Police in Lancashire are searching for a rider wearing Team Sky kit who allegedly assaulted another cyclist in Preston.
Lancashire Constabulary say that last Tuesday 3 June at around 6pm, there was a collision between two cyclists on Preston’s Guild Wheel route.
One of the riders, on what is described as a carbon fibre road bike that is dark grey in colour [which rules out a team issue Pinarello Dogma – Ed] then assaulted the other, police say.
The 20-year-old victim is said to have been sworn at then put in a headlock and punched twice in the head, causing him to fall to the ground.
He got back to his feet, but as he tried to ride away, the other man – described as “white, around 20 years old, six feet tall, of stocky build and clean shaven with blond hair” and speaking with a local accent – pushed him to the ground, resulting in a broken collarbone.
Police say the alleged assailant was wearing a dark grey cycle helmet, a Team Sky jersey, and black shorts.
PC Nicola Jackson said: “This was a nasty assault which has caused the victim serious injury.
“If anybody has any information about this incident or thinks they recognise the description of the man involved then please contact us.”
It was not reported whether the Team Sky jersey in question is the current Rapha version, or its adidas predecessor.
Police can be contacted on 101 or anonymously via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Earlier this year, we reported how Peter Ward, the man who helped devise the Guild Wheel cycle route, had criticised “poser” cyclists who use it to try and set fastest times on Strava segments.
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You don't have to wear team kit to be a wanker - plenty of those everywhere these days - and wearing it doesn't transform you into one either.
Perhaps the people who make up pathetic rules about who is allowed to wear team kit have forgotten that they don't own the sport.
To all the team/world champ kit wearers I say: just enjoy it, and ignore the petty moaning by a miserable few.

Finally a good reason to wear Sky kit, total anonymity. Though this guy wasn't a Full Kit W***er as he only had the jersey. I must remember not to assault anyone whilst wearing my sky blue Gerolsteiner kit with immaculately matching bibs, socks and mitts (narrows it down to one of 65 million.)
it's interesting that the brand of clothing the alleged attacker was wearing is referred to in the headline; I've never seen 'bank robbbed by man in marks and spencer jumper' or 'old lady mugged by youth in nike trainers' for instance
lol i think bank robbers get their kit from top man...or is that just for the court appearance..
This is what happens when you take too many PEDs.
"Police say the alleged assailant was wearing a dark grey cycle helmet, a Team Sky jersey, and black shorts"
That wouldn't be full kit then. Rather, a Sky jersey And Other Stuff.
I wonder if the fight went something like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDFQQseeslg
I doubt he will be caught, too many people wear the sky team kit these days for him to ever be discovered.
Although it does now give us all the right to go up to anybody wearing team Sky Kit and say " Where were you on the evening of the 3rd June around 6pm ?" "Do have proof ? "
Some nobbers drive cars, some nobbers ride bikes...
many nobbers do both.
In every sport you find thugs and wankers. The description isn't much to go on really (grey carbon bike and Sky kit) but surely the guy that was assaulted can help come up with an e-fit that can be circulated.
Angry young man, channel your energy into just riding your bike if you must but don't allow that energy to become negative aggression or you'll regret it.
I hope you are thinking about your actions now and how bad for cycling they were.
Imagine if the seriousness of open aggression against riders by motorists was taken as seriously as this seems to be....oh wait.
Did the rider have a inhaler too? got to complete the look....
A cyclist in the UK wearing Sky kit, wow, that narrows it down a bit
"It was not reported whether the Team Sky jersey in question is the current Rapha version, or its adidas predecessor."
And of course without that vitally-important information there's not much that can be done to investigate further.
Bernard ... What bloke
Come on, victim, this really matters to us at road.cc – why weren't you paying attention?
Not very keen on the expression "fellow cyclist". That's the kind of talk used by those who deduce that because one cyclist ignores red lights all cyclists do so.
Has a sport become too popular when the thugs start joining in?
This can be useful for tracking people - if both on Strava
the badger forever!
I wonder what title he gave that ride on Strava.
'kin 'ell.
Some days you just can't help but think 'we're doomed'.
Was the victim wearing full Tinkoff Saxo kit?
full kit w@nker
yeah maybe it's my age but I'm with Rule #17 on this.
Rule #17 // Team kit is for members of the team.
Wearing Pro team kit is also questionable if you’re not paid to wear it. If you must fly the colors of Pro teams, all garments should match perfectly, i.e no Mapei jersey with Kelme shorts and Telekom socks.
Though I have to say I'd end at the first full stop.
Rule #17 // Pro Team kit is for members of the team.
You pay for it, you wear it, it supports the team, so if you wanna follow the rules, fuck off back to golf, they have shitloads.
Rule of Cycling: STFU and ride your bike...
Spot on.
There's a lot more idiots riding bikes these days.
You sound like another angry type we can do without in our sport!