usual Schwag Grab rules apply. We will announce the winner on Friday morning.
Good luck!
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Yep Im in if thats ok
Please please me!
Nottingham for me please. Then I can wave at my mates on side of road too
I have one day of annual leave left this year. This would make it a sweet day out!
Yes, please...
Already got the 12th booked off for Carlisle-Blackpool. Winning this would be awesome....
Yes please!
Shotgun front seat!
I live in nottingham so that is quite ideal for me.
Looks like a lot of fun!
All I need now is someone to get my bike to the finish line
me me me me me me me me me me me + me boy !
Pick me pick me!
Can I stick my head out of the sunroof?
Oh yes please.
No question it has to be me - had a naff year and need something to perk me up - anyway also need to talk to Brad about setting up a fan owned/sponsored women's team, pursuade Cav to bail out of Sky to do himself justice . . . .
Please put my hat in the ring!
Ohh can i win this one pleassssse??
Looking forward to this one.
I Hope i can find cheap tickets to go there if i win. It will be worth it
Going to watch the Stoke stage....actually being in a car on course would be awesome....Fingers crossed...One day my luck will change....
Fingers crossed ..............
Another red-hot schwag-grab...esp. with Wiggo taking part his year. I'm in!
excellent prize! consider me entered.....
pick me
The thought of four hours without a toilet is terrifying but I'd put up with anything for such an awesome experience!
yes please.....
I'm pretty good at wheel changes!