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Vicious robber throws cyclist down six metre drop for his bike

Police seeking assailer in nasty Forest of Dean incident

A vicious robber pushed a mountain biker down a 20 drop and stole his bike in an attack and theft in the Forest of Dean this week.

The victim was standing near his custom built downhill racing mountain bike, which he had propped against a tree while he assessed his route near the Pedalabikeaway shop at about 1.25pm on May 19.

He heard a man behind him ask if he was going down the slope.

Before he had time to turn around, he was shoved in the back and fell the six metres down the hill.

When he had climbed back to the top the bike had been taken. Fortunately the victim only suffered minor injuries.

The bike is described as a bright orange, DEM08 2012 limited edition downhill racing bike with Troy Lee Design accessories, Deemax wheels and Fox 40 forks. The bike was worth £5000 when bought.

The victim had a helmet on so only briefly saw the offender, who is described as a white man, with dark hair, around 30 years old and wearing a blue hoodie and jeans.

Inspector Steve Chester said: "Expensive bikes are always desirable items for thieves and we advise people who ride in the Forest to be careful and not leave their bike unattended.

"The victim here was desperately unfortunate though in that the thief seized an opportunity and used physical violence to get the bike.

"Thankfully the man wasn't badly injured and his bike is insured, although he'll never really be able to replace it as it is a limited edition and was very much a labour of love.

"If you know anything or see it for sale please call us or contact the independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Just a week ago we reported a similar incident in which a cyclist in Newcastle was knocked over and assaulted by a gang of men, who fled with his his bike.

The 44 year old victim was riding home at around 11.45pm on Friday when he was attacked near to the junction of Welbeck Road and Kennington Grove in Byker.

The gang of four men, aged in their 20s and 30s, are being sought by police after the cyclist was left hospitalised with non-life threatening injuries

The bike was recovered nearby.


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DaveE128 | 8 years ago
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I really dislike how the police comment almost implies that the victim eas at fault for having a nice bike. The bike being desirable and/or the ease of theft does not in any way excuse or mitigate the wrongness of the robber's actions for goodness sake!

OldRidgeback replied to DaveE128 | 8 years ago
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DaveE128 wrote:

I really dislike how the police comment almost implies that the victim eas at fault for having a nice bike. The bike being desirable and/or the ease of theft does not in any way excuse or mitigate the wrongness of the robber's actions for goodness sake!


I read the police comment differently. I thought it was a reasonable piece of advice and not an example of victim blaming.

fukawitribe replied to DaveE128 | 8 years ago
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DaveE128 wrote:

I really dislike how the police comment almost implies that the victim eas at fault for having a nice bike.

I read it completely differently - I read it as someone pointing out the unfortunate way reality is, which may incidently be of benefit of those that might be at risk. I dunno, perhaps I don't have enough of an agenda to forward to want to put words into other peoples mouths.

DaveE128 wrote:

The bike being desirable and/or the ease of theft does not in any way excuse or mitigate the wrongness of the robber's actions for goodness sake!

Oh come on, you really think that they were excusing the thief ? Sheesh..

Housecathst | 8 years ago

Given recent news I wear a helmet mainly because I might be assaulted by a motorist rather than the fact I might fall off my bike. 

StraelGuy | 8 years ago

Do you mean 'assailant'?

vonhelmet replied to StraelGuy | 8 years ago

guyrwood wrote:

Do you mean 'assailant'?

Assailer is valid, though unusual.

HarrogateSpa replied to vonhelmet | 8 years ago

vonhelmet wrote:

guyrwood wrote:

Do you mean 'assailant'?

Assailer is valid, though unusual.

An assailer is someone who hits you on boat.

hawkinspeter | 8 years ago

Lucky he was wearing that helmet. Otherwise, dead!

OldRidgeback replied to hawkinspeter | 8 years ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:

Lucky he was wearing that helmet. Otherwise, dead!


Most people wear helmets for downhill MTB riding and on a lot of trails, it's compulsory. Shell helmets aren't much use though and if you're serious about MTB riding you really want a full face.

A lot of BMX racers I know are now buying road legal motocross helmets for racing because they offer that bit more protection.


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