There's a lot of sportives you can do these days, but this one looks like it'll be popular: Velothon Wales offers you a 120km route through South Wales on closed roads, and when you're done you get to hang around and watch the Pros have a go in a UCI-sanctioned road race on the same roads. The date of the event is set fo 14 June 2015.
There are a number of Velothon events around the world organised into a series, the Velothon Majors. There are currently rides in Vienna, Berlin and Philadelphia with the Berlin Velothon attracting 14,000 participants and some big names too: Marcel Kittel and Andre Greipel have both won the Pro race in Germany.
The Welsh event has a capacity of 10,000 for the sportive; there's a shorter and less hilly 50km loop or the signature 120km ride that takes in Caerphilly Mountain and the Tumble, where there will be a timed King of the Mountains challenge. The Pros will do essentialy the same course but with multiple laps of a Tumble/Caerphilly loop before returning to Cardiff.
Velothon Wales’ Race Director Roland Hofer said: “We know there is a huge appetite for world-class cycling events, particularly in light of Ride London where over 80,000 people entered the ballot for the 2014 event.
“Having worked as Race Director for Velothon Berlin since 2009, I am hugely excited to be part of the team that will be delivering Velothon Wales. Each year Velothon Berlin attracts a stellar elite field which, combined with thousands of participants taking on the exact same route, creates a truly memorable day of cycling. We are looking forward to Velothon Wales emulating its success in every respect.”
Fancy it? It's £55 to enter (£40 for the 55km route), but if you're quick you can get 20% off that. There's currently a pre-registration window open on the Velothon Wales website: you can stick in your details and you'll be notified when booking is live. Use the code ROADCC to bag yourself a big discount. There are 2,000 discounted entries available which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis when priority booking is open.
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Has anyone heard anything about a closed road sportive in South Wales next year?
Keep going @Endymion @TomWilliams this is just too funny

Hey honey, it's good to see you came back!
Ok yeah, maybe it was me that posted as Tom Williams, then logged on as my usual self to have a go at him (not sure why, but hey-ho), then you jumped in all chivalrous and wasted the best part of a week on a non-argument! I like it.
Quite how I managed to persuade you to create a username linked to the username of the Tom Williams persona is anyone's guess...
So, how about we meet up and compare alter-egos?!
No-one has admitted anything, it was a suggestion of what madness emanating from your warped little mind might have kicked this off.
And so you write more illiterate gibberish.
Funny how you think it is ok for you to imply the offensive post was made by a specific, elected representative without any evidence whatsoever. Then not content with such irresponsible behaviour, you try to suggest that it was me who posted the offensive comment because I challenged your ridiculous claim.
'Warped little mind' you say. If anyone does have a 'warped little mind' it is you.
Is anyone else reading this in an Alan Partridge voice?!
Endymion, why do you keep coming back? What outcome are you hoping for from this? Can you let your alter-ego log on for a bit? Let's see if Tom can cram any more swear words into such a short comment as previously.
Love and kisses
I still can't for the life of me see a comment that could offend this "Tom Williams" chap quite so much!
That said, it's rather amusing that he has clearly accidentally created an account and posted using his real name, then created a second account to back down from his rather ridiculous initial post. Unless of course it is pure coincidence that the second account joins the site minutes after his first one, only posts in this thread and is incredibly defensive in tone.
To throw more fuel on the Tom conspiracy theories, his suspected second user name, "Endymion" was the name of an 18th century warship commissioned by a, you guessed it, Captain Thomas Williams!
Maybe what happened then was that he created an account using a name from 18th military history just because that's one of his interests, posted a foul-mouthed tirade (possibly even in the wrong thread, since it's really not obvious what for), I put 2 and 2 together and got 5 by suggesting he's a present-day Tom Williams, he then realised that he'd inadvertently directed my suggestion at that poor chap, but rather than repost and apologise for losing his rag or just telling us the origin of the user name and why he was angry, creates a second account and spends the next 5 days back-pedalling!
I know I shouldn't keep replying, but it's like one of those silly arcade machines with the sliding trays that push the pennies onto the level below - it's pointless and it'll eventually wear you down just because it never stops, but it's strangely addictive so you keep playing!
Nice try, but at long last you admit your wrong in falsely implying that the original offensive comment was made by a current member of Caerphilly council.
As for your latest suggestion, that I created a separate account and posted under that name, I think that does indeed prove your new baby has frazzled your thinking!
But the fact remains, the only person who tried to link the stupid, offensive comment to a current elected representative, without any evidence at all was you.
Maybe we need not look any further than you, as the origin of the comment?
Endymion this is too funny. Nobody has admitted they are wrong, as much as you would like them too.
Back on topic
What average speed would a person need to take part in this event.
Thank you
Good question, given that the elite race has to pass through afterwards. I think that you'd need to ask the organiser. I know from experience that an average of 16mph is fine normally, but when I'm in parts of Wales the different terrain can pull it down to as little as 12.
I hope so, I reckon he could teach me new swear words.
Is Tom coming back?
@endymion, a little reminder
"For your information, my name is not Tom, I ride several hundred miles a week"
Nice rides by the way
So despite all the qualification in my posts, and the unequivocal wording in yours (despite you having no links to the council chap in order to know for sure), it's me that's making the assumptions?
I at least had reasons to speculate in the way I did (name, involvement in a related job role, geographic area, reason for taking offence, reason for swearing and presumably behaving out of character etc); you have none other than to suggest that politicians are pure in nature, and to bluster along about what a disgrace I am.
As an aside, I can't help noticing that someone who uses words like 'traduce' really ought to know the meaning of 'several'. (Clue: 2 doesn't qualify)
If I thought any of my clubmates knew my userid on here, I'd think you were one of the lads winding me up.
And still you go on... This time with even more misrepresentations. At no time have I said that 'politicians are pure in nature'. All I have set out is why no responsible, elected representative is going to sign up here and post under their real name an offensive comment of the type posted above. That is the gist of this argument.
I don't think you understand the nature of the job or the responsibility that goes with it, otherwise you would not rush to suggest an identity for the poster without being certain.
As you have been so quick to believe the name of the poster as genuine, then surely it is fair to be as quick to accept the location he put down as also true? And that 'fact' would make it impossible for the abusive poster to be who you inferred it was.
You've gone on quite enough about how it isn't even possible for an elected representative to make such a comment (why, have they no fingers?), I'm not even alone in pointing that out.
You evidently do "understand the nature of the job [and] the responsibility that goes with it". Can I just call you Tom?
Like gizmo, I also wonder whether your IP addresses are the same. Your use of language feels like a deliberate use of nice words to distance yourself from the nonsense spouted by Tom (that would be under your other user account).
As regards the "gist of your argument", if you actually think that responsible people haven't made the mistake of venting off using the web or social media then regretting it afterwards when they realise that their comments are immortalised and attributable to them, then you're more deluded than you sound.
Again you dress up your assumptions as fact. And now you seek to suggest that I am the original poster. You are getting more ridiculous with each post.
For the record I have one account..this one. And I too, would have no objection to having the IP addresses revealed. Such action would likely reveal far more about you than anything you allege about me.
As far as the post that all this stems from, that certainly doesn't appear a mistake, rather it seemed a deliberate offensive remark. Compounded by you trying to attribute it to someone without any evidence or foundation whatsoever.
As you know, the poster was based in London (if his name and location are to be readily believed) so how can he possibly be a member of Caerphilly council?
Perhaps he Caerphilly tried to throw us off track? ba-da-boom! No? OK.
But I liked Tom, he's funny. When you next bump into him, could you ask him to post again? Not before he's had his medication, of course.
What would be extremely interesting of course, is if's server logs held the IP address of posters.
I wonder...
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
@endymion: I just had a bit of a think about this - there are, I think, fewer than 10 people in the world to whom I would suggest that it is 'not possible' for them to make the comment by Tom Williams - all of them I know well (my wife, mum, dad, some of the inlaws etc)*. So are you massively angry because it's your dad or something? That would be understandable, at least, particularly if, for example, he’s so mild-mannered that you've never even heard him swear, or he's computer-illiterate and can barely use Windows.
And so you continue your nonsense and stupid assumptions.
The point and fact still remains. To assume an illiterate post was deliberately made by an elected representative was not only irresponsible of you it was quite disgraceful.
I have no link to the person you sought to traduce, and like you have every right to comment.
I, unlike you though, do not search through the net to find someone by the name given, in order to make false assumptions and write them down as fact.
I see no 'assumption' - there is plenty of qualification in the replies made to you - and I can't see where it was stated that the two Toms were "likely" to be the same as you stated repeatedly... at least that been dropped in this post. Anyway, sorry about the interruption, back to the funny stuff please you two.
Sticking to cycling Endymion, out of curiosity, what is your chosen steed to rack up those several hundred miles a week ?
I have two. An old Scott Speedster and a Cube Agree GTC Race. And most weeks throughout the summer months I tend to ride around 150 - 200 ish miles a week sometimes more. My riding mileage has not any relevance to the comment I was responding to.
This is starting to get good now.
"And now your assumptions continue as you suggest that my name is Tom"
Blimey, there's no room for humour with you is there? I bet you're a right laugh at a party.
Ok, so we have:
- Obscene raging personal attack from Tom.
- Suggestion from me that Tom may actually be a specific Tom with connections to the event - this is prompted by his very, er... passionate comment which he felt sufficiently strongly about to go to the trouble of creating a user account. The tone of his comment also suggests he was angry, and people have done far dafter things than create a userid with their own name when having a bit of a rage. I also acknowledge that I may be 'completely wrong'.
- You also feel sufficiently passionate about this to go to the trouble of creating a user account.
- You then put up the kind of unequivocal defence that most sane people would reserve for people they know personally, infering that the council chap has what must be, what, nigh-on unimpeachable integrity? (Just look at the JTL article - the general consensus had been that he was clean, but in this sport you learn that people can disappoint you).
- You attack me personally ("stupid" etc).
So what's your involvement? Do you know Tom? How do you know it wasn't him? There's evidently no chance of you being 'completely wrong', is there? To say its unlikely that it's the same Tom is entirely plausible, but to say it isn't 'possible' is stronger than I'd use for someone I didn't know.
All this typing must be impacting on your riding - those several hundred miles a week won't ride themselves...
(Is it just me, or are you enjoying this too?!)
Given that his only three comments on are in this thread, a cynic might conclude that Endymion and Tom Williams were one and the same, or at least closely associated.
You never see 'em in the same room together, do you?