Ikea is not normally our favourite place but last time we were there we walked out with something altogether snazzier than flatpack furniture – co-sponsorship of a professional racing outfit Team Planet X – road.cc. Nice.
Getting a team was the easy bit though now comes the altogether tougher challenge of kitting them out with some dapper jerseys that'll make 'em stand out in the peloton (no race radio in the Premier Calendar or Tour Series this year) and on TV and that all their soon to be legions of fans would be happy to wear too.
That's where you all come in, we've had the digital colouring kits out and we've come up with some designs, we think we've got a winner – that's it up top. It's been mahyem* getting to this point so… we'd like to run it past you lot first. After all we've always said road.cc is a club – that's what the .cc is there for so – tell us what you think.
The jerseys here are our final shortlist in descending order, but check the gallery to see the longer list – click on the gallery pics and comment on the ones you like – Planet X may make more than one team jersey… some of them in wool too.

This one riffs on the old del tongo Colnago jersey. A big favourite with Planet X boss Dave Loughran - cos it reminds him of when he was 18.

We liked the del tongo vibe too, but in blue… don't tell Dave.

Taking an all together more Belgian inspired turn of direction is this daring little green number.
Stepping away from the retro theme this one is sure to stand out in a crowd or a sprint for the line. Runs the blue jersey a close second in these parts.
We'll be talking a lot more about the new team in the coming days and weeks introducing you to the riders and their bikes… some sort of Planet X we're guessing. When you pop in to IKEA for some meatballs, sponsoring a racing team is not usually high on the agenda, but now that we've got one we're going to enjoy it in new and different ways, and we're going to share that fun around.
So, which one's your favourite jersey?
*Expect some exciting Mayhem based news in the very near future.
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I like No.9, 6, 4 and No.8 in that order.
Love retro9b and the Del Tongo one!
Personally I wouldn't go for Champions stripes of any country on the sleeves/collar. You need to earn them
I'd vote for / buy the retro 9 or dev2
Stripes are wrong round to be GB national champion, which would be blue nearest cuff, red furthest away
The green Retro4 would be perfect if it had red white & green bands on the collar and sleeves (i.e. Welsh and Italian colours) but it's still my fave. The blue Retro 9 is nice too - in fact most are good except for the Paisley ones [i]and especially[/i] the psychedelic bubbles.
I like DEV 3 the best, classy uncluttered and if pushed for a secomd would go for Retro 7 on the same understated lines.
Thanks Pete,
but I think Mr Loughran at Planet X has plans on the jersey production front
I'm liking Retro 9 - though not sure about the tricolour on the sleves as it does seem to suggest a national champ. Maybe an argyle pattern around the sleeves would be a nice subtle Roadcc twist?
ps the del tongo looks more crash test dummy to me.
Like the way you're thinking their - yeah I agree the whole national champions thing is a bit of a can of worms really as JJ the Flying Dutchman said you gotta earn them, he should know…
The 3rd one looks good but a updated one of these
would be better.
Unfortunately we don't have official crit champs in the Netherlands, would have a better chance with them than racing against the likes of Robert Gesink, Karsten Kroon, Johnny Hoogerland etc....
Wouldn't mind a Dutch flag on my bike though, to show the roots
In my opinion 9b wouldn't have that problem, those colors might be the same as the Luxembourg flag (who can name any riders from Luxembourg anyway
), but they are upside down and don't look like 'wannabe' champion as it's just part of a great design.
No problems as such with the Del Tongo design!
Last point for today, guess the bike design might influence what kit design would look best as well?
good point JJ.
I'm guessing a black bike will go with anything… pink might clash a bit
I'd go for Retro 8 followed by dev 7 IF, you lost bubbles on the shoulders. My mate wants green, white & orange, but then she is Irish
I would avoid yellow as it can clash with leaders jerseys in races and white as will be hard to keep that way.
The argyll themes one's look nice, certainly nicer then Garmin-Transitions.
My favourite has to be the green with red band, Mayo GAA colours, how could I possibly not buy one.
As others have said would be nice to have one that is not the same as a pro teams and also looks good with plain black shorts.
Retro 4 4 me
"ikea isn't normally our favourite place" ...??
yes it is - you go there all the time
I like Dev7 because its slightly different, the rest look much of a muchness to me
/wades in/
i'm going to dismiss all of the designs with the white band going across the chest, there's too much of that whole 'retro' vibe going on at the moment, it's not big, it's not clever and it's boring
Dev6 looks like the junior champion of some minor eastern-european state, Dev2 looks costco american champion and Dev7 is on drugs
i'm going to agree that there needs to be some kind of reference to the plaid of the existing jersey to maintain some sort of 'brand' coherence
in which case we can dismiss the two black/blue ones because they're too Discovery and plump for Dev5 with maybe some subtle tweaking
retro9 or dev8
Dev 8 for me. Also need to stay away from sky blue else clash with Cycle Premier-Metaltek-Basso
Dev 8 for me, with Retro 6 a very close second.
Gutted - I just looked at the 'recent comments' list, and thought this was happening now! Road.cc sponsoring a pro-team? Woohoo!
Oh. Right.
dev8 does it for me
I quite like DEV7, but you'd need pink bikes to match.
Surely there is a serbia and montenegran tilt in their for those sleeves too? I do like the top though and how the road.cc band stands out (which, lets face it is the most important thing)
Update - our first choice was retro 9, newly installed up top. Are those sleeves French, Dutch or British? We've got two Dutch guys on the team - so we're going the Anglo- Dutch route.
I still have a Del Tongo top
/wipes away small tear
And the wool shorts. More tight than retro, if truth be told. But not an inch on the wastline mind.
For that reason I vote yellow through to the next round.
...that blue is bob on for another team from the 80s too. Anyone?
dev3 looks good for a re-run of the road.cc jersey - if it was in merino or sportwool I'd definitely have to get one...
will the planet x/road.cc team be following suit and sport 'guards as well