We’ve all been tempted to give an earful to a driver who does something stupid, but as this helmet cam video shows, drivers who don’t care about the road rules sometimes carry passengers who have short tempers and poor impulse control.
[Update January 27] Police have appealed for the rider involved to come forward so that they can investigate the incident in which the rider remonstrates with a driver and is subsequently punched and knocked to the ground. According to the Evening Standard, a police spokesman said they were keen to speak to the cycle rage victim should he want to report the incident which happened at around 9.15am on Thursday in Farringdon Road, London.
In the comments on the video, the helmet cam rider George 'Jude' Hill says: “I have reported this to the police, I am trying to find the cyclist as I tried to tell him I had it on video, but he looked pretty dazed. Need him to report the incident in order to get prosecutions. Could you all share this as widely as possible to try and find him?”
In the video you see a white Audi stopped just outside the advanced stop box of a junction in Farringdon. George stops just behind the box, next to the car, and two other cyclists ride past him into the box.
The driver of the Audi then drives into the box. A rider in a black beanie pulls back from the stop line and shouts at the driver that this is a cycle area. When the lights change, the driver accelerates quickly away.
The rider in the beanie comes past George Hill and follows the white Audi. He is seen shouting at the driver at the next lights, calling him a “F*cking prick” and saying something that sounds like: “You ran over my f*cking foot mate.” (It's unclear from the video whether that is what happened.)
Hill rides past the altercation and by the time he turns round a man in a white shirt is standing next to the car, in front of the angry cyclist. You see him apparently attempt to punch the rider and then shove him, pushing him off his bike.

There’s more angry shouting as the rider picks himself up and gets back on his bike. The man in the white shirt then gets into the back of the Audi.
George attempts to get the rider’s attention but he rides away, back in the direction he’d come from.
As George implies, without a complaint from the rider who was hit the police are very unlikely to take action, despite the video.
In May last year the Mayor of London's cycling commissioner Andrew Gilligan pledged to start enforcing advanced stop lines, using CCTV cameras to catch infringers. He reiterated the point in August and during last year's Operation Safeway road safety crackdown, over 1,000 fixed penalty notices were issued to drivers for contravening traffic signals.
But we’ll leave the last word to YouTube commenter Jon: “Be safe out there, cyclists! Remember that you're dealing with angry idiots in 2 ton metal death machines.”
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I've looked in my road, but haven't seen an Audi reg KW13CWA.
Has anyone else looked ?
The info could be useful.
Keep on looking.
Most of those "forces types" are trained to avoid those sorts of situations. Sure if backed into a corner they can deal with it but that's the last resort
Drivers think they own the roads and are constantly spewing out the "we pay road tax", "get out of my way and into the gutter" shit all the time.
So, stand your ground and swear/punch their cars/faces. They don't care about you or improving the drivet-cyclist relationship and sharing a shared resource. Fuck 'em all to hell.
Can't say I have a lot of sympathy for the rider.
A driver who makes a sudden and violent move into an ASL. What you have is an idiot who has very little regard for other road users. Cyclist then subjects car and occupants to an aggressive rant moving his bike dangerously close to the paintwork.
Whether the Audi went over his foot or not [the driver could not have known and it could be argued that the cyclist placed his foot in front of the wheel] the cyclist clearly pedals furiously to catch the Audi at the next set of lights and proceeds to continue the confrontation. Tempers are high and cyclist gets clumped. All rather predictable.
Riding in London I have developed the following survival guide.
1, Remonstrate from a distance as the other cyclist did.
Non-verbal communication is best - stare at them, give them a pitying look or a dismissive shake of the head and a sigh. If you must say something say it under your breath.
2, Let them go you don't want them anywhere near you.
3, Take a deep breath and pedal on. Put a bit more effort in and feel the tension melt away.
4, Don't bottle it up - you will make a mistake and then you will be the "bad cyclist".
5, When you get home put the footage on YouTube if you filmed it. Insurance companies pump in the reg. numbers of new customers and randomly input current customers.
Driver - twonk. Cyclist - twonk. End of story.
He (cyclist) was really spoiling for a fight. I was expecting some sort of Queensberry Rules fisticuffs to ensue and then they call it quits. If you're going to bellow at a motorist make sure you have an escape route.
We as cyclists need to push for traffic lights that give cyclists 10 seconds of green in advance of general traffic (and by that I mean anything with an engine - yes, you moped rider you know I mean you) like they do in Holland.
I had exactly the same scenario heading south from Tower Bridge last week in the evening. Racy guy in his Porsche Boxster annoyed by the cyclists that pulled into the ASL. He did the same thing, but didn't touch any of the cyclists. He then raced off as the lights changed.
I trundled along a bit later and waved at him as he sat in the traffic up front heading from the A2 towards the Elephant & Castle roundabout (those that cycle the route will know it is gridlocked).
It made me smile, and that was enough for me, as well as wonder why on earth anyone would want to drive in this congested city ... I spend 45 minutes each way on my commute and generally pass stationary traffic the whole time.
Cycling is a great stress-reliever for me, even in London. But (a big but) we all need to chill and let those stupid enough to sit in gridlocked traffic every day continue to do so.
When you aggressively pursue someone and shout obscenity's at them, you might get punched in your mouth. Illogical reaction with a logical conclusion.
Seems to me that this is a classic case of entitled motorist becoming resentful of cyclists 'in his way'. I say this because at the start the ASL box is clear and only when cyclists start to fill it does the driver decide to re-position himself clearly in an attempt to get off the line as quickly as possible.
Quite reasonably the cyclist calmly pointed out to the driver that he had now illegally entered a protected area and I imagine he would have been told to $$$$ off or similar before the driver stuck his foot down.
He didn't have his foot run over but it's obvious the Audi driver had complete contempt for the impromptu educational lesson and in racing off so aggressively and close it was hardly safe.
When he caught up he was understandably upset, we all know how often motorists behave dangerously around vulnerable road users and this constant exposure does heighten our personal sense of danger.
The issue is society at large has adopted an incredible and somewhat unique level of ignorance towards acceptable and unacceptable danger. When Michael Jackson dangled his son out of the window a few years back there was international backlash due to the danger he exposed the baby to. How many babies per year actually die from being dropped out of high storey windows anyway so statistically it's pretty safe.
Contrast Audi man in 2 tonnes of metal box accelerating to lethal speed in just a few seconds in partnership with the 'road tax' mentality and as the annual KSI figures show, year after sickening year, this is catastrophic but does not attract international protest.
The assault was just common thuggery. I would say there is no reason why the police should not seek prosecution for infringing an ASL especially given the fact it was already occupied and his efforts were clearly selfish and aimed at circumnavigating the protection cyclists so desperately need.
The assault is another issue and generally the police are reluctant to force a driver to reveal the identity of any passenger making the car an even more effective method of getting away with things that wouldn't wash in any other scenario.
I'd forward this to Boris and demand the driver is traced and prosecuted as a bare minimum as a test of commitment to protecting the vulnerable from those with no respect for an ASL.
Reality is the Audi driver has done it before, will do it again as he can get away with it and when he does go on to 'accidentally' kill someone it'll be yet another case of very avoidable tragedy.
The insurance companies should set up a portal to allow the public to submit footage of drivers. The current system of driving like a maniac all year with only blind luck stopping any number of deaths and injuries and then presenting to an insurance company as being a responsible individual is incredibly naive.
The Audi driver is clearly aggressive and unable to comprehend the immense risk to others that presents so it's only right his insurers are aware of how he actually drives on a daily basis.
two dicks. only difference is the number of wheels.
Probably the most telling thing is the number of thumbs down, on Youtube for this video. This sort of thing has always gone on, but portraying aggression is just making everything all the more polarised.
There are some seriously dangerous drivers about, plenty of dickhead cyclists too, and a growing number of videographers itching to publicise the growing conflict.
All I know is that despite actively choosing routes less likely to cause conflict, abstaining from cycle events that so obviously inconvenience other parties, obeying all traffic signals, slowing down in town (a concept apparently alien to many riders) and getting off and walking at junctions where the presence of cyclists (whilst perfectly lawful) clearly causes "issues", the animosity shown towards me and my family is increasing, and we believe this is happening because of this behavioural "arms race", fuelled in no small measure by the recording of incidents like these on social media.
I don't know what the solution is, but the escalation of this situation, portrayed on the screens of millions of peeps, some of whom will no doubt have a seriously bad attitude to cyclists already, is simply not the answer.
Hi to you all following this item. The passenger showed a very clear and wilful aggression towards the cyclist albeit the cyclist used a few expletives,nothing uncommon these days.
Well the driver certainly needs educating and possibly a fine and points for breaching a cycle-only box at the lights.
The registration number is no problem KW13 CMA was very clearly visible.
This is one case that like a murder that does not produce a body but still gets a conviction should be taken all of the way.
AFAIK, the Police do not need a complainant in a case of assault in a public place and prehaps we should all look back at this earlier article & the Police's response : http://road.cc/content/news/108852-police-appeal-leads-arrest-aggressive...
One rule for one?
Facebook Twat cyclists V Twat Car drivers Group.
Join, contribute, share and don't be a TWAT.
I am so glad I dont live in London. Hats off to you who cycle there, but the guy in the audi is the absolute cliche of the young, rich, selfish, pricks that I completely loathe. London seems awash with them, so I leave that shithole to such turds.
i wouldnt mind so much but they tend to leave the capital at weekends and spread their filth in the fairer parts of the country where the likes of me live.
That said, a more constructive response would have been to politely point out the error of the pricks way. Or cycle very slowly in front of him.
£40k's worth of car suggest that the man with the little dick has little man's anger management problems.
The Audi driver was plainly wrong, the cyclists behaviour was stupid and seemingly as a result of an adrenaline dump and the passenger is by far the worst of the three. There is a case for the police to intervene here.
Regardless I'm disappointed to see the confrontational remarks on here though it is somewhat understandable. Cyclists have very little recourse and the police seemingly treat us as second class citizens. This really feeds into the us and them mentality.
However I think that almost all media fuels this - the BBC made an awful contribution with the pseudo documentary "The War on Britains Roads", which practically invited viewers to choose sides - but should this be so widely reportedly the cycling press?
I always question why Road.cc makes these type of videos headlines on their site - the number of comments shows that it's clearly a popular piece but does it further the cause of cycling? I see far fewer articles about how to ride safely in traffic.
Perhaps it is valid to report on this but how often do you see a low level assault reported elsewhere without a bicycle involved? Clearly there are riders on here who have an ingrained hatred of cars, which is as dumb as a blanket hatred of cyclists - I suspect that the prominent reporting of these types of incident will only fuel that and maybe convert others as well.
I really wonder how much this divisive reporting plays into this type of incident.
*** Another bullshit topic for Jeremy Vine ***
If this video was posted on a non-cycling based website, I think 95% of the 'general public' would say the cyclist was to blame, daily mail readers might nudge that percentage up further
I wonder if the cyclist would have acted the same way if someone had accidentally spilt his pint in a pub......
The cyclist was actively aggressive, the car occupant passively aggressive. Either way, if the cyclist hadn't been so vocal none of this would have happened. Make your own mind up......
It strikes me as completely hypocritical by the powers that be and the mass media, that there is a complete uproar when some one calls someone a name on social media or cyber bullying. IMO what is this sort of action whereby vehicle drivers deliberately intimidate other vulnerable road users if it is not bullying.
It is time the Government, councils, court and the Police pull their fingers from out of their arses and start doing what we all pay them to do and that is to enforce the law and start banning these dangerous inconsiderate morons from the roads. I don't give a flying fig about whether you need your car to take your grandmother somewhere. Tough shit! A driving licence is privilege and not a right.
If I can be bothered to slow down and give pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists room and space on the road when I am driving then so can every other person out there driving a vehicle. As I have pointed out to people before it does not matter how much money you have, what car you drive you have no more rights than any other road user on the roads (Unless you have flashing blue lights going
I see the incidents reported on this site and have come up with the equation
London + car + angry cyclist - common sense = Disaster
Thank goodness I don't live or cycle in our nations capital!!
This appalling incident, and its likely contribution to increasing already polarised opinions has got me thinking.
I'm a realist, and so I'm not expecting much, but if, as cyclists, we stood together and conceded that riders who use the ASL as an opportunity to jocky for position to go straight on, and place themselves directly in front of vehicles that are also going straight on, are irresponsible tw@ts, then we might see some progress towards cycle acceptance.
I've argued for a line to be painted in ASL boxes, such that riders heading straight on do not place themselves in front of vehicles also heading straight on, leaving clear space for riders turning right, as originally intended, and, at least on this forum, almost all contributers appeared to want to continue with the current "massed start" comedy at every light, so admirably demonstrated in the video above.
If you're reading this, and you're a rider that sytematically places yourself in front of other vehicles, even though you're not turning right, you've got to understand that you are contributing to this dangerous situation, and dangerous drivers are going to take their frustrations out on the rest of us.
Rather than stick up for cyclists rights, all that diddy did was put every cyclist in that box in danger.
I think I might have lost it in those circumstances and completely totalled his car. Deserved it.
Yes I know it wouldn't help the case but!
The only thing the guy on the bike did wrong was shout at the driver - understandable but it doesn't get you anywhere. The ASL boxes are there to be used and motorists need to understand that they have no right to an unobstructed race across the junction but to let all cyclists set the pace safely.
If you want to make an impact use the law, be persistent and don't be put off by failure.
Ultimately the original "this is a bike zone" comment is where it should of stopped. But cyclist chased, which means planned, so he drew first blood. Cyclist fault, IHO. However no one deserves to be attacked.
But I will say that there is a perception by many non cyclists (it was blatantly obvious the passenger wasn't an exerciser, but he did obviously have a penchant for eating) that most if not all cyclists are puny little mountain goats, and for that reason they are easy targets. The funny thing is, is that I am a former competitive bodybuilder of 9yrs, my in season weight was 14st and 8-4% body fat off season 16st at 5'8". Now a few years later I am 12.6st. 8-10% body fat for most of the year, 6-7 during the sportive season, my point is, I am still a lump muscular wise I have retained my shape just smaller and in cycling kit I look twice the size, I have a military tattoo on my arm 2ft long of a dagger a ancient warriors helmet on my right calve plus a full arm sleeve on my right arm of a warrior theme and my units cap badge on my other calve, funny thing is no CAR driver has ever gobbed off at
me in 20yrs of riding, ohh one did a few years ago but then jumped back in his car when he saw I wasn't a Quintana. Funny isn't, choosy bunch some men aren't they, oops sorry ment cowardly when they can see you can bite back.
There is no excuse for a physical assault. None.
Why can't they investigate by locating the vehicle and where it is registered too and putting pressure on the driver to name the passenger? or do they want to prosecute the rider only?
Seriously, what we have here is knob-end aggressively confronts knob-ends and gets twatted for it.
Totally agree with the above. BUT we have all faced many motorist who act dangerously and this time illegal as well.
He should be fined for driving into the cycle box and as an assault is also illegal whatever the provocation this must be acted upon.
Come on the Police - and take action - now!
Agree with most of the posters on here who see this as two aggressive individuals..
If you shout and swear aggressively at someone you are likely to end up in physical conflict and you should be prepared for it.
That said, if he really did run over his foot then yes you'd be forgiven for getting angry. But I don't think that actually happened especially as he got up and cycled away
Complete apathy from everyone around !
Majority of people just looking & putting hands over their mouths, "oh my god" jokers.
If you see something wrong Go & do something!
The guy in the beanie was looking for a reaction by the way he reversed his bike up to the guys window in the 1st place. He could've quite easily have placed his bike on the floor in front of the audi to stop him from riding off & called the police.
Likewise all the other 5 or 6 cyclists could've also helped.
where's this "cycle community" I keep hearing of?