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#mycyclingweekend edition 6 - not enough knee!

In case you didn't know, that was your last winter #mycyclingweekend. From now it's daffodils, lambs, and warm evening rides...

As wintery weekends go, that one wasn’t too bad. Sure, the sun wasn’t shining like it was on the Saturday of our last #mycyclingweekend, but we also didn’t get the miserable drizzle that Sunday brought.

As we mentioned on Friday, this was the last #mycyclingweekend before spring officially starts, and across the UK we were reminded of that as a cold breeze whipped around.

While the wintery wind may have put dampers on our knees-out pre-weekend prediction, it certainly didn’t put dampers on any of your rides.

That’s not to say that there were no knees out, because there were, and some of you - yes we’re looking at you Alistair Seaton - were more keen to share their skin with us than others.

The fact that there were so few of you showing off your knobbly bits suggests that the cold was unmanageably biting in some parts of the country - or maybe just that all of the hard-cases were off on mediterranean training camps. Can we blame them?

But those of you who stuck around sent us in some fabulous photos. For the second week running we received snaps of sensational cycling adventures in the cold and the warm, near and far, and on both Twitter and Instagram. Our Facebook feed was mysteriously quiet though.

Most of us here at are desperately looking forward to the warmer weather returning, but some of you appear to be actively seeking out colder conditions. Take Twitter user @JayBell5 and user chokofingrz; snow in March? Seems like anything goes on the summits of Welsh mountains.


Welsh mountains - via user chokofingrz

Some of you avoided the snow though, and took to countryside roads under overcast skies. Instagram user @kateyehamilton spent some time on the Isle of Purbek in Dorset and @rjush11 shared his day of forest riding with us on Twitter.




A couple of you stayed inside but still managed to spend your #mycyclingweekend thoroughly consumed by bikes. Twitter user @King__Mitchell had a roll out at Lee Valley Velopark and Max Sheldon’s been sharing his schoolwork with us on Instagram.


Product Design model trophy. I think im too addicted to cycling perhaps. #mycyclingweekend #creativity #skoolwork #love me

A photo posted by Max Sheldon (@ithinkiloveshrek) on


After a weekend of wrapping up and warming up here in the UK it was rather galling for us here at to observe yet another weekend of beautiful international cycling conditions. Here are a few of our favorites from around the world:



#stravaproveit #cyclingpics #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by Tarek Alioua (@t_alioua) on



Into the desert  3

A photo posted by @msefat on

Remember, you can see even more #mycyclingweekend pictures by plugging the hashtag into the search bar of any of your favorite social networks.

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Leviathan | 9 years ago

Sorry Hatemgkotb, but high dynamic range is so passe, I can spot it instantly, it doesn't improve your pic. Selfy stick and a million hashtags, all the gimmicks #nofilters

twinklydave | 9 years ago

(Very) early morning ferry ride - guided tour of the IoM Tt course - lots of other hills - lots of brew stops - ferry home again - bit of kip - back out onto local hills to give the summer bike a thrashing. Lovely stuff  1

A photo posted by @twinklydave on Mar 14, 2015 at 5:52pm PDT

andyhr1 | 9 years ago

Nice Sunday afternoon ride in Stroud. Plenty of climbing today! Easiest way to keep warm.

chokofingrz | 9 years ago

It's still winter in the Welsh Alps. Apologies for layer of sweat on lens making entire picture a blur.

VecchioJo | 9 years ago

Saturday - MTB ride, cold, windy, sunny, mostly dry trails (yay)

Sunday - road ride, cold, windy, grey, 100km audax planned, rode nearly 100 miles by mistake

not Spring yet

Plumieux | 9 years ago

What a difference a week makes.Last week it was cycling under warm, suuny skies, this week grey and cold.

mbaker38 | 9 years ago

#mycyclingweekend Blustery ride to Brixham.
Beautiful sunny morning, Saturday, but still a biting wind, so definitely needed the tights and gloves still!

johnnymcg259 | 9 years ago

if it aint 16C then shorts are only on with leg or knee warmers.....
I live in Yorkshire......its hits 16C for circa 2 random days in the summer!  16

StraelGuy | 9 years ago

Me too. Did a couple of rides this week in shorts but might go back to longs for a while...

ianrobo | 10 years ago

Tights back on tomorrow morning brrrr

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