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Cycling and the law: Are UK sentencing guidelines tough enough for motoring offences? Explaining Clifford Rennie’s sentence

Following a recent high profile case in which two cyclists lost their lives, specialist cycling solicitor Mark Hambleton analyses the sentencing decision and offers his thoughts

Understandably, many readers have commented on the article following Clifford Rennie's suspended sentence.

Despite killing two other road users with his car as they cycled home at 6.40pm on Monday 1 June 2020, it is unlikely that 61 year old Mr Rennie will spend any time in prison, and he will be able to drive again after completing his five year driving ban.

You may already know the facts of the case, but I’ll summarise them here; Damien Natale and Andrew Coles, who were both in their 50s, died instantly after Mr Rennie collided with them whilst driving his car. All three road users were travelling in the same direction when Mr Rennie crashed into Mr Natale and Mr Coles.

The judge accepted Mr Rennie’s explanation that he had simply ‘not seen’ the two friends as they cycled along the A40. There was no criticism of either rider. Clearly, Mr Rennie should have seen them. Many other drivers had overtaken them safely.

Here I will be explaining my understanding of the law behind the decision and the rationale for the suspended sentence.


Mr Rennie pleaded guilty to the charge of causing death by careless driving. He was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on 12 November 2021.

There are three levels of seriousness for this offence. The starting point for sentencing the most serious level, which is ‘careless or inconsiderate driving falling not far short of dangerous driving’ is 15 months’ custody. Both sides were agreed that this was the appropriate level of seriousness and that this was the appropriate charge.

Although the starting point for sentencing is 15 months, the range available to the judge for this offence was 36 weeks to three years’ custody.

The maximum sentence for causing death by careless driving is five years’ custody. That is reserved for the most serious cases where there are likely to be a number of aggravating factors that were not present here.

This was Mr Rennie’s first offence. The judge departed from the starting point of 15 months and increased the sentence to three years’ custody to reflect the unnecessary loss of two lives here. In the absence of other aggravating factors, three years was the maximum sentence available to the judge.

Examples of other aggravating factors include; committing other offences at the same time such as driving whilst disqualified, previous convictions for motoring offences or failing to stop at the scene.

The judge also considered mitigating factors, such as Mr Rennie’s remorse and his clean driving record. The mitigating factors submitted on Mr Rennie’s behalf were that he has been driving since 1978 and has no criminal convictions or driving matters. The judge considered the impact of the collision on Mr Rennie who, the judge found, was expressing as much remorse as he could do. The judge noted the impact the crash had on Mr Rennie’s life and found it would “…remain with him for the rest of his life”.

Given the timing of Mr Rennie’s guilty plea, his sentence was reduced by a third (to two years) in accordance with the Sentencing Council Guidelines.

The judge then considered whether to accede to the wishes of the families of Mr Natale and Mr Coles by imposing an immediate prison sentence or whether he should suspend the sentence (suspended sentences can only be for sentences of up to two years in prison).  

The Sentencing Council Guidelines state “Where the level of carelessness is low and there are no aggravating factors, even the fact that death was caused is not sufficient to justify a prison sentence”.

In light of this and the mitigating factors, especially the way in which this crash would be “…hanging over his head for the rest of his life”, the judge decided to suspend the sentence. Mr Rennie was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment suspended for two years.

These are the factors set out in the Sentencing Guidelines that the judge would have considered when deciding whether or not to suspend the sentence:

sentencing factors table.PNG

Finally, the judge had to consider whether the total sentence is proportionate to the offending behaviour and properly balanced. Mr Rennie received the following sentence:

1. Two year prison sentence, suspended for two years.

2. Driving ban for five years. He will need to pass an extended retest.

3. Payment of £475.00 in prosecution costs.

Why was the offence that of causing death by careless driving?

I thought it might help to look at why Mr Rennie was charged with causing death by careless driving, as opposed to a more serious offence.

The judge explained that there are reasons in law why the prosecution (the CPS) could not prove manslaughter and why, in the judge’s words, Mr Rennie’s “….lack of attention – over a relatively short period of time, to be counted in seconds, doesn’t meet the legal criteria for dangerous driving…”

That’s the crux of the issue. A momentary lack of attention to explain how Mr Rennie failed to see Mr Natale or Mr Coles does not satisfy the criteria for manslaughter or causing death by dangerous driving. The judge said as much

“Just as Mr Coles and Mr Natale went out for a perfectly normal evening ride this defendant left work that night simply to drive home and spend that evening at home on a pleasant summer’s night. He did not go out to kill anybody. His driving was not dangerous, his inattention that led to the deaths of these two men was to be counted in seconds. The consequences to him are nothing – nothing – like the consequences to these poor men, their families and friends. But they are serious consequences.”

It is worth noting that the starting point for the most serious offence of causing death by careless driving (15 months’ custody) is lower than that for the least serious offence of causing death by dangerous driving (3 years’ custody) in recognition of the different standards of driving behaviour.

The more serious offences explained

These are the legal tests for the other charges I have seen people referring to in respect of this case:


The maximum sentence is imprisonment for life but a guilty plea may reduce the sentence by up to one third. This charge should be considered where: 

a) it is proved the motorist used their vehicle as a weapon (without deliberate intent to kill); or

b) where the motorist’s driving caused death and fell far below the standard of a careful and competent driver, involved an obvious and serious risk of death, was a gross breach of duty of care and was so far below the minimum acceptable standard of driving as to amount to a crime.

Hopefully it is clear why Mr Rennie was not charged with manslaughter.

Causing death by dangerous driving

The key question is, was the vehicle being driven dangerously? Dangerous driving is defined as: the way he drives falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver, and it would be obvious to a competent and careful driver that driving in that way would be dangerous.

“Dangerous” refers to danger either of injury to any person or of serious damage to property. In this context, motor vehicles in a poor state of repair can also be “dangerous”. In terms of the punishment for causing death by dangerous driving there is a possibility of an unlimited fine, a driving ban and up to 14 years in prison. Dangerous driving carries with it a maximum sentence of two years in prison and an unlimited fine and a minimum disqualification of one year.

Examples of where motorists might fall far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver include; racing or competitive driving, speeding, deliberately disregarding traffic lights and other road signs, using a hand-held mobile phone and failing to have proper and safe regard for vulnerable road users such as cyclists.

My previous blog on the sentencing of dangerous motorists summarises a number of cases which demonstrate the application of these tests, especially the distinction between dangerous and careless driving.

Causing death by careless driving

The offence of causing death by careless driving is appropriate where the standard of driving falls below what would be expected of a reasonable and competent driver e.g. emerging from a side road into the path of another vehicle. A guilty verdict could result in a driving ban, an unlimited fine, or a prison sentence of up to five years.

The difference between causing death by dangerous driving and causing death by careless driving is the standard of driving. Dangerous driving falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver and it would be obvious that driving in that way would be considered dangerous. Whereas careless driving merely falls below what would be expected of a reasonably competent and careful driver.

When I have looked into the issue of sentencing for drivers who cause the death of a cyclist before, I found that only one in seven motorists will go to prison and only 33% will be disqualified. I find that surprising especially given the heavy-handed approach in charging Charlie Alliston (a cyclist who tragically collided with and killed a pedestrian) with manslaughter. I think it was wrong to charge Mr Allison with manslaughter (though I should add he was not convicted of manslaughter). Consequently, I don’t think it would be right to use that decision as the benchmark for other cases.

As a society, should we treat Mr Rennie’s standard of driving as dangerous? Would I want my family to have the satisfaction of that outcome if I was to be killed in similar circumstances as I cycle home from work tonight? Probably.

If a member of my family failed momentarily to see a cyclist and collided with them, killing them, would I want them to be treated in the same way as Mr Rennie though? Probably.

Therein lies the issue and balance for our laws to strike. The way I have posed those questions to myself automatically triggers an emotional response, but the law needs to remove the emotion and achieve justice for all parties. Our laws should punish the offence, not the outcome of the offence. Should sentencing be made more of a deterrent with the aim of improving the safety of the most vulnerable on our roads?

I can see why that is attractive to cyclists (myself included) but when I step back and think about it, I’m not convinced that such a response will change driver behaviour. My preference would be heavy investment in infrastructure such that cycling levels increase to such an extent that we change the culture on our roads. In the absence of that investment nationally and after years of feeling the current system is unjust, I can quite understand why many cyclists would prefer to see an immediate change in the law, but I’m not sure that’s the answer.

What I might try to do in the future is write about the sentencing guidelines in other countries where there exists the cycling culture to which many of us will aspire.

After taking up cycling to commute between Bristol and Bath, Mark has seen all sorts of incidents and has become a keen advocate for cycling and protecting the rights of cyclists.

Mark is now lucky enough to combine his passion for cycling with his day job as a cycling solicitor at RWK Goodman.

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HoarseMann replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

That's a good point and would help reduce further risk to others if they continued to drive. But because of low enforcement, I don't have confidence that a ban would be effective enough to count as justice.

hawkinspeter replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago

I'm thinking that the ban is just a public safety issue in much the same way that blind or epileptic people aren't allowed to drive (I think with epilepsy they have to go three years without any fits to be allowed back on the road). The (suspended) prison sentence should be the punishment/justice aspect of the sentence.

HoarseMann replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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That's fair enough. Although it is all a bit entwined. One of the reasons a suspended sentence is considered is if there is low risk to the public. The driving ban here is a key part of that. Perhaps as this individual has previously been law abiding, there is confidence they will adhere to the ban.

chrisonabike replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago

HoarseMann wrote:

That's fair enough. Although it is all a bit entwined. One of the reasons a suspended sentence is considered is if there is low risk to the public. The driving ban here is a key part of that. Perhaps as this individual has previously been law abiding, there is confidence they will adhere to the ban.

Indeed. But - and again this is societal, not limited to this court case, there is too much acceptance of this. To quote from the judge (quoted in article):

"...simply to drive home and spend that evening at home on a pleasant summer’s night. He did not go out to kill anybody. His driving was not dangerous ..."

...only it is always a hazard - it is potentially dangerous. And funamentally the only "control measure" here is "the driver must always pay attention" - which he didn't. (Back to my rant about infra and drivers hitting bollards and bridges...)

This chap may have been a "good driver" who was "just unlucky". He may be traumatised. He may keep to his ban. But if he doesn't he'd be unlucky if there was much consequence - until he hit someone else / crashed. At which point we'd have to wait many more months before - maybe - he was told he was banned for longer this time.

The current system doesn't seem to have much to deal with the people who just don't care. I find this unusual since the Death By Dangerous is kind of assuming that there are a select few ("monsters"!) who we keep the heavy penalties for. (Handy so we can give the more common poor old Mr. Rennies of this world rather light ones). They're likely a tiny minority and such folks are always tricky to deal with. 12 weeks inside at max doesn't seem a "make the roads safer" response though.

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

I'm thinking that the ban is just a public safety issue in much the same way that blind or epileptic people aren't allowed to drive (I think with epilepsy they have to go three years without any fits to be allowed back on the road). The (suspended) prison sentence should be the punishment/justice aspect of the sentence.

hawkinspeter wrote:

[...] if they're involved in any incident then they'd be going to prison.

Agree. Implementation is also important. The current sentencing for driving while disqualified in the few examples reported here seems to operate rather like a "don't do it again, you're banned for longer this time" where it seems you'd be unlikely to warrant any prison. Even though again the language suggests that prison is indeed possible. But max 12 weeks though.

This needs to be - without losing legal safeguards - a more speedy affair to make the feedback loop better. Maybe something more "administrative" like a GATSO ticket. Drive while disqualified, get spotted quickly, get an immediate penalty that will stop you driving e.g. tagging, car confiscation, maybe up to "remand in prison" if you're a repeat offender.

I'd hope we didn't leave people with their firearms after firearms offenses, or drugs dealers with their supplies pending their hearing?

hawkinspeter replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

chrisonatrike wrote:
hawkinspeter wrote:

[...] if they're involved in any incident then they'd be going to prison.

Agree. Implementation is also important. The current sentencing for driving while disqualified in the few examples reported here seems to operate rather like a "don't do it again, you're banned for longer this time" where it seems you'd be unlikely to warrant any prison. Even though again the language suggests that prison is indeed possible. But max 12 weeks though.

This needs to be - without losing legal safeguards - a more speedy affair to make the feedback loop better. Maybe something more "administrative" like a GATSO ticket. Drive while disqualified, get spotted quickly, get an immediate penalty that will stop you driving e.g. tagging, car confiscation, maybe up to "remand in prison" if you're a repeat offender.

I'd hope we didn't leave people with their firearms after firearms offenses, or drugs dealers with their supplies pending their hearing?

I'd say that getting caught driving whilst being banned should result in an immediate prison sentence if only for a week or so.

ktache replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Maybe tagging, curfew, and crushing of the vehicle.

chrisonabike replied to ktache | 2 years ago

ktache wrote:

Maybe tagging, curfew, and crushing of the vehicle.

Appropriate punishment of the car since from the "cars in houses" thread we know this is mostly the fault of those dastardly vehicles, the poor drivers were helpless.

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

At least if a driver is banned and continues to drive, they would be likely to take more care and be less aggressive as if they're involved in any incident then they'd be going to prison.

You'd hope. I'd like to be discussing this from the stats but I don't know if they even exist. We all know that society mostly doesn't consider most road offenses as "serious". Nor despite the stern legal language are they a police / court priority. Personally I'm (mostly) not so emotionally involved in a particular motorist having the book thrown at them but for anyone who thinks this has a "deterrent" / "behaviour modifying" effect then we need to check:

Rate of detection (a little tricky as how do you estimate things that aren't detected by the police), outcome (e.g. how often do the police do anything at all, or actually move this up the chain rather than "having words", "sending a letter" or cautioning), rate of charging and with what (CPS) and only after that can we consider the conviction rate and actual penalty.

Our article gives an example which suggests this is not effective:


I found that only one in seven motorists will go to prison and only 33% will be disqualified.

I would be more cautious if I had a penalty suspended. But letting go of my "3 categories of bad driver" e.g. the maelvolent, the indifferent and the (temporarily) incompetent (all of us, some of the time) I just wonder what if any measurable effect this has if it's not socially costly and the chances of any consequence are rather low?

Bishop0151 replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago

HoarseMann wrote:

The only problem with it, is the chance of getting caught driving without a licence is very slim. That goes for all driving offences mind you!

Until the probability of getting caught for a driving offence is improved, anything other than prison for a crime this serious does not seem like justice.

To enact lifetime bans for killing someone, we would have to overhaul the current laws and sentencing guidance. While we are doing that, it's possible to tackle this as well.

Increasing the chances of being caught without a licence is a police staffing issue, so is a little outside the scope.

Within overhauling the laws and sentencing, it would be relatively easy to add a specific offence of driving without a licence, after removal due to causing death. Make it an automatic prison sentence. It shouldn't be that difficult to flag permanent bans due to death, separatly to non death bans, with the DVLA.

Currently driving without a licence can often be a fine and points, on a licence that you don't have. I can see why it may seem worth the risk for some.

If it's an automatic trip to the magistrate within 24 hours, to be given 6-12  months. A lot more may think twice.


CStar replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago
1 like

While I agree with you and am equally frustrated, to all intents and purposes a 5 year ban and retest is effectively a lifetime ban, as my understanding is that no insurer will touch someone with this record with the proverbial bargepole. However, as we all know, not all drivers are insured  3

Tom_77 replied to CStar | 2 years ago

CStar wrote:

While I agree with you and am equally frustrated, to all intents and purposes a 5 year ban and retest is effectively a lifetime ban, as my understanding is that no insurer will touch someone with this record with the proverbial bargepole.

I think a driving conviction would usually be "spent" after 5 years or at the end of the ban, whichever is longer. So would not need to be declared to an insurer after this time.



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