If you thought that Lance Armstrong's confessional interview with Oprah Winfrey would herald the start of a Lance Armstrong free future think again the rights to the upcoming book "Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong" by New York Times reporter Juliet Macur, have been sold to Paramount Pictures and the Bad Robot production company - responsible for the latest re-make of of Star Trek amongst other things according to the Deadline Hollywood website.
Indeed this might not be the only film about 'bad Lance' coming our way. As we reported last October Hollywood rumour also has it that a film of Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle’s book, The Secret Race might be in the offing. Hamilton's book and his evidence to USADA - which was more or less a verbatim extract from - were instrumental in hastening the Armstrong's final tailspin from grace.
Rather less believably the rumours surrounding a film treatment for The Secret Race suggested that Matt Damon would play Armstrong - even though at 42 he is a year older than Armstrong is now, let alone in his Tour 'winning' prime. To be fair this was pointed out by Damon too at the time the rumours surfaced.
In some respects, despite a Hollywood insider telling The Sun last year that the problem with filming the Hamilton book was that it lacked a happy ending (well, for Armstrong) an unflinching treatment of the dark reality of the Armstrong story would make for a more interesting story.
Macur's book which is slated for publication in June follows the Armstrong story from his recovery from cancer, through his Tour dominating, serial doping pomp, his comeback and his eventual fall from grace.
There is not word yet on possible casting for either project - although we could someone like Ryan Gosling playing the consumed, win at all costs anti-hero of the piece. It is also too early to say when either book might be turning up at your local multiplex (if either ever do), it could be that the film companies will hold off for a while just to see if there is any sort of redemption in store for Armstrong and an uptick in his public standing that might let them tack on a happy ending after all.
In the meantime things aren't looking so good for Armstrong with the news that Texan insurance company SCA Promotions - in many respects the outfit that triggered his downfall are to sue him for $9 million.
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So Stumps, are You afraid of Berlusconi, Cippo and his Bunga Bunga legions will cross the channel (again)? Well, You better are!
Instead of horses they will be riding bikes from countries far far away. Designs so radical you have never ever seen something like that before (unless You went in the dark corner of your local Halfords behind the car spares. Yes, the ones with the cranksets on the left.)
Let me see, we could do a second comic "Cyclix and the riders of the Apocalyse" the ultimate TTT like the old 100 km Olympic time trial. The good guys would be Cyclix, Sir Sideburns (this time with Octagon wheels, talking about marginal gains), the flying Scotsman with his DIY bike and the lovely Vicky Picky.
(We need a character to disturb the evil guys and make them crash) Sir Paul will invent the clan design by crossing his stripes.
The bad guys, oh that will be difficult there are just so many, so we could pick a flying chicken, a skinhead (the evil German Schuhmacher), Pozzato (as a Vicky look-alike) and the killer Di Luca. As we have so many evil characters they will need not only to change blood but also characters. Like chicken turning Vino, Di Luca turning Armstrong. For the evil team design D. Hirst will take care of dead butterflies, skulls, the landscape will feature cows and sharks in slices.
On top we have this unfair referee using a fake name and his dutch twin, which behave more like bookies
All in all the classic epic battle good against evil!
Probably just a grunt mate. Never aspired to anything higher as you just get bogged down in crap.
What with our school system you're lucky they can even write in English let alone Latin 'Stumps'. What rank would you be Centurion or Caesar?
Dr Ko -
An possimus in futuro omnes Romam ad scribendum Latine et convertam dies SPQR gloria
Oi you at Road.cc think up your own celebrity, I've already suggested Ryan!
Charlie Sheen to play LA as they have the same toxicity levels
He also had tiger blood or was it Tylers blood 
Marginally less awful a proposition than Bradley Wiggins: The Musical.
Hopefully tomorrow it will $100M
$9 million? It was $12 million yesterday
You should take into account that SCA would have invest that money with say Goldman Sachs thereby losing a certain percentage. So they should arrange a bro deal, some used frames, Oakleys, worn jerseys..
In respect to the film, I guess:
Crow will give him a deal on the Sound track.
The Olsen twins will play themselves.
Jan Ullrich will play his brother the mechanic, someone else needs to play Jan.
Lance will play an actor playing Lance, as he bullied everybody applying for the role.
Most of the peleton will be played by characters of Lord of the Ring so that Lance looks bigger! Imagine "Big George" at 5'0"!
Books? Books are for suckers! It will be a comic, an Asterix and Obelix! Maybe someone should have told him that Julius Casar is *not* the actual hero. It will be called "Circulum Francium", Julius Casar racing for the mighty empire will be prepared by Dr. Ferrari, an horse doctor, and managed by a strange shady Belgium guy, his trainer is a puppet.
Racing for the small village is Cyclix, prepared by Miraculix, trained by Asterix, serviced by Obelix. Of course certain things go wrong, like Obelix giving him such a push that Cyclix flies over the Galibier and crashes, so Obelix and Asterix race up the team tandem so that Obelix can bent back the steel frame.
Other teams include:

- the Teutonics, so strong and big that they need two lightweight wheels front and three on the back.
- an English team with captain Sir Sideburns, who is mostly worried about the stripes on his jersey, spending most of his time arguing with Sir Paul, riding square wheels does not help either..
- a strange team from somewhere always ending up in dead ends as they lost the road book and navigate instead.
- the Russian team running on special "voda" and as a result using the width of the street.
Of course there are some local teams as well as Eurovelo but they not actually carry the plot.
Now please pardon me I need to go back to my own blog.
Dr. Ko
This sounds ace, I'd watch it!
Do you WATCH a comic?
In my days we still used to read them!
At school we had to translate a part of Asterix&Obelix - it was written in latin! So maybe I should be really evil and have the text written in latin.
Or at least the parts of the diary of Julius Lancius Casar: Veni! Vidi! F*cki upus maximus!
Sorry, I now have to go back to work, the Teutonics Lightweight report needs to be ready by 12 o'clock GMT. And You should know that Germans do not have a lot of humour - if any it is strange!