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'Black ice' accident hotspot on Bristol Bath Railway Path

Slippery fallen leaves are causing multiple accidents, commuter claims

Cyclists on the Bristol-Bath cyclepath have been warned about a slippery bend in the way that has been causing an ‘accident blackspot’.

One commuter cyclist approached the Bristol Evening Post to complain that the council had not taken his concerns seriously.

He said the bend in the path, the first left hander going out of Bristol from the start of the cyclepath in St Philip's and about 200 yards before it goes under a low-lying metal railway bridge, is slippery with wet leaves and has caused a number of accidents.

The newspaper discovered that temporary signs have been put up around the area, but the cyclist, Anthony Harper, 52, said he hoped something more permanent could be provided.

Anthony said the path at this spot was like "black ice” and that the trees should be trimmed.

He said: "I would say that 80 per cent of the accidents I have seen in 30 years of commuting to and from work along the path have happened here.

"A few months ago, I witnessed a concussion. I helped the cyclist as a few of us waited for an ambulance. Two weeks ago, same spot, a cyclist came off and cut his knees open so badly, a further ambulance was needed to take him to hospital.

"At this point I contacted Bristol City Council, explained the whole story, and the urgency in putting up a warning sign before this bend, to warn people. I was told it would take up to 12 working days to get sorted."

He said: "I have seen another two accidents at the same spot. One a work colleague witnessed, the other I passed after the event. Again another young girl sat down with both knees cut wide open, no doubt waiting for another ambulance to take her to hospital.

"Nobody wants to see any more accidents at this spot, especially when a sign can warn and almost eradicate this from happening in the future."

A council spokesman said that the Sustainable Transport team had been asked to deal with the matter.

Last year we reported how cyclists on the Bristol & Bath Railway Path were once again being urged to cut their speed amid concerns that some were travelling too fast and posing a risk to children crossing it on their way to and from school. The charity Sustrans blames a "daft" minority of people cycling too quickly.

Parents of children at Whitehall Primary School in Easton called for action to be taken against riders travelling at speeds that endanger other users of the popular commuting route.

The appeal came less than six months after Avon & Somerset Constabulary deployed officers with speed guns at the Devon Road Bridge close to the school, with a number of cyclists found travelling at speeds in excess of 20mph asked to cut their speed.

That operation followed petitions launched by local residents worried about the safety of their children.

While there is no speed limit on the off-road facility, which was developed by Sustrans, its code of conduct does remind people that it is a shared use facility “used by pedestrians, disabled people and cyclists with consideration for all,” and that “everyone has equal priority.”

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Shades | 8 years ago

As a previous B&B CP regular there was always the periodic whining about the path; speed, bright lights, pedestrians etc, but this is a new one.  I came off twice due to frosty patches but, hey, it's autumn/winter; change your tyres, lower the pressure and corner a bit more conservatively.  My commute now involves winter mud and sh*t that I never dreamed could exist when I was on the B&B CP.  This autumn when one of the farmers has spread half a field of mud onto a lane, I'll go and knock on his door and demand he clears it up.

Edgeley | 8 years ago

That will be the Sustrans that authorised, or at least didn't do anything about, a 200m section of NCN cycle route round my part of Oxfordshire being repaired using loose gravel.     Sustrans doesn't own the routes it promotes, but it shouldn't thereby be allowed to avoid all responsibility.


Any route will do for Sustrans, regardless of how poor it is for users.

Redvee | 8 years ago
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It isn't just wet leaves that make that bend dangerous, there was a bike security event run by the local plod just after the bend where the path forks and one of the officers there told me to be careful of the bend as someone had came off ealier in the day. This was in the summer when the chances of wet leaves are usually pretty low, it is more down to the path surface.

Stef Marazzi | 8 years ago
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It shouldnt be Sustrans expected to maintain the path, its the councils responsibility. I write to them several times a year asking for it to be swept, as it does end up in a right state on a regular basis. At the Warmley-Mangotsfield stretch it seems to be getting swept about once a month in winter. It used to be "never". Unfortunately they dont always grit it either.

brooksby replied to Stef Marazzi | 8 years ago
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cyclesteffer wrote:

It shouldnt be Sustrans expected to maintain the path, its the councils responsibility. I write to them several times a year asking for it to be swept, as it does end up in a right state on a regular basis. At the Warmley-Mangotsfield stretch it seems to be getting swept about once a month in winter. It used to be "never". Unfortunately they dont always grit it either.

Not just the Railway Path. I use the path alongside the A369 toward Bristol. Gets swept for leaves &c once a year, at the *end* of the winter.

burtthebike | 8 years ago

The comments on the local paper's website are both hilarious and depressing:

brooksby replied to burtthebike | 8 years ago

burtthebike wrote:

The comments on the local paper's website are both hilarious and depressing:

Oh god but I clicked on the link. The horror. Is it possible to wash eyeballs and scrape memory clean?

Seriously, but the Bristol Post below-the-liners are such utter tw@ts.

burtthebike replied to brooksby | 8 years ago

brooksby wrote:

burtthebike wrote:

The comments on the local paper's website are both hilarious and depressing:

Oh god but I clicked on the link. The horror. Is it possible to wash eyeballs and scrape memory clean?

Seriously, but the Bristol Post below-the-liners are such utter tw@ts.

Might be best if you didn't click on this then, they haven't got any better.  To be honest, I'm pretty certain some of them are certifiable.

1750nick | 8 years ago

There is a similar spot on the 'Ring Road Path' in Bristol where the path goes under Tower Lane in Warmley. I saw 3 people on the deck thhroughout last year which had come off on the slimey surface. Wrote to the council on all 3 occassions explaining this area either needs regualr jet washing or caution signs errected.... ususal no response!

Ush | 8 years ago

So Sustrans and "local residents" are worried about cyclists going faster than 20mph but none of the reported accidents are due to speed, but instead are down to Sustrans not cleaning the leaves off their fecking path?


Welcome to the future of segregated cycling:  forced off the road by "I'm a cyclist too!"-goochtriffids and onto substandard, unfit for purpose Sustrans enviro-fake paths.

Al__S replied to Ush | 8 years ago

Ush wrote:

So Sustrans and "local residents" are worried about cyclists going faster than 20mph but none of the reported accidents are due to speed, but instead are down to Sustrans not cleaning the leaves off their fecking path?


Welcome to the future of segregated cycling:  forced off the road by "I'm a cyclist too!"-goochtriffids and onto substandard, unfit for purpose Sustrans enviro-fake paths.

Or we could have a maintianed high quality cycling network that seperates us from the lorries.


Pack some luggage onto a touring bike, toddle up to Harwich and get the ferry. Disembark, and go see how it could and should be done.

mrmo | 8 years ago

wasn't this story run last year????? 

StuInNorway replied to mrmo | 8 years ago
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mrmo wrote:

wasn't this story run last year????? 


A similar one under the link "Last year we reported . . . .  " in the body of the text...


Try reading the article before commenting  3

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