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Drivers and their problems

A new catch-all Tea Shop thread for those miscellaneous new stories that don't quite fit with parking, crashing into buildings or trapped/prisoners in their homes. 

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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David9694 replied to Simon E | 2 years ago
1 like

Ambulances 'should get out of the way of school run drivers'

chrisonabike replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

Like the reversing driver who hit a dog which fell / jumped off a quad bike.  Running over pets is probably the one thing that would attract general condemnation.  Apparently not everyone though...

brooksby replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
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Love the bit where the mum says she thinks all fines should be cancelled to help with the cost of living crisis (even though she can afford to drive to McDonald's...).

OnYerBike replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

Obviously accessibility and equality are important, but I don't think the answer is that every shop and cafe needs a disabled parking space outside its front door.

For one thing, what about all the disabled people who can't drive? Only 55% of disabled adults hold driving licences, compared to 83% of non-disabled adults. [source]. Yes some of those non-licence holders no doubt rely heavily on other people driving them around, but in the case highlighted that would not help (they would still be dependent on their career's availability). 

I would suggest better and more accessible public transport - why does this person feel unable to use the bus service that still stops on Milsom Street? What about improving the "uneven" pavements so they are easier to use?

Furthermore, I don't know Bath well, but is the individual seriously saying there are no parking spaces within their walking distance of any cafe? The article mentions disabled parking on Quiet Street and New Bond Street, both of which have cafes on them. There's also a Broad Street Car Park which appears to have a short passage leading out onto Milsom Street (albeit not free parking). Or anywhere else in Bath? Maybe I'm cynical too, but it certainly seems to me like this person is using their disability as an excuse to throw a hissy fit about having their routine disrupted slightly. 

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

But if you put in an LTN then someone will immediately scream "pollution"!  I know people adapt to what is and it's only 'change' that we worry about but stuff like this grinds my gears.  It's apparently acceptable to have an entire city choking for years but if you make a small change for the better in one place and round the corner from there the nasty numbers go up...  Also said numbers may well come down in a month or two as drivers adapt.

Strangely it isn't all the people actually putting out that pollution who get it in the neck either.

David9694 replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Pub only accessible on foot or by boat, how ever do they survive? (Reply to Brooksby)

Simon E replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

David9694 wrote:

Ambulances 'should get out of the way of school run drivers'

It was a stupid place to put the ambulance hub in the first place! You would struggle to find a location that is is more difficult to reach the main roads and the majority of the town's population.

The £1.2million site, in a converted warehouse, was opened in 2013 is may be replaced: "Two new ambulance stations could be built in Shropshire as part of plans to replace ageing buildings." [Jan 2022]

Despite the headline, ambulances are far less of a risk to the 2,500+ kids (and staff) attending the local schools than the many car drivers who are too selfish and impatient to drive safely. Residents and councillors have been calling for parking restrictions and speed reduction measures for a long time but the council has repeatedly dragged its heels.

David9694 replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

Police hunt driver who mowed down and killed dog on pavement in Devizes

A 4×4 vehicle towing a trailer mounted the pavement near Prison Bridge on Bath Road at around 10.20am on Sunday 6 November.

During the manoeuvre, the pet – which was on a lead and with its owner – was struck. It was rushed to the vet for treatment but died shortly afterwards.

The driver of the vehicle stopped at the scene but failed to provide their details.

David9694 replied to brooksby | 2 years ago
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Cost of living: will someone please think of the car owners?

It's hardly "fast food" from the sounds of things - another example of drivers not being that short of time really.

chrisonabike replied to OnYerBike | 2 years ago
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I'd say there is an issue.  It's just that it's not new.  Whenever change is mooted those who are already ignored or marginalised get worried.  The little that they have may be lost and the makeshifts they've found will become impossible.  They've good reason for this.

This shouldn't be confused with the majority / the priveledged - those who've been quite content to let everyone else fight over scraps - suddenly coming out with selective concern.

All speculation of course but if you have a disability you will likely find it more difficult to get on and off a bus.  You may find it difficult to access the bus in the first place.  You've got to get to the stop (possibly an assault course for some).  If in a wheelchair or in poor health you might get much colder waiting around.  If it doesn't turn up (hardly uncommon) it's harder or impossible to get to another stop and harder to return home.

We all should be aware that despite legislation access to our public spaces is still difficult or impossible for some.  Plus for those with limited mobility, visual issues etc. crossing roads is even less pleasant and convenient.

The difficult part is how to provide very good alternatives for the vast majority (perfectly health drivers) AND reduce driving convenience for them without making things impossible for those with disabilities.  They are a small minority - but more numerous than current transport cyclists!

I do know this can be done and in a way that is much more enabling for more people than currently.  However it cannot be done without making changes which will make it less convenient to drive and park than it currently is.  Unfortunately demand from those without disabilities in that category will always swamp and disadvantage those who "need" a vehicle...

chrisonabike replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
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Is that why "Rufford Ford"?  People just trying to help out with "footfall"?

David9694 replied to Simon E | 2 years ago
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Thanks for some local insight. Had a whizz around on Google Maps.  I still struggle to see how or why the ambulance station is the problem in the locality.

wycombewheeler replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
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David9694 wrote:

Pub only accessible on foot or by boat,

Not true, I have cycled there.

David9694 replied to wycombewheeler | 2 years ago

It's either this or you cycled along a footpath and there are toppled pensioners strewn all the way back to Cookham.  

David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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It will need to generate some money to cover the installation costs of all those cameras and deal with all the many queries this will generate.

I'd suggest the approach taken by Parking Eye on this. 

What's your betting on "traders call on Mayor to delay CAZ because reasons" before D-Day? 

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

brooksby wrote:

Aren't there studies that show how much traders overestimate how many of their customers came by car and parked right outside / near their premises...

No it's well known that pedestrianised areas rapidly turn into ghost towns and all the shops go out of business.

brooksby replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

David9694 wrote:

Ambulances 'should get out of the way of school run drivers'

Several schoolchildren have been hit by cars in the area.

So - none hit by ambulances.

Although the ambulance service has no recorded incidents of its vehicles being involved in a collision with a pedestrian in three years, parents are concerned about the traffic chaos caused by cars having to mount pavements to let paramedics drive through on blue lights and sirens.

Did I miss a memo?  I don't remember anything telling me that I had to drive my car onto the pavement to get out of the way?

HoarseMann replied to OnYerBike | 2 years ago

OnYerBike wrote:

Maybe I'm cynical too, but it certainly seems to me like this person is using their disability as an excuse to throw a hissy fit about having their routine disrupted slightly. 

I suspect the crux of this matter is exactly as you state. Possibly one of those people wealthy enough to lunch regularly at The Ivy, yet too tight to pay for parking.

What this person needs to do is consider buying a mobility scooter. They would then have the freedom to negotiate Bath's unevenly paved pedestrianised areas independently.

hawkinspeter replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

David9694 wrote:

It will need to generate some money to cover the installation costs of all those cameras and deal with all the many queries this will generate.

I'd suggest the approach taken by Parking Eye on this. 

What's your betting on "traders call on Mayor to delay CAZ because reasons" before D-Day? 

They may well do, but I think the right to have air that's not over the legal pollution limits is more important than traders running old vehicles. The majority of vehicles (80% IIRC) won't be affected by the CAZ as they are sufficiently 'clean'. I know there's some fuss about the Portway being included as that will 'catch' vehicles that aren't heading towards the centre, but the air quality along the Portway is particularly dire.

wycombewheeler replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

that's why every shopping centre ever built has the access road right through the middle of the shops and parking spaces right outside. Because people love shopping around cars...

wait, hang on....

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

David9694 wrote:

It will need to generate some money to cover the installation costs of all those cameras and deal with all the many queries this will generate.

I'd suggest the approach taken by Parking Eye on this. 

What's your betting on "traders call on Mayor to delay CAZ because reasons" before D-Day? 

They may well do, but I think the right to have air that's not over the legal pollution limits is more important than traders running old vehicles. The majority of vehicles (80% IIRC) won't be affected by the CAZ as they are sufficiently 'clean'. I know there's some fuss about the Portway being included as that will 'catch' vehicles that aren't heading towards the centre, but the air quality along the Portway is particularly dire.

Isn't there a lot of fuss about how they moved the line over the Cumberland Basin, too, so that cars coming from south Bristol over the basin and then along the Portway toward the motorway will all be charged.  Means, I suspect, an increase in traffic using the A369 to get to the motorway...

David9694 replied to wycombewheeler | 2 years ago
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Marlborough as a shopping location is receiving all sorts of praise at the moment. It is very nice,  but would that be the same Marlborough that was infested by lorries before the M4 was built and is now as car-infested as it gets? 

If you got rid of 90% of the street parking, even if it was only on specific days, I'm pretty sure it would be a retail gold mine. 

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

brooksby wrote:

Isn't there a lot of fuss about how they moved the line over the Cumberland Basin, too, so that cars coming from south Bristol over the basin and then along the Portway toward the motorway will all be charged.  Means, I suspect, an increase in traffic using the A369 to get to the motorway...

Yeah, I was thinking of the Cumberland Basin when I wrote the Portway. There's also some concerns about when the Plimsoll Bridge is in use and vehicles are diverted into Bristol.

I'd much rather they just covered the whole of Bristol - why should we continue to put up with health issues caused by old, polluting vehicles?

Bmblbzzz replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:

brooksby wrote:

Isn't there a lot of fuss about how they moved the line over the Cumberland Basin, too, so that cars coming from south Bristol over the basin and then along the Portway toward the motorway will all be charged.  Means, I suspect, an increase in traffic using the A369 to get to the motorway...

Yeah, I was thinking of the Cumberland Basin when I wrote the Portway. There's also some concerns about when the Plimsoll Bridge is in use and vehicles are diverted into Bristol.

I'd much rather they just covered the whole of Bristol - why should we continue to put up with health issues caused by old, polluting vehicles?

This. Well of course, Bristol City Council doesn't actually cover the whole of Bristol, but... 

David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

When you mix a pedestrianisation with a string of iffy car parks, relief road with iffy underpasses and the local river, you can end up cutting your town centre off from its surrounds.  But if your business is offering something special or worthwhile, people will find it.
They can be a strange lot, shopkeepers, they seem to associate people driving past in their cars with actual trade. 

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

David9694 wrote:

Bristol Clean Air Zone drivers to be given six week 'offer' to avoid fines

The  "trial system" gives you 7 days to pay the fee, after which it turns into the much bigger fine.

The long term intention is that you have to pay in advance - perhaps the admin is simpler that way? 

Expect the usual driver bullshit on this soon. I'll say it again, you could hand-write "Petrol £1.30 a litre: this way⛽️" on a bit of old cardboard and drivers would know about it.

It bugs me that this has taken so long to get implemented. Bristol's air pollution has been above legal limits for years now and the CAZ has been kicked down the road until now which is particularly bad timing in terms of the cost-of-living crisis and recession. There's lots of accusations that the CAZ is just a money generator which to be fair, it is, but in reality motorists have been getting away with dumping polluted air around the city and not paying for the privilege.

I wonder how Bristol City Council will keep all the clean air in?   yes

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Yes, but as I have discovered when putting this forward to people, they just say "Yeah, well that's not [insert town/city/village] here"

David9694 replied to OnYerBike | 2 years ago

OnYerBike wrote:

Obviously accessibility and equality are important, but I don't think the answer is that every shop and cafe needs a disabled parking space outside its front door.

For one thing, what about all the disabled people who can't drive? Only 55% of disabled adults hold driving licences, compared to 83% of non-disabled adults. [source]. Yes some of those non-licence holders no doubt rely heavily on other people driving them around, but in the case highlighted that would not help (they would still be dependent on their career's availability). 

I would suggest better and more accessible public transport - why does this person feel unable to use the bus service that still stops on Milsom Street? What about improving the "uneven" pavements so they are easier to use?

Furthermore, I don't know Bath well, but is the individual seriously saying there are no parking spaces within their walking distance of any cafe? The article mentions disabled parking on Quiet Street and New Bond Street, both of which have cafes on them. There's also a Broad Street Car Park which appears to have a short passage leading out onto Milsom Street (albeit not free parking). Or anywhere else in Bath? Maybe I'm cynical too, but it certainly seems to me like this person is using their disability as an excuse to throw a hissy fit about having their routine disrupted slightly. 

Do you believe the person actually is as they claim?  I never cease to wonder at the narratives some drivers construct for themselves.

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

brooksby wrote:

I wonder how Bristol City Council will keep all the clean air in?   yes

That's what the hot air balloon festival is for

brooksby replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

My office window looks down on one of the roads along the edge of the zone (literally - the maps reckon that the zone ends on the other side of the road!) so it will be interesting to see how much difference the CAZ makes to volumes of motor traffic.


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