A cyclist from East Kilbride has won the 2016 BBC Get Inspired Unsung Hero award in Scotland. Rachael Halifax volunteers with Free Wheel North, Breeze and Glasgow Riderz, helping people of all aged and abilities.
"I am lucky to be involved with these fantastic groups that do a great job of encouraging cycling," she said. "The commitment and dedication of all those involved in running them is inspiring."
At Free Wheel North, Halifax helps people with disabilities to cycle using specially adapted bikes. She also teaches children and adults how to ride and helps to organise Breeze rides, the British Cycling programme aimed at increasing cycling participation among women.
Halifax, a clinical co-ordinator at Strathclyde University, was nominated for the award by Free Wheel North project co-ordinator Carol Thompson, who said:
"Rachael's passion for cycling is infectious. She has inspired participants in all the groups that she volunteers in – kids, adults, ladies, people with disabilities, people who thought they wouldn't be able to ride a bike.
“Without Rachael volunteering there would be less people out on their bikes. There would not be as many people enjoying the outdoors, cycling with their families, cycling for recreation or commuting."
In a post on its Facebook page, Free Wheel North said: “Well done Rachael, you are very worthy of this award for all the time and effort you put into helping people feel comfortable and confident on a bike.”
Halifax is also involved with Glasgow Riderz, a youth and junior cycling club for riders aged 7-18. Here she works with 9-11 year-olds on core skills and techniques.
Fifteen Unsung Hero award winners have been chosen in BBC Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and in each of the BBC's 12 English regions. An overall winner will be recognised at the Sports Personality of the Year 2016 event in Birmingham on December 18.
"I am delighted and grateful that I have received this award, she said. “I think it's great that the work of volunteers in giving so many people the chance to participate in sport is recognised by BBC Get Inspired."
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