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New Forest plans to use 'rural Boris Bike' grant to repair roads damaged by cars instead

Money for hire bike scheme to be used for resurfacing, and facilities outside park

Local cyclists have slammed the New Forest National Park Authority's (NFNPA) proposals to redirect some of a £3.57 million grant for cycling facilities into road maintenance and funding facilities outside the park. The Department for Transport money was intended to support the first rural Boris Bike-style hire scheme and a family cycling centre, but NFNPA now plans to spend it on resurfacing roads and other projects with only the most tenuous connection to cycling in the New Forest.

The proposals, dubbed 'Plan B' by local riders, have been hastily drawn up by the NFNPA after it voted to axe the original scheme because of local opposition.


The largest proposed expenditure will go on repairing the edges of a six-mile section of road in the forest, Rhinefield Drive. The NFNPA says it will spend £1,275,000 to "‘cycle proof’ an important on-road route through the centre of the National Park. Upgrade road edges on both sides (without road widening), creating a consistent, high quality surface for cyclists to access this key scenic route through the heart of the National Park."

Critics of the plan say this is using cycling funding to repair a road damaged by motor vehicles.

New Forest Cyclist, a local cyclist and prolific tweeter who founded a petition to save the hire bike scheme, says: "I cycle this road regularly, and this proposal is not needed or wanted by cyclists. It will only benefit drivers, who will be able drive faster on this road once it has been improved or widened, and it will not increase cycle trips, so it simply doesn't deliver the DfT's stipulated outcomes."

He points out that the DfT's grant is intended to be used for capital projects while this is road maintenance, and he casts doubt on the NFNPA's claim that the repairs will not widen Rhinefield Drive. "Road widening by stealth" is a big issue in the forest, he says. "The damage caused to this road has been done solely by motorists, why should cycling funding be used in this way?"

The NFNPA also plans to spend money on two other projects that are arguably resurfacing and maintenance work, rather than meeting the DfT requirement for ideas that demonstrate a "high quality of scheme design and innovation".

Replacing gravel with, er, gravel

The national park will spend £140,000 resurfacing 16 miles of Forestry Commission gravel roads, replacing the current loose gravel with "a more compacted path gravel surface".

"This will not lead to an increase in cycle trips, or an increase in number of cyclists," says New Forest Cyclist. "The gravel track network is currently very disjointed and of negligible benefit to cyclists."

Another maintenance project that has been rolled into the plan is the resurfacing of the A35 Lyndhurst to Ashurst cycleway. The £700,000 track was opened six years ago and the authority now plans to spend £130,000 "upgrading" its surface.

The NFNPA says DfT approval has already been granted for this expenditure, which is curious as it's hard to see how this amounts to capital expenditure and not maintenance. It's also not clear if the necessary permission has been obtained from Natural England and the often vociferously anti-cycling New Forest Verderers.

New Forest Cyclist describes using this path as "terrifying" as the narrow grass strip between the path and the A35 puts cyclists "inches away from HGV's travelling at 60mph in the opposite direction". It also appears to be substantially narrower than the DfT's recommendation of 2.7m for a bidirectional path.

Extra-park activities

Most bizarrely, the NFNPA proposes to spend £300,000 on a project outside the boundary of the national park.

A few miles west of the New Forest, Moors Valley Country Park and Forest is an adventure park with a narrow gauge railway, golf course and Go Ape activities including zip-wires and Segway rides. Moors Valley doesn't charge entry, but four hours' parking costs £7.80 in the summer peak.

NFNPA intends to give £300,000 of the DfT's money to Moors Valley to develop its Family Cycling Centre. The authority says this "would provide higher quality experiences for a wide range of cyclists. Moors Valley intend to upgrade and expand their on-site cycle centre; improve their range of specialised routes for mountain bikers of all abilities; expand their inclusive cycling offer; and increase cycling education/taster opportunities for children and novices.

"While this is not within the National Park it is immediately adjacent and has good cycling and public transport links."

New Forest Cyclist disagrees. He says: "Moors Valley plays a role in keeping cyclists out of the National Park, but the DfT guidance's for this grant was all about increasing cycling within the park."

He also questions whether Moors Valley even needs the money. "Moors Valley is a commercially viable visitor attraction, operated by East Dorset Council and the Forestry Commission, funded almost entirely through car parking charges," he says.

He also questions the NFNPA's mention of Moors Valley's "links". "Nearly 100% of visitors drive there," he says. "It has no cycling links to the New Forest whatsoever."

Unlike the original plan for a hire bike system and the Brockenhurst Family Cycling Centre, the NFNPA's 'Plan B' proposals have not been subjected to any public consultation, and even a cursory glance at the proposal for those schemes and NFNPA's Plan B shows the latter to be half-baked at best.

New Forest Cyclist tweeted this morning that he had just attended a NFNPA meeting to discuss Plan B. There were, he says "constant member referrals to their parish/district/county council roles."

This failure of NFNPA members to understand their role is to manage a national asset and not pander to the objections of a small number of vociferous locals seems to be at the heart of the New Forest National Park's issues with cyclists.

New Forest Cyclist says: "As a local cyclist I'm quite simply sick to my stomach that a clearly 'anti cycling' local authority is now seeking to spend valuable cycling funding on schemes that will either only benefit motorists via resurfacing or will actually remove cyclists from the New Forest."

Plan B now awaits approval from the Department for Transport.

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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Labrat | 10 years ago

There were "constant member referrals to their parish/district/county council roles."

Wonder what the government guidelines say about that?

168. They should regard themselves first and foremost as members of the Authority, with a duty to act in the best interests of the Authority and of the Park, rather than as representatives of any interest group

Bez | 10 years ago

It's not even simply the fact that heavier traffic caused the damage that's the issue.

The Ornamental Drive is a single-lane stretch of tarmac bordered by concrete hatchings that are a kind of "feathered" edge to the road: they're not smooth, but they do support a vehicle's weight without damaging the sides of the main surface. They allow vehicles to pass without excessive erosion.

The Ornamental Drive is relatively appealing on a bike for one crucial reason: it's not very appealing in a car. (Like many of the minor roads near Lyndhurst, its main appeal is as a rat-run in the summer, when Lyndhurst grows several miles of traffic jams from each of its tentacles.) The stretch to the north of the A35 in particular requires drivers to be relatively cautious, and it's these feathered edges and (in places) imperfect road surface that contribute to this - as well as the bends and gradients in the route. (Please note: the OD's surface is still quite superior to many much busier roads I can think of.)

To widen and resurface this road would gain cyclists no benefit. It would, however, make the route more appealing to drivers. Thus it will be busier, and cycling will be both less appealing and more dangerous.

I'll also point out a glaring piece of hypocrisy behind this hijacking of the funds: most of the Forest's cycle network is gravel. Indeed, much of the low-cost work in Plan B is - as noted - just different gravel. There is an implicit but clear expectation that cyclists using the network will be willing to ride on bumpy, loose and rough surfaces. The surface of Ornamental Drive is, in this context, currently of a standard way above nearly all of the network.

It's hard to see the suggestion that resurfacing is of benefit to cyclists as anything short of shameless deceit. It seems patently clear that it will benefit motorists, which will have a detrimental effect on cyclists; all sold under a thin veil of reasoning which does not bear even basic scrutiny until the rest of the network is tarmacked.

To plunder nearly two thirds of the funding for this purpose, even before considering the rest, seems to be little short of brazen hijacking.

bikebot | 10 years ago

After a quick look through some other coverage of this story, it looks as though they do still need to convince the DfT that this expenditure is appropriate.

This is the sort of story that is so ridiculous, that it might even generate quite a backlash against the NFNPA. The only thing the Daily Mail readers of this world hate more than cyclists and immigrants, is quangos misusing taxpayers money!

Oh, and nice picture!

LondonDynaslow | 10 years ago

In 2 minds about this.. motorists have damaged the roads but wouldn't most cyclists prefer to ride on roads that have been repaired? I do get the point, though, that this should come out of general road budget and that this is surely a misuse of the funds, which should either be spent "on cycling" or handed back.

What's the deal with the gravel roads - are they for horses and bikes, or are cars allowed on them? More compacted gravel means a fast surface for cars but still impassable for any road biker who doesn't want to spend all day falling off and mending punctures.

HalfWheeler replied to LondonDynaslow | 10 years ago
deblemund wrote:

In 2 minds about this.. motorists have damaged the roads but wouldn't most cyclists prefer to ride on roads that have been repaired?

Was thinking that too but it's good money thrown after bad. It wouldn't take long for the roads to deteriorate again and all that money that was intended for new capital projects for cycling would have been pissed up a wall.

JeevesBath replied to LondonDynaslow | 10 years ago
deblemund wrote:

What's the deal with the gravel roads - are they for horses and bikes, or are cars allowed on them? More compacted gravel means a fast surface for cars but still impassable for any road biker who doesn't want to spend all day falling off and mending punctures.

Obviously a cunning marketing plan by all the bicycle manufacturers that have recently launched their 'gravel grinders'  21

brooksby replied to LondonDynaslow | 10 years ago
deblemund wrote:

What's the deal with the gravel roads - are they for horses and bikes, or are cars allowed on them? More compacted gravel means a fast surface for cars but still impassable for any road biker who doesn't want to spend all day falling off and mending punctures.

No just roadies. Any bike other than some fat-tyred MTB. Unfortunately, gravel is cheap. Like surface dressing without the actual tar.

One of our local cycle paths - off-road, along a riverside - had got quite rutted and there were lots of muddy potholes.

Solution? Pour gravel over the lot. Now, its more dangerous than it was when it was potholed, and less bikes use it. "Simples!", as they say  36

Simmo72 | 10 years ago

Money to be used to fund clearing up tacks and nails distributed by local inbreds and hunter wearing 4x4 tosspots from the city.

brooksby | 10 years ago

Critics of the plan say this is using cycling funding to repair a road damaged by motor vehicles.

Exactly. If the authority had any integrity then they would hand this money back and make an application for some new cycling infrastructure or projects (ones which wouldn't attract the ire of the New Forest NIMBYs). Or, someone else could use that money for their own cycling projects. General road maintenance is not cycling specific and is not an appropriate use of cycle fund money.


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