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Boris Johnson, Tadej Pogačar and Taylor Swift are the same person, apparently... the problem with calling all cyclists 'Cyclists'

Is deploying the same noun to describe absolutely anybody who decides to make a journey by bike particularly helpful? George Hill has some hot takes

Yep, you're reading that right. Boris Johnson, Tadej Pogačar and Taylor Swift are the same person. They all believe the same things, behave the same way, and they even dress the same. I don’t know how nobody has noticed this before, when it is so obvious to anybody who takes three seconds to look through the comments on any provincial Facebook group as soon as the word ‘cyclist’ is typed. 

Jocelyn, a member of the same beloved local provincial Facebook that I am a member of, has noticed that " my experience [they] make their own rules up. Then if there’s an accident/incident, it’s everyone else’s fault, and they become abusive."

Meanwhile, the ever insightful Rob mentioned: "They normally just make there [sic] own rules up."

He has a point. Tadej is certainly rewriting the rules of professional cycling, Taylor Swift has changed the rules around ‘childless cat ladies’, and Boris likes to have parties during lockdowns, cheat on his wife etc...

Of course, this whole thing is ridiculous, and there is no equivalence between those three people. One is a billionaire musical phenomenon, one is the new Eddy Merckx, and the other is a disgraced ex-Prime Minister; however, across social media and often traditional media too, they have each ridden a bike. So they are all the same. 

They are simply ‘cyclists’...

Sure, but that’s just semantics right? That’s like when you call people who drive cars ‘drivers’, or anybody who travels to work as ‘commuters’? 

Except for some reason the ‘cyclist’ is not somebody who occasionally rides a bike. It seems to be deployed as a collective noun for wronguns. 

For instance, Councillor Alan Amos from Worcester knows for a fact that "cyclists routinely flout the law. Because cyclists don’t have any identification, they continue to do so with impunity and never get caught."

This is an unhinged thing to say. Not because there aren’t people who ride bikes that don’t flout the law, but because claiming that cyclists are some kind of homogeneous group that do this more than any other group shows not just ignorance of anything specific to cycling, but ignorance of the basic human condition. 

How could you possibly establish correlation and causation based on the type of vehicle somebody uses for transport or fun? I would make an educated guess that there are more sheds containing bikes than not in the UK today, so is Alan claiming that most people who own a shed "routinely flout the law"? Or is Alan somehow saying that these people are law-abiding unless they are on a bike? Somehow the process of turning your legs and propelling yourself via pedals and chains is a gateway movement to criminality.  

I am going to be honest here, I can’t see many similarities between the person riding around the Cotswolds on a £12k S-Works Tarmac SL8 and the teenager in Croydon doing a wheelie on a £20 mountain bike they bought off Facebook Marketplace. However, people like Alan want us to believe that there is equivalence. 

Perhaps I am being a bit mean to Alan though, because it’s not his fault. His mind has just been pickled by the media. 

There was an awful story from the end of September about a man who was riding a bike on a pavement. He was told to get off the pavement, so he stopped, got off his bike and punched the man who spoke to him, killing him. The fact that the bloke was riding a bike isn’t particularly indicative of him being more or less likely to have killed somebody, but this is how it was reported: 

'Cyclist, 23, punched 78-year-old to the floor and killed him after widower told him off for riding on the pavement' — The Daily Mail

'"Cyclists Are The SCUM Of The Earth” | Elderly Widower Killed By Cyclist' — Talk TV

'Cyclist killed pensioner in row over riding on pavement' — The Telegraph

'Cyclist killed pensioner with one punch after pavement row' — The Times

'Cyclist who punched and killed pensioner during pavement cycling row, before “cowardly” trying to flee scene, jailed for five years' —

This man riding a bike is important to the narrative of the story, but in the same way that a bank robber might use a car as a getaway vehicle, or how the Hatton Garden robbers used public transport to get to theirs. I don’t remember any headlines from the time along the lines of ‘Public transport users rob jewellery shop’. 

It is bizarre that we have the media (usually right-wing media in my opinion, but I note that even here on the word 'cyclist' was used to describe the perpetrator) trying to use a mode of transport as their defining headline descriptor to show whether somebody is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Imagine if the same thing happened with other forms of transport, it would make journalists look insane. 

As it stands, we just have people like Mike ‘you can grow concrete’ Graham spitting hatred and bile against cyclists, with some of his videos carrying titles such as 'Cyclists Are The SCUM Of The Earth' and '"Selfish, Sanctimonious And Untouchable!” Mike Graham And Howard Cox Furiously BLAST Cyclists'. 

With this unhinged level of hatred out there against people who are simply using a specific form of transport, it’s no wonder people like Alan, Jocelyn, and Rob have their brains pickled...

George is the host of the podcast and has been writing for since 2014. He has reviewed everything from a saddle with a shark fin through to a set of glasses with a HUD and everything in between. 

Although, ironically, spending more time writing and talking about cycling than on the bike nowadays, he still manages to do a couple of decent rides every week on his ever changing number of bikes.

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brooksby | 44 min ago

Don't the Dutch have different words for different "types" of people riding bikes?

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 26 min ago

...and 57 terms for different types of cycle infra?

Actually even the UK has several: "superhighway", "world-beating infra", "quiet routes", "national network"... oh, and the term that people who ride on it use which is "inadequate".

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 25 min ago
Shermo | 1 hour ago

We just need to form a religion then we can sue the **** out of the newspapers for discrimination based on our faith.

Perhaps The Church of the Everlasting Headwind?

mctrials23 replied to Shermo | 1 hour ago
1 like

We already have the velominati and its doctrine. I suggest we make it official. Just need to add some stuff in there to wind drivers up more. 

"Thou shalt only cycle with a sense of entitlement and for the sole reason to inconvenience god favourite children...the driver"

levestane | 1 hour ago

Can the same be said for the term 'pensioner'?

mitsky | 2 hours ago

Slight tangent here but relevant to news reporting...

The BBC and most other news sources are still refusing to refer to DRIVERS (in almost all reports) when writing about road collisions, rather they still say things like "... hit by car/bus..." etc.

There really needs to be a campaign by road safety advocates (and cycling groups) for all news sources to use the Road Collision Reporting Guidelines:

the little onion | 2 hours ago
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Apart from the lunacy of lumping ALL people on two wheels into one group (yeah, let's all unite against the common enemy - tricyclists), there is the insane amount of psychological projection going on. You can assert that cyclists are arrogant/contemptuous of the law/smug/entitled etc, without any reference to any kind of evidence. You just somehow know that the entire group is suffering from such a personality flaw.


It's like saying all train passengers are intrinsically sarcastic.

Oldfatgit replied to the little onion | 2 hours ago

It's like saying all train passengers are intrinsically sarcastic.

We *aren't*?

OldRidgeback | 2 hours ago

It's of note that on social media, those being insulting about 'cyclists' often have very poor spelling and grammar.

slc replied to OldRidgeback | 1 hour ago

Sometimes I think that too: maybe it is just a handful  (ok, a few handfuls) of phone-typing oddballs that see cyclists as a threat. But then I watch the first 45 seconds of this GCN video 

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