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Chris Froome runs up Mont Ventoux: Twitter, Lance Armstrong, Geraint Thomas…er, and Chris Froome react

The closing metres of today's stage of the Tour de France were among the most extraordinary in the history of the race...

Holy what on Earth just happened? Just when you start thinking the outcome of Tour de France is a predictable one, you blink and everything’s on fire.

If you missed it – and beware, catch-up TV people, spoilers alert – Froome was in a group of three with Richie Porte and Bauke Mollema, in the final kilometer of the stage, on Mt Ventoux, when a moto braked suddenly - apparently to avoid crowds - causing a pile up of the three, and the destruction of Froome’s bike. Without a replacement to hand Froome, intent on finishing, began RUNNING towards the line. 

There are obvious safety implications of fans standing inches from riders where there isn’t even room to race, today's crash as high profile an example as you'd get. As we know, it’s something Froome himself brought up earlier in the race after being fined for pushing a fan who got too close.

Here's some of the instant reactions; we'll have a more considered follow up for you in the coming hours. 

Armstrong summed up what many fans will have been feeling as, palms stuck to the sides of faces, they yelled incomprehensibly at the screen.

Lance Armstrong, who controversially ‘gifted’ a win to the late Marco Pantani on the Ventoux in 2000.

Geraint Thomas saw the funny side in a post-stage interview.

British Cycling didn't really know what to say

Here's Froome 'Running Up that Hill,' as Kate Bush sang - the caption reads, "The young lad is encouraging Froome as if it were normal."

Froome's former team mate at Sky, Juan Antonio Flecha, was taken out by car while in a break at the 2011 Tour de France in the incident that sent Jonny Hoogerland into a barbed wire fence; here's what he had to say.

And finally - for now - BMC Racing's Taylor Phinney, not riding the Tour, captures the zeitgeist.

Here's the results, according to organisers:

A no doubt relieved Froome retains the overall lead

Here's what the immediate aftermath of that crash looked like.

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tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Flecha's been pretty miffed all day today, first about the stage shortening and then about the strict 3km rule here.


All this drama has been great for Quintana, everyone's forgotten about him getting dropped badly.


They'll remember tomorrow though smiley

don simon fbpe replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago
unconstituted wrote:

Flecha's been pretty miffed all day today, first about the stage shortening and then about the strict 3km rule here.


All this drama has been great for Quintana, everyone's forgotten about him getting dropped badly.


They'll remember tomorrow though smiley

What 3km rule?


Where do we go now with the motos?


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