We're approaching the summer months so your legs should be feeling pretty strong. But how strong? Bodybuilder strong? Check out in our first video how a cyclist's legs match up to a big beefy bodybuilder's.
Later on we've got a heart-stopping bike ride down a cliff-adjacent 'trail' in the Italian Brenta Dolomite mountain range, crash videos galore, and a few very close calls.
Leg day - cyclist vs. bodybuilder
What happens when you pit champion German track cyclist Robert Förstemann, against Johannes Luckas, a personal trainer and professional bodybuilder from Berlin in a squat-off?
Ever thought about cycling them? No, neither have we.
Harold Philip, the cyclist featured in the video below, thought differently while he hiked his way through the Italian Brenta Dolomite embedded walkway, also known as Via Ferrata.
Now, for the first GIF that's ever featured on a road.cc cycling video round-up. We're not sure we could start our crash section with a more wince-worthy and relatable incident.
We've all been there. Whether it was as youngsters getting to grips with the whole how-to-balance-on-a-bike malarkey, or trying out a new, somewhat heavier bike, misjudging the height or position of kerb is easily done; we're just glad it didn't happen to us on a live news broadcast.
Much in the same vein as the GIF you've just seen, this feller has been caught on a Cycliq Fly6 rear light camera failing to notice a bollard in his path.
The moment of realisation before the imminent impact is a sight to behold. Thank god for slow-mo.
Loads of crashes and close calls here. What you're seeing here are the Strider Balance Bike Championships, which you can read more about if you follow this link to a story we ran in 2013.
The races feature toddlers on balance bikes tearing around cone-marked courses in truly spectacular fashion. These kids on the Japanese leg of the championships are pretty exceptional, don't you think?
Cyclist's corkscrew MTB dismount - not as elegant as it sounds
Our final crash comes from a mountain biker coming to a rather elaborate halt mid-climb.
We've never seen a dismount like it.
Top coach Ric Stern almost taken out by a bus
Ric Stern, an experience cyclist on the track, on the road, and in a coaching capacity came very close to a sticky end when confronted with a bus last week.
The video of the incident follows, but first here's his appraisal of the situation which he relayed to the Eastbourne Herald:
“I have got a ton of experience I have been racing for years. I dread to think what would have happened if it had been a normal person riding a bike, or an elderly person. They would have been looking at a fatality or a serious incident.
“I did not know how the driver didn’t see me. I was dressed in fairly bright colours, in the middle of the road, riding quite fast, I was where I was supposed to be.
“At the time it was the eternal cliché of my life flashing before my eyes."
Taxi driver cuts off a cyclist and then threatens him
Horns on bicycles are reasonably rare, but this right here is a perfect example of how useful they can be.
This feller is about to be cut off by a taxi driver before deploying the piercing tones of his bike horn. Once confronted, the cabbie insists that it's the horn's fault. Really?
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All interesting videos, but the most interesting was the face plant, with the rider showing exactly the behaviour expected, of throwing his arm out to protect his head.
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Bollard somersault - why do they insist on putting these obstacles in the middle of cycle-routes anyway?
The Forstermann video ...! He must spend most of his life in a gym already rather than on his bike, the size of him

All interesting videos, but the most interesting was the face plant, with the rider showing exactly the behaviour expected, of throwing his arm out to protect his head.