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Hello there my Silent Kickr V4, and Silent Kickr Core users or pending users. I've decided to make public a few niggles which some users have been having with Wahoo's latest Silent Kickr. These issues have been made public else where, I'm not the first and probably wont be the last.
The two common mechanical problems are knocking and a drone sound whilst using the turbo.
Knocking noise
The knocking usually occurs whilst varying pedalling power, either applying more or relaxing. This is caused by the bolt on the bottom pulley, not being tightened properly. It holds the pulley in place by way of a Woodruff key assembly, the Woodruff key is not an interference fit and has a little free play. If the bolt is loose or works loose then the pulley twists on the shaft causing the clunk.
See below the location of the bolt. The remedy is to undo the bolt apply a little more blue thread-lock paste and re-tighten properly(hand tight with Allen key, but not excessive).
Edit, I've heard that Wahoo are replacing the Woodruff key for one that is a tighter fit. I'll look into this and report back
Drone noise
This I tracked down after my belt was very squeaky after a turbo session and the drone noise appeared. I removed the belt to isolate the fault and found its in the main flywheel assembly. There is nothing you can do to remedy this fault if you've ridden the turbo at all from new- its a warranty return to the supplier or Wahoo.
I believe it's down to the belt tension being too tight. The belt can have only few few mm slack from new, but once slackened mine worked even upto 12mm of play (measured from cowling)
When you've ridden the turbo for a period the pulleys slightly expand and increase further the tension, this then damaged the bearings(flat spotting the balls and race)-once damaged that is it!
Listen here.
Remedy to both problems
I reckon there is a potential remedy to both problems, if you take immediate steps when your new Silent Kickr arrives.
Before you ride the kickr!!
Remove the side cowling, its held on with a variety of small screws and Allen bolts. Its very easy to remove to see the fully belt path and tensioner.
Remove the centre bolt and apply thread lock and tighten- this cures knocking sounds
slacken the belt tension off.
Loosen the the tensioner holding bolt on the plate and then with a 2.5mm Allen key wind anti-clockwise 5 full turns. Dont forget to retighten the lock bolt on the plate.
You could go more until you feel the belt slip on the bottom pulley- then apply just a little more tension to the point it doesn't slip. This will relieve the pressure on the flywheel bearings and remove the belt squeak.
Edit 12 October '18
This is my turbo now after belt tension has been reduced. The noise is still there but much reduced .
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Wahoo are sending out a modified key(wider tighter fit), new bolt and washer to those who request it. The kit is K118. It basically describes what I suggested to do but with new parts, hopefully clearing the clunk altogether.
You can request it from Wahoo.
Really good to know mate thanks for that.
Will they send it out if you ask just in case you need it or does your trainer have to be faulty 1st?
Have to say I’m surprised they’re doing this. Normally if you open it up they’d start banging on about your warranty being invalid.
I suggest you raise a ticket, supply your serial number after you've checked whether the bolt in the bottom pulley is a Allen head. If its black bolt, then the modification has been done.
They really didnt have an argument for looking inside the cowling. They supply belts for customers to change themselves- that involves removing the same cowling.
Had an email that Wiggle have now sent the replacement so will see how it goes.
If it starts playing up (which hopefully it won't) I'll ask for the kit.
Contacted Wahoo & they will supply the kit to me even though my trainer is OK initially.
Cheers for all your help mate.
I recently purchased a Kickr Core off of Wiggle. A week worth of use and the heavy knocking sound had kicked in. I contacted both Wiggle and Wahoo at the same time, sending a short video of the unit in use making the noise. Wahoo replied almost immediately to say they would replace the unit. I'm currently waiting to receive the replacement - fingers crossed it works as intended.
Exactly the same as my experience. I've asked them 3 times what the situation is with getting a replacement & either they can't read or just conveniently forget to see it & just bang on about how to return the trainer. I must've had the same generic return email 3 times rather than 1 that actually address my points.
Incidentally I didn't think Wiggle have ever stocked the Core?
It looks like Wiggle received a small supply of the units which went very quickly (the platinum discount meant that it was significantly cheaper than everywhere else). I bought mine a couple of weeks ago - now not showing on wiggle at all.
I contacted wahoo last friday and they had the unit collected from my house on Tuesday. If I receive the replacement withn a week of that I will be happy with their service.
Me too but they don't seem to want to commit to anything.
All they keep saying is their returns dept will need to inspect the item before they complete the return & this can take up to 14 days which simply isn't good enough. Wahoo have already said it is faulty so as soon as they have it back they should be sending another.
Fortunately in my neck of the woods the weather is OK so I haven't needed it but if the weather had been bad I would've been less than chuffed.
It's going to be interesting to see if Wahoo initiate a product recall, certainly the more I've looked around at this issue, the more it seems I'm in the very small minority of not having a problem...
Fingers crossed.
Don't know if it's just me but for the 1st time ever I'm having murder with Wiggle & getting a replacement unit.
Had to go to Wahoo 1st (even though I bought it from Wiggle so my contract is with them) to get a reference number which Wahoo gave me no problem.
Now Wiggle are saying I won't get a replacement until their returns team have inspected the item & won't give me a timescale as to how long this will take. Why on earth they need to inspect it when Wahoo held their hands up straight away & said "it's faulty, send it back" is beyond me.
Completely unacceptable for an item with a RRP of £1000 to be faulty straight out of the box & then having to jump through several hoops to get anywhere.
Appreciate this is a Wahoo issue & Wiggle aren't just gonna send me a new one before they have the old one back but thehassle it seems to be causing is ridiculous.
It is because so many are being returned and there isnt an official fixed solution- well there is, but Wahoo havent implemented it yet.
If you're being delayed ask for a full refund and buy something else.
Certainly considered that but I got it at the increased platinum discount price which is now unavailable & will be seriously considering getting a Climb probably next winter so I'm kinda stuck with it for now.
Good example of what you can do to improve the problem with your new kickr before/after
I have the Core and haven't noticed a knocking noise, but it does make a bit of an annoying high pitched whining noise when the flywheel is spinning very fast (i.e. quick cadence in a high gear on the bike).
It sounds very similar to the noise the Kickr 2017 makes in the spindown video on the Wahoo support site. I've fired off an email as I was under the impression that was exactly the noise that was supposed to have been eradicated in the 2018 line ups, including the Core. I'm wondering if this is related to the second issue in the OP, but I don't have the knocking noise and haven't tried removing the belt so not 100% sure if it's the same as the 2nd video.
Should the drivetrain be the loudest noise even when sprinting?
Having supposedly upgraded from the 2017 version I'd say the 2018 version is far better in terms of the "whine" noise the 2017 had. I didn't find it off putting if I'm honest, it was more other members of the family that did![](/sites/all/themes/rcc/images/smilies/21.gif)
The Core has a different bolt to the Kickr. The Kickr has a Allen bolt, whilst the Core has a larger faced bolt on the bottom pulley. I've not read anywhere that the core suffers from the loose bolt causing a knock.
The drone/vibration/machine gun sound has affected both the core and latest silent Kickr. Unfortunately once the sound has appeared, its pretty much too late to save it from being returned under warranty-the bearings are damaged.
I noticed initially that my belt became quite squeaky in operation on long rides 1+hours, then powder deposits under the Kickr where the belt runs. A few days later the drone appeared. Whilst the drone was at its worst, I removed the belt and thats when I could hear the sound whilst spinning the flywheel by hand. The belt before removing was very tight. I counted how many revolutions of the Allen key it took to remove the belt and put it back to the same point on reassembly. The noise was bad, so I decided to unwind the tension by the amount I described, checked the belt didnt slip and did another ride. The noise was much, much less. The drone sound does still come and go but is of a lower intensity. I will return the KIckr back to the supplier in due course. The replacement I will check the tension of the belt and that the Woodruff key is an interference fit before using the turbo. Hopefully Wahoo will have sorted these issues.
I wouldn't say that noise is a bearing noise, it's far more like something catching, but it could very well be to do with a bearing wearing/twisting allowing something else to come into contact, and slackening the belt has simply allowed things to move back and not make as much contact.
PolyV belts should be pretty tight, with only a few mm of deflection under reasonable pressure. The most accurate way to tension them is acoustically, and if you really wanted to geek out, find the Gates belt designer application, put in all the figures, and it'll even tell you the optimum tension, but you'll need a belt tension gauge to set it.
But for a rough setting on a belt that wide, I'd be looking to be able to twist it around an 1/8 to a 1/4 of a turn by hand on the long section.
No it's flat spotted the bearings due to excessive tension. The belt was like a drum, loosening tension has almost cleared the drone, but it's still there-damage done
Did you spot the belt problem by it being overly noisy?
Had ours for a week now and (so far at least) no issues at all from myself or SWMBO.
Mind you we're not exactly putting down big watts![10](
Me neither but as soon as you hit any kind of incline it starts.
For a prooduct that costs as much as it does it's not acceptable to have to faff about tightening bolts before it works as it should.
Got a Kickr 18 on Monday & it's made the knocking noise straight out of the box. It's fine when riding on the flat but as a soon as a gradient kicks in & there's resistance the noise starts.
Seen your solutions on another board & tried tightening the bolt but to no avail so currently contacting Wahoo for their views.
A bit unsure when I get my replacement as to whether I should be opening it up & tightening the bolt before I ride it. On the one hand if that fixes it then good but on the other why should I be paying £1000 for a premium product & having to fiddle with it to get it to work?
Only seems a few people affected by this, guess I've just been unlucky.
You know what I mean.....![yes yes](/sites/all/themes/rcc/images/smilies/4.gif)
There are quite alot by all accounts, dont forget that many will just be sending back for replacement. Mine has damaged bearings now, I will return it in thr new year. That should give Wahoo plenty of time to remedy these issues. I will dismantle and check the two weak points before riding my replacement Kickr- its ony a few screws to check and very simple design inside.
I will just keep sending it back until I get one that works straight out of the box.
Not sure Wahoo would encourage opening it up & as I said shouldn't have to anyway.
Quite surprised, everything I've got by Wahoo has been rock solid.
On a seperate note I notice after the increased loyalty discount of 17% had expired Wiggle removed Wahoo products from the offer so they are now full price for everyone.