Charity donations to Robin Chard’s Just Giving page have now exceeded £45,000. The Oxfordshire cyclist died after suffering a cardiac arrest during Sunday’s Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 which he was riding to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Explaining his choice of charity, Chard wrote:
“I have had personal experience with cancer, my dad, Edwin, had Lung Cancer which he died of, my mothers long term partner of 25 years, Bert, also died of lung cancer last year.
“Some of you may know, but I too had a form of cancer when I was younger. Something called Hodgkin Lymphoma and was lucky enough to have been cured. My wife Vickie, unfortunately lost her mother Sheila, to non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
“So you can see it's a bit of a personal crusade, but I'm not riding a white charger, just a bike 100 miles in and around London.”
Chard suffered a cardiac arrest at Kingston Bridge, 25 miles into the ride. Despite receiving treatment on the spot from fellow participants and medical personnel, he later died in Kingston Hospital.
His wife Vickie said: “Robin was doing something he loved to raise money for Cancer Research UK, a cause that was very important to him after losing his father, his mother’s partner and my mother to cancer. I’d like to thank everyone who has helped and supported Robin and me, especially the event stewards, the event team and the amazing staff at Kingston Hospital.”
Ed Aspel, executive director of fundraising at Cancer Research UK, said: "We are very grateful that he chose to cycle in RideLondon to support Cancer Research UK, and would like to express our deepest sympathy to his loved ones at this difficult time."
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