Tiffin is but a distant memory and the e-hat is full of iStrips of paper with all your names on, so let's not delay further. In goes the virtual hand and out comes the name of...
"Please don't let me be (jet)foiled again", says he, and indeed you're not, you're our winner. Big congratulations and sorry to all those that missed out, don't worry there'll be plenty more chances to win on road.cc...
This week we are giving away possibly the most exotic and certainly one of the most expensive Schwag grab prizes we've ever had, a set of Oval Jetfoil R911 forks worth £449.99 courtesy of our good mates at Upgrade Bikes. If you want to go faster or you'd simply like to feel a touch• more aero this is the prize you've been waiting.
Honed in the wind tunnel and designed with input from the worlds of aeronautics and Formula 1 the Jetstreams are reckoned to be the most aerodynamic forks in the world. They work by channeling air away from the top of the wheel directing it behind the deep section slotted blades which hug the wheel closely. They are also UCI and ITU legal should you be thinking of entering any UCI or ITU ratified events.
Oval Jetfoil R911 forks grace top of the tree bikes in both the pro peloton and in the world of triathlon - most of us can only dream about owning a pair, but one lucky road.cc users can have one for keeps for free. All you've got to do if you want a faster front end is comment below and the road.cc randomiser will do the rest come cake time next Tuesday.
We tested a pair of R911s last year, read our review to find out more about them or check out the Oval Concepts website. We loved 'em although the price made Jon B feel slightly faint. Our prize is a pristine and lovely 2010 Jetstream fork that has been nestling in a cupboard here at road.cc not being particularly aero at all. Now is the time to set it free…
Usual Schwag Grab rules apply and because this Grab is so expensive and we said a few sentences back we're leaving it open until next Tuesday. Good luck
*Okay, quite a bit more than a touch.
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tried to do this from my phone while doing LEJOG last week... but it kept failing......
What I tried to say was something like:-
These would be great for our LEJOG attempt, especially for my girlfriend who is struggling to keep up. 13days isnt too bad though (un-supported)
Ooh yes please!
The law of averages says it has to be my turn this tome.
Pick Me!!!!!!!
make my mates jealous give them to meee
If I must. Doh.
Yes please
Ross Pyne
Top prize this week! Nice
What the fork
Please don't let me be (jet)foiled again 
yes please
Okay, I'm in! Now, just need to win a new frame to go with them...
they are worth more than my bike, I'm in if its not too late
If I was offered these for free, I would say yes!
With a pair of them bolted on the front, I can train less, eat more cake and go quicker. Sounds ideal! Please pick me
yes please, poorly bike in need of a bit of TLC
I'll swap these for my gran, she's a mix of ti and steel (in her hips) carbon fiber (on her walking frame) and is blinged out with a top end 'crochet' all in one custom speed suit topped off with and an aero 'blue rinse' cap...lovely
Mint Aero!
love them! they would look wonderful on my bike!
Put me in the pot.
Count me in for super bling!
yes, well I've noticed that my rear end tends to move slightly faster than the front so this could be just the thing to rectify.... plus they're black so will match my frame
yes pretty please
Thats really nice,count me in please.
heck yes- please count me in! I just ditched my bike & require a new fork!

all for going faster count me in!
me too!
Faster Faster!
please pick me...........i have acute patellar tendonitis and these would ease the suffering !!! B)