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Judge orders Nike to turn Lance Armstrong communications over to the government

Decision yet to be reached on financial information requested by Armstrong from Nike

A judge has ruled that Nike must hand over a number of documents relating to Lance Armstrong as part of the ongoing whistleblower case against the former cyclist. Both Armstrong and the US government issued subpoenas for information from the firm, which wants to avoid revealing trade secrets and confidential information.

According to USA Today, Both Armstrong and the federal government want to question Nike, under oath, about its previous sponsorship of Armstrong. However, the firm is keen to protect its information and asked a federal judge in Oregon to intervene.

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In a declaration to court, Nike attorney Mary VanderWeele wrote: “Disclosure of this information could harm Nike’s industry reputation and its relationship with athletes, who expect Nike to maintain the private financial, performance, and related information regarding their relationships with Nike in confidence.”

However, US District Judge Marco Hernandez has now ordered Nike to hand over certain communications with Armstrong that had been requested by the government. He is yet to decide on financial information requested by Armstrong and will wait to hear further arguments from both sides’ lawyers.

Armstrong recently settled a $10 million legal action with SCA Promotions relating to bonuses he received for three of the seven editions of the Tour de France he won between 1999 and 2005.

Having initially withheld payment of bonuses as allegations began to surface that Armstrong was cheating, SCA eventually reached an out-of-court settlement with him and Tailwind Sports – the management company of the US Postal Service team – which resulted in it paying $7.5 million plus $2.5 million costs. Following Armstrong’s confession in 2013, SCA sought to have that decision reversed.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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crikey | 9 years ago


ratattat | 9 years ago

Fraud is Fraud . Armstrong has probably been treated more harshly than any doping cheat in history which isn't fair but companies wanting money back for bonuses they paid is!

Kadinkski | 9 years ago

I thought, I bet if look at this story there will be a comment underneath saying "Cycling would be fine and dandy if it wasn't for Lance - he caused all the issues" or "I hope the prick suffers whilst he is quartered" I wasn't disappointed!

I, for one, think its time everyone moved on.

Colin Peyresourde replied to Kadinkski | 9 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

I thought, I bet if look at this story there will be a comment underneath saying "Cycling would be fine and dandy if it wasn't for Lance - he caused all the issues" or "I hope the prick suffers whilst he is quartered" I wasn't disappointed!

I, for one, think its time everyone moved on.

Rhetorician uses opponents words to try to defeat argument. Nobody dies of shock.

I, for one, disagree with your apologist view point. He did wrong and should not benefit, whatever your skewed moral relativism. In fact hanging him out serves as a deterrent for other sociopathic manipulators that seek to subvert the populous through media. I mean, how is it that you forgive his emotive manipulation of people by using cancer to his gain? Shameless....

Yogic Cyclist replied to Colin Peyresourde | 9 years ago
Colin Peyresourde wrote:
Kadinkski wrote:

I thought, I bet if look at this story there will be a comment underneath saying "Cycling would be fine and dandy if it wasn't for Lance - he caused all the issues" or "I hope the prick suffers whilst he is quartered" I wasn't disappointed!

I, for one, think its time everyone moved on.

Rhetorician uses opponents words to try to defeat argument. Nobody dies of shock.

I, for one, disagree with your apologist view point. He did wrong and should not benefit, whatever your skewed moral relativism. In fact hanging him out serves as a deterrent for other sociopathic manipulators that seek to subvert the populous through media. I mean, how is it that you forgive his emotive manipulation of people by using cancer to his gain? Shameless....

Yep, it will definitely deter others from committing the same crimes, just like the death penalty & life imprisonment for murder has prevented more murders, oh no it hasn't has it.
Be realistic, it won't make a jot of difference what happens to LA. It will happen again, if it isn't already.

RobD | 9 years ago

Could this be evidence that Nike were aware of his doping behavior? might look very bad for a sporting brand to turn a blind eye, or even encourage that sort thing.

notfastenough replied to RobD | 9 years ago
RobD wrote:

Could this be evidence that Nike were aware of his doping behavior? might look very bad for a sporting brand to turn a blind eye, or even encourage that sort thing.

That could be funny - "just let him crack on, heck we already know ***, &&& and %%% are bang at it!"

cat1commuter | 9 years ago

I thought, I bet if look at this story there will be a comment underneath saying "leave Lance alone, he's suffered enough" or "can't we just shut up about Lance bloody Armstroing?" I wasn't disappointed!

I, for one, welcome news about Lance's long, slow roasting by the US legal system.

TeamExtreme | 9 years ago

I'm not sure the US Federal Government read

Maybe you could just go up to Capitol Hill and shout through the letterbox?

steviemarco | 9 years ago

Oh just let it go, leave the man alone, I think he realises he's done wrong but then so many other have who have only received piddly little bans not a lifetime one!

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