“Nothing more than a nice little cash cow for the government,” is how Penny Sharpe, environment spokeswoman for Australia’s Labor party, describes the fines that have been issued to cyclists in New South Wales (NSW). The state has raised $1.33 million since increased penalties were introduced on March 1.
Cyclists in the state face being fined $315 for failing to wear a cycle helmet and $425 for running a red traffic light. Failure to carry ID will lead to a $106 fine from March 2017.
The increased penalties – the fine for riding without a helmet had previously been just $71 – have been compounded by what appears to be a crackdown. In May, it was reported that police had issued 56 per cent more penalties in March and April than in the same period the year before.
The Courier Mail reports that there have been 3,171 riding without a helmet infringements since the changes, which have brought in $1,018,101. On top of this, 1,711 people have been fined for “riding dangerously,” raising $225,310, while 293 cyclists have been fined for not stopping at red lights or pedestrian crossings, contributing $89,838.
Sharpe compared the sums raised through cyclists with the $4,857 brought in via motorists who had failed to comply with safe passing distance legislation and said: “The fines have very little to do about improving safety for cyclists because if this was the motive there would have been a more balanced crackdown.”
The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the number of cyclists has dropped in the state capital – although the government disputes this.
Tour de France winner Cadel Evans recently said that he doesn’t ride his bike in Sydney because it’s too intimidating.
Sharpe said: “NSW is a pretty rogue state in terms of this legislation. These fines are not seen anywhere else, which demonstrates outright hostility from our Roads Minister.
“Every other serious global city is encouraging cycling as it reduces congestion and improves health, but instead we are targeting cyclists. The increase in fines and removal of the College Street cycleway to make way for motorists is a clear example of this.”
NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay defended the state’s approach.
“I’ve been glad to see more cyclists wearing helmets, and more drivers leaving a safe distance as they go past cyclists – but there is still room for improvement.
“It is simple: we don’t want cyclists’ money – that is not why we increased fines for high-risk and downright stupid behaviour. These changes are about improving safety. I don’t want to see another dollar in fine revenue but I do hope to see a reduction in cyclist injuries.”
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They don't want cyclist's money. They don't want cyclists. Australia the country of outdoor pursuits. Yeah right.
"We don’t want cyclists"
I'm continually amazed that there are worse politicians than our own.
He's definitely going to see a reduction in cyclist injuries if there's none of them on the road...
Good strategy.
I suppose we can be grateful he's not trying to stamp out racism...
Fatboy, you need look no further:
I find this rather surprising as firstly, after 25 or so years of MHLs, I would have expected compliance with the helmet laws to have been quite high, and secondly, I remember the introduction of the higher fines being well documented and widely discussed. It makes me wonder what's behind this apparent lack of awareness of the fines - if that's what it is.
But that aside, what's appallingly obvious is that NSW police are finding one set of supposed safety laws much more convenient and lucrative to enforce than another.
The key data that is lacking, though, is that relating to actual safety. Have the KSI rates for vulnerable road users in NSW, or Sydney in particular, changed much since the close passing laws were introduced and other fines hiked?
Shocking - I think I should read animal farm again.
Democracy has truly gone mad - to me this is yet another example.
God help us if this type of attitude gets elected into UK government.
No - what he wants is for cyclists to put away their toys and go buy a gas-guzzling ute or SUV like real adults. Pillock
I think being sent to Australia really would be a punishment these days.