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Lance Armstrong to return to Tour de France - for charity

Texan stripped of seven yellow jerseys to join Geoff Thomas as former footballer tackles 2015 route

Lance Armstrong could be back riding stages of the Tour de France this summer after former England footballer Geoff Thomas persuaded the disgraced cyclist to join him for part of his charity ride this summer which aims to raise £1 million for the charity Cure Leukaemia.

Thomas, like Armstrong a cancer survivor, credits the Texan with providing him with the inspiration to overcome the disease, and after he went into remission a decade ago rode the entire route of the 2005 Tour one day before the race tackled it.

This summer, the 50-year-old will lead 20 cyclists in recreating that ride, and has invited Armstrong, who in 2012 was stripped of the seven consecutive editions of the race he won between 1999 and 2005, to join them for part of the journey.

According to Mail Online, Thomas believes that despite the controversy that Armstrong’s participation would provoke, it could also help him raise more money for charity.

But Betsy Andreu, whose husband Frankie was a team-mate of Armstrong's at US Postal and who testified against him during the SCA Promotions arbitration hearing in 2005, saying she was present in an Indianapolis hospital room when Armstrong admitted to doctors he had used performance enhancing drugs, believes Thomas is making a mistake.

Writing on Facebook, she said: "How Geoff Thomas can forgive Lance for what he's done to other people is beyond me. The egg on the face will be hard to wipe off."

After speaking to Armstrong by phone in January, Thomas travelled to Austin, Texas for a face-to-face meeting, and asked him if he would join the One Day Ahead Ride for a couple of stages.

After some initial reluctance, Armstrong replied: “Of course I will,’ he says. ‘I have to say I’m humbled you’ve made the effort to come all this way.”

Back in the UK, Thomas spoke with Mail Online at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham’s Centre for Clinical Haematology, built partly with the help of money the former Crystal Palace and Wolverhampton Wanderers player raised himself.

Recalling being told in 2003 that he had chronic myeloid leukaemia, Thomas said: “Two days after I’d been diagnosed a friend gave me his [Armstrong’s] book. And Lance was the person who really dragged me out of what was a very dark place.

“I had just been given three months to live. Even after the first treatment I received, when the tests showed I was actually in a chronic state, I was looking at a maximum of three years. Unless I could find a donor.

“Lance’s book, It’s Not About The Bike, gave me something positive. He inspired me to fight the disease. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t experienced what it’s like to be told you’ve got cancer but he got me on a more positive path.

“I read the book in a couple of days but I kept going back to it during my treatment.”

Learning that fellow patients who died may have had a chance of survival had they been able to benefit from certain medication not available to them, he decided to raise funds for the hospital.

The 2005 ride raised £250,000 and saw Thomas awarded the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Helen Rollason Award – presented via videolink by Armstrong himself, in the year he won his seventh and final yellow jersey.

Seven years on, in 2012, Thomas had to come to terms with the fact that the man who had inspired him so much had won those by cheating.

“A lot of people felt conned and I was no different,” he said. “I had my suspicions, of course. After 2005 I became fascinated by cycling. I got to know people in the sport. I listened to what some of them were saying and, as a former professional sportsman, I’m not naive.

“I was still disappointed. But even then my mind was divided. As a sportsman I was angry that it was all a lie. Doping is wrong. But in the context of the illness, and the connection I had as someone who had also survived cancer, the sport was kind of irrelevant.

“All that ever really mattered to me was his attitude towards the disease; the desire to fight it and the desire to make a difference when he got better.”

Thomas remains divided in his opinion of Armstrong – on the one hand, someone with whom he shares so much, a fellow athlete who overcame a life-threatening illness, on the other a confessed drug cheat.

“There are huge sections of the book that, for me, remain sincere and truthful,” he said.

“Yes, there was also a degree of deception. But that was part of a much bigger conspiracy, as we can now fully understand with the publication of that UCI report last week,” he said. “I’m not here to defend Lance, and I’m certainly not trying to present him as a victim.

“He has made his mistakes and now he’s paying the price. But none of that actually concerns me. This isn’t about cycling or doping or the UCI. This is about cancer and saving lives.”

But Thomas believes Armstrong is genuine when it comes to helping others with cancer. “As soon as you talk to him about cancer it’s obvious he wants to get back and help. I sensed a lot of pain there, that the door was closed on him by Livestrong. Because that’s where he wants to get back to.

“But I have a vehicle that can get him involved again now. And after what he did for me 12 years ago I’d like to do that. I’m not a religious person but I believe in right and wrong and I also believe in forgiveness.”

He rejected thoughts that Armstrong is manipulating him, maintaining that he believes Armstrong can still inspire fellow cancer sufferers.

“If anything I’m using Lance here,” he insisted. “I’ve pursued him. I’ve flown to Texas to see him. I’ve persuaded him to get involved again.

“But look, this actually isn’t about Lance and [it] isn’t about me,” he added. “It’s about the people who got me to the top of those mountains back in 2005, when my body really wasn’t ready to take on a physical challenge like that,” he added.

“It’s about Clare, Stephen and Mark. They were friends I made in the unit and they were desperate to survive. And they died so young because the drugs that might have saved them weren’t available.”

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Simmo72 | 10 years ago

What armstrong did in the past to the sport and the people around him is a separate topic. If by joining this event he raises more money or the profile of this horrible illness-face it, lots of people are looking at this article alone because of his name - then good. I look ahead, not backwards

Simmo72 | 10 years ago

What armstrong did in the past to the sport and the people around him is a separate topic. If by joining this event he raises more money or the profile of this horrible illness-face it, lots of people are looking at this article alone because of his name - then good. I look ahead, not backwards

sq225917 | 10 years ago


birzzles | 10 years ago

Armstrong worked in the sport he was in with the rules in place. Not all the rules were public. He won within that system, i dont really accept it was even cheating as such. He has suffered from being on the cusp of a change in public feelings.

manmachine | 10 years ago

Awesome news! Great for those who are in need of the funding for more research and-or help. Great cause. Betsy should just stfu at this point. Bitter hag and her doping husband...hypocrisy at its finest. Glad the Chief will be back riding the most iconic roads and landscapes in Europe

Kadinkski | 10 years ago

Good on him. Not sure about the new bouffant though.

Cyclist | 10 years ago

Betsy Andreu Should just wind her neck in and get on with her life with her former doping husband.

Good luck to Geoff Thomas, great cause. And if the inclusion of LA saves one extra life then it will be worth it.
It really is time for people to give the LA bashing a rest and move on, FFS he is not a Jimmy Saville.

Kadinkski replied to Cyclist | 10 years ago
Cyclist wrote:

Betsy Andreu Should just wind her neck in and get on with her life with her former doping husband.

Good luck to Geoff Thomas, great cause. And if the inclusion of LA saves one extra life then it will be worth it.
It really is time for people to give the LA bashing a rest and move on, FFS he is not a Jimmy Saville.

Completely agree. I used to have quite a lot of respect for her for what she did to expose the truth. But these days she just sounds like a bitter moron with a grudge the size of Ventoux. Why doesn't she get off her ass and do something constructive? Why doesn't she join the effort to raise funds for cancer sufferers instead of shitting all over the work of people that are?

Her husband is a stinking cheat that lied to her face. He has done as much as anyone except probably LA to ruin professional cycling. Why isn't she in the press shitting all over his life too? Oh yeah, but Lance told him to take drugs, poor, poor Frankie - he's just the innocent victim in all of this don't you know?

bobbinogs | 10 years ago

Leaving the charity thing to one side, if an ex footballer actually understood what Lance had done to the sport of cycling then he would just leave him to go away.

Airzound | 10 years ago

How can people be so myopic and spiteful? Lance is what he is. There are many who despise him, but surely they wouldn't want to scupper raising cash for cancer research and care for suffers to extend life, would they? If LA he can help raise more cash then at GT's invitation then why not. Why don't the naysayers make a donation to GT's charity to prove they are not so mean spirited?

edster99 | 10 years ago

My concern would be that associating LA with this particular charity will put people off getting involved. Not saying that that is right, or indeed that it will happen, but I can conceive that it would.

Quince replied to edster99 | 10 years ago
edster99 wrote:

My concern would be that associating LA with this particular charity will put people off getting involved. Not saying that that is right, or indeed that it will happen, but I can conceive that it would.

That's my concern too... Can you imagine if [other publicly disgraced person] were to associate with [other good cause]? That would be totally counterproductive and controversial.

If the organisation actually makes LESS money, and a few people go on to think LA's 'not such a bad guy after all', then the only person better off on the planet is LA himself. That's just a charity being used as a PR device.



"This isn’t about cycling or doping or the UCI. This is about cancer and saving lives"

It would be much less about cycling, doping or the UCI if he hadn't enlisted the help of a doping cyclist with dodgy relations to the UCI. Without LA, it would genuinely not be "about cycling or doping or the UCI". Well, it would be about cycling, given that it's a cycle ride, but LA's inclusion is utterly non-essential.

Simon E | 10 years ago

@ 29erKeith - am inclined to agree.

But more importantly, I would like to wish the very best of luck to YOU fella.

crikey | 10 years ago

Sorry but no.
Betsy Andreu is worth 10 Lance Armstrongs, and if she says no, it's a big no.

ianrobo | 10 years ago

Can I be cynical that this has been done to publicise the ride and thats all.

Yes it is for a good cause but LA denigrated that very same cause when it turned out to be fake. Remember many believed his use of drugs pre cancer caused the cancer.

How much good publicity and fund raising does Thomas hope to get in France where LA is universally hated.

BL7 | 10 years ago

Geoff (and Lance) should be commended for this.

Its about a charity, about trying to raise money to find a cure for something that kills people, FFS.

Put it into perspective.

29erKeith | 10 years ago

Hmmm I'm really not to sure about this, I'm sorry Geoff but I for one could never trust him. Yes he's certainly driven and that no doubt helped him overcome his illness but imho he's a sociopath through and through an excellent manipulator and will do anything to benefit himself and God help anybody who gets in his way, as has been proven with the number of people he's ruined along the way who were telling the truth! I hope you raise lots for charity and the partnership goes well, but tread carefully.

I've got your book here by my bedside as I sit in an isolation ward in hospital having IV chemo awaiting a bone marrow transplant. I too was diagnosed with CML 6 months ago but recently it's mutated into a far more aggressive type of leukaemia, ALL. I hope I find further inspiration from your book, I can't bring myself to read lances though knowing how he treated people along the way more than anything.

Best of luck though.

Beefy replied to 29erKeith | 10 years ago

Best of luck with ALL 29r, its a bastard in adult form but people do beat it! I presume you will be having stem cell treatment transplant at some point, I hope your out on bike very soon  1

notfastenough replied to 29erKeith | 10 years ago
29erKeith wrote:

Hmmm I'm really not to sure about this, I'm sorry Geoff but I for one could never trust him. Yes he's certainly driven and that no doubt helped him overcome his illness but imho he's a sociopath through and through an excellent manipulator and will do anything to benefit himself and God help anybody who gets in his way, as has been proven with the number of people he's ruined along the way who were telling the truth! I hope you raise lots for charity and the partnership goes well, but tread carefully.

I've got your book here by my bedside as I sit in an isolation ward in hospital having IV chemo awaiting a bone marrow transplant. I too was diagnosed with CML 6 months ago but recently it's mutated into a far more aggressive type of leukaemia, ALL. I hope I find further inspiration from your book, I can't bring myself to read lances though knowing how he treated people along the way more than anything.

Best of luck though.

Very very best of luck. May your progress be tailwind-assisted.

Beefy | 10 years ago

Hope they raise a lot of money, saving lives matters so much more than any sport. Hate him or not it one extra person survives then I'm happy

velodinho | 10 years ago

Fair enough. If Armstrong spends the rest of his time fund raising for charities fighting a disease that nearly took his own life, then that might go someway to atone for his reprehensible behaviour when he was riding competitively.

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