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All road racing suspended by South Yorkshire Police

Meeting between police and British Cycling scheduled for next week to discuss safety of races

South Yorkshire Police have suspended all road racing in the region following complaints. A meeting is scheduled with Highways and British Cycling next week to discuss safety concerns.

A police statement clarified that road racing had not been banned, but merely suspended.

“Concerns and complaints have been made to us about safety issues surrounding these races.  A decision was made by us, British Cycling and Highways to suspend road races, until we meet next week to review the safety of these races. We want everybody to be able to enjoy these races, however, our main concern is the safety of the cyclists and public in South Yorkshire.”

British Cycling Yorkshire reports that the decision has been taken by Sergeant Bellamy of South Yorkshire Police following complaints about cycle events in the Stainton/Braithwell area. Tumby’s Road Race was due to take place this Sunday and while a mass protest ride around the course had been planned in its stead, this has now been abandoned as British Cycling Yorkshire felt it would not help them in their discussions with police.

Some of the issues are said to go back years, but a recent incident involving riders and a combine harvester may have played a part in Bellamy’s decision. However, it is not clear that this was race related as there hasn’t been a race held on the Stainton course since April.

A statement on the British Cycling Yorkshire website seems to imply that certain races may be sacrificed to ensure that some level of racing may continue.

“Most of the events British Cycling promote need Police authorisation, so whilst it is never good for riders and clubs to lose events, it is also necessary to tackle any ongoing problems that are concerning the people that authorise these events. British Cycling Yorkshire are working to eradicate further complaints and make easier for all concerned.

“A meeting is taking place next week to try to resolve this issue before the next event on the 30th August.”

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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allanj | 9 years ago
downesdesign | 9 years ago

For fuck's sake... I've lived in this country for ten years and the NIMBYISM and moaning never cease to amaze.

sanderville | 9 years ago

How can a police sargeant deny the right of persons to travel on the Queen's highway in an entire county? Isn't he the short bloke behind the counter who confiscates your shoe laces when the lads want to take you somewhere for a good hiding on a Friday night?

I think we should get Mr Poophole on the case. STAT!

leewalton | 9 years ago

I was almost run off the road by a red van today.

Can we also get all red vans banned from using public highways?

Gus T | 9 years ago

This is a shame but I don't expect any better from South Yorkshire Police.

severs1966 replied to Gus T | 9 years ago
Gus T wrote:

This is a shame but I don't expect any better from South Yorkshire Police.

It is worth keeping in mind that most cops hate cycling, cyclists and anything to do with bicycles. Ordinarily, they only get to take this out on accident/crash victims (refusing to record incidents, refusing to investigate, refusing to prosecute, insulting and blaming the victim, etc) but the opportunity to f*ck up a whole event with huge numbers of participants and spectators must be like christmas and birthday at the same time for Sergeant Bikehater.

mrmo | 9 years ago

so what about sportives....

brooksby | 9 years ago

So what happened with the combine harvester? My google can't find it.

Cheesyclimber replied to brooksby | 9 years ago
brooksby wrote:

So what happened with the combine harvester? My google can't find it.

Not sure what happened, but I know one of the racers bailed as a result.

Bill H | 9 years ago

BC are potty to have cancelled the protest ride. It cost them nothing and would highlight the strength of feeling.

nowasps | 9 years ago

If it's a question of safety, surely motoring should be suspended, until we discover why so many people are being killed every year?

sithlord | 9 years ago

I cannot express how inane BC are, banning the mass protest? At what point do we get angry enough to protest? We as road users need to start showing a little more backbone and stop placating locals and local authorities.

sithlord | 9 years ago

I cannot express how inane BC are, banning the mass protest? At what point do we get angry enough to protest? We as road users need to start showing a little more backbone and stop placating locals and local authorities.

earth replied to sithlord | 9 years ago
sithlord wrote:

I cannot express how inane BC are, banning the mass protest? At what point do we get angry enough to protest? We as road users need to start showing a little more backbone and stop placating locals and local authorities.

How can they ban a mass protest? If a bunch of people want to ride on the public road in protest of something then they can. All BC can do is decide not to organise one or endorse one.

thegibdog | 9 years ago

As seanbolton mentions British Cycling have been involved in amending the regulations around road racing including the removal of the 40mph rule, the rule governing circuit length and preventing individual police officers stopping races at will. I think one of the problems is the increasing number of sportives that are taking place but, as these don't need police permission, road racing is taking the brunt of the opposition from local residents.

sean1 | 9 years ago

This was British Cyclings biggest concern with the recent DfT road racing regulations.

"the proposals fail to address the biggest barriers that have existed for decades – namely the ability of an individual police officer to impose restrictions on events at any time, irrespective of months of planning and meticulous risk assessments on the part of dedicated volunteers."

BC has come a long way with the introduction of the accredited marshals scheme, NEG, and RaceSmart.

I am interested to see what the real issue is in South Yorkshire. Safety? Or just NIMBYism.

Bokonon | 9 years ago

This follows on from the situation in Cheshire where some races have effectively been banned for being too short, or containing too much road of less than 40mph speed limit - something which TLI - the organisation which has had races cancelled because of it - tried to work with BC on, but found they were uninterested.

Perhaps now it's BC's races, then they might find the time to work with TLI on this issue, it seems to be significant and growing - and has the potential to completely destroy the UK road racing scene, such as it is.

gazza_d | 9 years ago

where can we complain to the rozzers about the gangs of drivers terrorising the countryside every day as this sounds like some pissed off locals having a run in with some people on road bikes, and a knee jerk by Plod.

Would have been better for them to discuss with British cycling first.

velobetty | 9 years ago

it's the British way. Rather than (as often happens in France and Italy etc) people embracing the event and using it as a chance for a celebration or party it's just complaints from people who think they should be able to drive anywhere at any time because they 'pay for the roads'. It's exactly why racing in this country was limited to clandestine TTs where in Europe towns would shut down for a party while cycle racing was happening.

I know there was a 'combine harvester incident' but I suspect the people that complain about these events are the same people that ramble on about how great Britain is, yet don't support athletes at this level; just when they're on the telly at the Olympics... Rant over.

oozaveared | 9 years ago

All that hard work to bring the TdF to Yorkshire and promote cycling and one police sergeant trashes it all. Is he the highest ranking officer they have? Are there no grown ups in the SY force?

ianrobo | 9 years ago

concerns and complaints = NIMBYS ?

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