Cycle commuters in London’s Islington had their morning commute brightened up recently when they were cheered on by a flashmob as they headed to work.
Taking place at Owen's Field close to Angel Tube station, an enthusiastic group of “fans” made a lot of noise and a fair old spectacle for the morning commuters, some of whom waved and smiled in return.
The video was posted to YouTube by the website Cyclists Are Heroes and it seems to be the first event they’ve organised – though they’re already recruiting for another one for Spring 2015, again in London.
They say: “We can’t all ride the Tour de France, but every cyclist deserves a little celebration.”
There’s no hint of who is behind Cyclists Are Heroes, and other than the fact the website is registered in Italy, there’s no information about who is behind it.
That part of London is awash with creative industry firms, though, and the people forming the flashmob look like they’d fit in at an advertising or digital marketing agency.
So call us cynical, but we wouldn’t be surprised if ultimately this turns out to be all about trying to flog you something.
Providing a Tour de France style experience for everyday cyclists is nothing new, of course – last year Goldie starred in a Tesco Mobile ad that ran along that theme.
That ad was itself clearly inspired by French prankster Remi Gaillard’s Tour de France stunt from 2009, which has notched up more than 10 million views on YouTube.
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They never do that on a wet Wednesday in Stockport, the bloody slackers!
When I went on a tour of the Forest of Dean a couple of years ago, each village I passed through they brought their children outdoors so they could see a wheel, and someone who wasn't a relative. There wasn't much cheering though, just open-mouthed silence.
They never do that on a wet Wednesday in Stockport, the bloody slackers!
When I went on a tour of the Forest of Dean a couple of years ago, each village I passed through they brought their children outdoors so they could see a wheel, and someone who wasn't a relative. There wasn't much cheering though, just open-mouthed silence.
If you see a giant statue of a wicker bike, get the hell out of there.
Rest assured it's not a marketing stunt. I took part in it myself (during my spare time, I hasten to add!), along with various environmental campaigners. So relax, leave cynicism aside and simply enjoy it - it's just a bit of fun!
Brilliant. I actually rode into London from Essex last year on closed roads behind the Tour. Pub gardens full of cheering folks and bunting everywhere. It was a great experience.
This is just fun. In today's world of random attrocity and conflict, if this makes you miserable or think of violence you really need to get some proper perspective in your life.
Not a big fan of this sort of thing. Commuting by bicycle should not be treated as an abnormal activity, whether positively or negatively.
cheer up
I'm perfectly cheerful. So much so that I'm going to organize a flashmob for you every time you manage to walk to the corner for a sandwich. You'll love it !
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They never do that on a wet Wednesday in Stockport, the bloody slackers!
When I went on a tour of the Forest of Dean a couple of years ago, each village I passed through they brought their children outdoors so they could see a wheel, and someone who wasn't a relative. There wasn't much cheering though, just open-mouthed silence.
If you see a giant statue of a wicker bike, get the hell out of there.
This is on my commute and I would not be amused by these pillocks one bit. Looks like they're taking the piss like a bunch of Hoxton pisstakers.
When was this? And, how did I have the good fortune of missing it?
Made me laugh that, even if it is a load of corporate bollocks like that train station dancing flashmob crap was.
Rest assured it's not a marketing stunt. I took part in it myself (during my spare time, I hasten to add!), along with various environmental campaigners. So relax, leave cynicism aside and simply enjoy it - it's just a bit of fun!
Roger Geffen
CTC, the national cycling charity
You must be new. I'm surprised someone hasn't moaned about it being in London.
Brilliant. I actually rode into London from Essex last year on closed roads behind the Tour. Pub gardens full of cheering folks and bunting everywhere. It was a great experience.
This is just fun. In today's world of random attrocity and conflict, if this makes you miserable or think of violence you really need to get some proper perspective in your life.
My niece has been threatening to flash mob the club run like this, could be fun!
Okay I've just seen the other video. That's a bit too close to being assaulted. I might of punched someone if they mob'd me like that!
I enjoyed that. It's just a bit of fun, innit?
Bloody Loved it. Chapeau Mofo's

Not a big fan of this sort of thing. Commuting by bicycle should not be treated as an abnormal activity, whether positively or negatively.
cheer up
I'm perfectly cheerful. So much so that I'm going to organize a flashmob for you every time you manage to walk to the corner for a sandwich. You'll love it !
Have you not noticed how often these daft stunts happen at major rail terminuses?
"commuting by train should not be treated as an abnormal activity, blah blah blah..." Boring!
Is it someone's PR trick. Absobloodylutely.
Not a bad effort though.