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Bike licences call for Birmingham and the West Midlands

Making riders carry licence plate is high on voters' wishlist in upcoming mayoral elections...

A survey ahead of May’s first-ever West Midlands mayoral election this May has found that local residents would like the successful candidate to introduce a bicycle licence – “to stop cyclists being a menace on the roads.”

The findings of the survey have been reported by the Birmingham Mail on the same day that motoring lawyer Nick ‘Mr Loophole’ Freeman and helmet camera user Dave ‘Cycling Vigilante’ Sherry jointly called for riders working for companies such as Deliveroo to also carry licence plates.

> Mr Loophole and Dave Sherry call for crackdown on delivery cyclists who break the law

The newspaper says that in exchange for cyclists being licenced, they would be given a network of cycle lanes throughout the West Midlands, although in practice any decision to introduce licences for bike riders would lie with central government, and it’s a concept that ministers at the Department for Transport have consistently rejected.

Publishing the West Midlands People’s Plan Manifesto, organisers of the survey said:

The popularity of cycling is not going to drop – more and more people, young and old, are taking up cycling.

But as more and more people take to the roads on bikes there is a need to pay more attention to their safety and that of other road users.

A ‘bicycle licence’ could be introduced as a way of showing which cyclists have demonstrated that they understand the rules of the road and their responsibilities to other road users.

The report also suggests introducing a charge for motorists to use the region’s roads, with the frontrunner in the race to become West Midlands Mayor, Conservative candidate and former John Lewis department store boss Andy Street, saying that tackling congestion is a priority.

> Frontrunner for West Midlands mayoral election pledges 40-fold increase in spend on cycling

He has applauded the efforts of Birmingham City Council to roll out cycling infrastructure – the city is one of the chief beneficiaries of the DfT’s Cycle City Ambition initiative – and has pledged a 40-fold increase in funding or cycling for other parts of the region.

The People’s Plan Manifesto, which was set up by Liam Byrne, Labour MP for Hodge Hill and who is chairing the campaign of his party’s candidate, Sion Simon, says:

A West Midlands congestion charge could be introduced, or restricted parking around schools at the start and end of the day, but the most positive step that could and should be taken is making public transport more appealing.


It also calls for greater investment in public transport such as light rail services, measures to tackle pollution, and fines for households and businesses that fail to recycle their rubbish properly.

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ChairRDRF | 8 years ago
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Rememebr the name Sion Simon - for it is he behind this nonsense - when it comes to the next election

ChairRDRF | 8 years ago
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There is of course something very good coming out of the West Midlands, namely close passing policing - see

There is no point in engaging in rational argument with the kind of scapegoating, red herring trailing, victim blaming bigots. Oh alright, you do have to give a rational argument - but don't expect it to get you anywhere, because the people you are up against aren't interested in rational, logical discussion.

Richard D | 8 years ago
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Might understand why it is I hate cycling in Birmingham.  The earlier on a Saturday morning I get out past the city boundary the happier I am, and I switched jobs to work in a nearby town rather than trying to commute by bike surrounded by those homicidal halfwits.

pockstone | 8 years ago

As for the local rag, it's interesting to note that out of all the sensible (and not so sensible) suggestions, this is the one that the Birmingham Mail picked to lead their article with. 

This sorry fact might have made a more  interesting article for road c.c.

pockstone | 8 years ago

'Making riders carry licence plate is high on voters' wishlist in upcoming mayoral elections...'

Is it? As per 'lessismore' above, this barmy idea seems to be one suggestion (among several contradictory ones) from someone who obviously hasn't thought it all through very well. There is no link to, or indeed mention of, how many WM residents support the suggestion. I have read the linked news report and the 'peoplesplan' site, and the hordes of pitchfork weilding anti-cyclists are nowhere in evidence.

Be careful how you report on things like this. I think you may be in danger of giving the oxygen of publicity to something that really needs to be starved of it.

brakesmadly | 8 years ago

Build the actually useful network of cycle lanes first, then we'll talk about licencing. Since the former will never happen, the latter becomes irrelevant.

wjhall | 8 years ago

Various continental countries used to apply taxes and registration plates to bicycles (1-3), but abandoned them as irrelevant, pointless bureaucracy. Their introduction in the UK could be a way of demonstrating how Breixt frees us from continental tyranny, allowing us to take back control and implement as many pointless laws as we like. If properly enforced it could create a myriad of petty bureacratic jobs for Brexit voters, as bicycle tax clerks, bicycle tax inspectors, bicycle plate manufacturers, etc.

(1) Switzerland:

(2) Belgium:

(3) France:

Kapelmuur replied to wjhall | 8 years ago

wjhall wrote:

Various continental countries used to apply taxes and registration plates to bicycles (1-3), but abandoned them as irrelevant, pointless bureaucracy. Their introduction in the UK could be a way of demonstrating how Breixt frees us from continental tyranny, allowing us to take back control and implement as many pointless laws as we like. If properly enforced it could create a myriad of petty bureacratic jobs for Brexit voters, as bicycle tax clerks, bicycle tax inspectors, bicycle plate manufacturers, etc.

(1) Switzerland:

(2) Belgium:

(3) France:


Thank you for this.   I thought I remembered little triangular metal plaques attached to the forks of bicycles when I visited my grandparents in Geraardsbergen, East Flanders.

Until I read your attachment I thought that I had imagined them.


DrJDog | 8 years ago

Birmingham is a hell hole for speeding drivers, uninsured drivers, anti-social drivers. They make pedestrians and cyclists' lives a misery. Start with the biggest problem, I say. 

Must be Mad | 8 years ago


Actually, changed my mind about this. Reckon it's pretty cool. We can display our licences Pro style like so 

Nice - and we are to remove our rear facing lights to fit it?

Must be Mad | 8 years ago


Ironically, I find that the type of  person who suggests things like licensing and refers to cyclists as a menace (presumably in reference to the third meaning of the word, listed below), are aptly described by the second meaning!


— noun 

1.something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health. 
2.a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace. extremely annoying person.


I have found in life that the real meaning of "Menace" is:

Someone doing something, and not being miserable while doing it.

Grumpy17 | 8 years ago

And who the fook do they think is actually going to pay for, administer and enforce this madcap policy affecting millions of bicycles?

It would be like the old dog licencing system- totally impractical and unworkable so it was scrapped.


Do they seriously think the heroin addict hobbling home on his rusty MTB from the chemists with his methadone prescription is ever going to properly licence his bike? He hasn't even got any brakes on the damn thing. And no-one really cares about that or does anything about it ,least of all him. And quite rightly so, as there are bigger ills in our society.

Anyway it seems we ,as cyclists, continue to upset and irritate all the bigotted,lazy,bloated and arrogant Daily Mail readers out there , the like of whom will be demanding this sort of legislation.

So at least we are still serving one useful purpose in society.

tritecommentbot replied to Grumpy17 | 8 years ago

Grumpy17 wrote:

And who da fook do they think is actually going to pay for, administer and enforce this madcap policy affecting millions of bicycles?


They'd be looking for cyclists to fund it through ridiculous fines no doubt.

davel replied to Grumpy17 | 8 years ago
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Grumpy17 wrote:

Anyway it seems we ,as cyclists, continue to upset and irritate all the bigotted,lazy,bloated and arrogant Daily Mail readers out there , the like of whom will be demanding this sort of legislation.

So at least we are still serving one useful purpose in society.

...unfortunately, it seems like that mob sets the government agenda, so we need somehow to break that link.

Someone get The Clarion going again...  1 

hawkinspeter | 8 years ago
1 like

So much stupid.

OldRidgeback | 8 years ago

In the Trial by Franz Kafka K is asked for proof of his identity when he is arrested initially and all he can find is his bicycle licence. If you've read the book, you'll understand the irony with regard to the calls for bicycle licences in Birmingham.

RobD | 8 years ago

Hahahaha... oh, they're serious? Surely my driving license would automatically qualify as a higher level of license? 

If it doesn't then that's a little worrying in terms of what drivers are actually licensed for. One day people might start to realise that cyclists are A) people too, and B) a large number of them are also drivers.

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Actually, changed my mind about this. Reckon it's pretty cool. We can display our licences Pro style like so smiley



Housecathst | 8 years ago

So on the one hand we have a mod of transport which the minute you turn the key in the ignition you contribute to 50,000 premature deaths. That's before they drive there 2 ton metal box in you and cause 24000 deaths and serious injuries a year.

On the other hand we have cyclists, who don't do any of that but there the menace. 

What does that make motorists on that sliding scale, the third reich, Isis? 

Never under estimate craziness of the great unwashed Brexit voting morons. 

S-J replied to Housecathst | 8 years ago

Housecathst wrote:

So on the one hand we have a mod of transport which the minute you turn the key in the ignition you contribute to 50,000 premature deaths. That's before they drive there 2 ton metal box in you and cause 24000 deaths and serious injuries a year.

On the other hand we have cyclists, who don't do any of that but there the menace. 

What does that make motorists on that sliding scale, the third reich, Isis? 

Never under estimate craziness of the great unwashed Brexit voting morons. 


And brexit has what to do with this? 

markysd | 8 years ago
1 like

Ironically, I find that the type of  person who suggests things like licensing and refers to cyclists as a menace (presumably in reference to the third meaning of the word, listed below), are aptly described by the second meaning!


— noun 

1.something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health. 
2.a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace. extremely annoying person. 

ashliejay | 8 years ago

councils are broke, and cutting everything, so how are they even expected to fund this, and it's not like it can be enforced, as it's not like the DVLA, DofT, and even police, would want to go through the hassle, and as with everything you want more people on bikes, instead of scaring them off, back to their cars poluting everywhere, and causing traffic jams.

lessismore | 8 years ago


A suggestion scheme ahead of May’s first-ever West Midlands mayoral election this May has found that a local resident would like the successful candidate to introduce a bicycle licence – “to stop cyclists being a menace on the roads.”


His name is James


Slow news day?



Simon E replied to lessismore | 8 years ago

lessismore wrote:


A suggestion scheme ahead of May’s first-ever West Midlands mayoral election this May has found that a local resident would like the successful candidate to introduce a bicycle licence – “to stop cyclists being a menace on the roads.”

Perhaps he should consult his own region's police force on the real menace on the roads before spouting such crap:

Kendalred replied to lessismore | 8 years ago
1 like

lessismore wrote:


A suggestion scheme ahead of May’s first-ever West Midlands mayoral election this May has found that a local resident would like the successful candidate to introduce a bicycle licence – “to stop cyclists being a menace on the roads.”

His name is James

Slow news day?


Exactly - it's one suggestion from one (not very literate) person amongst dozens and dozens. His other suggestions include:

"cars will not go away or stop being used so don't ignore cars when "integrating transport" as they are part of the solution too" (LOL)

So hardly a clamour from locals!

davel replied to Kendalred | 8 years ago
1 like

KendalRed wrote:

lessismore wrote:


A suggestion scheme ahead of May’s first-ever West Midlands mayoral election this May has found that a local resident would like the successful candidate to introduce a bicycle licence – “to stop cyclists being a menace on the roads.”

His name is James

Slow news day?


Exactly - it's one suggestion from one (not very literate) person amongst dozens and dozens. His other suggestions include:

"cars will not go away or stop being used so don't ignore cars when "integrating transport" as they are part of the solution too" (LOL)

So hardly a clamour from locals!

...and yet he has such contradictorily enlightened thoughts such as 'Make discretionary car use difficult + expensive - Make people understand that driving a car in the city is anti-social'

He's pretty short on detail and plans though. I'd guess he's a frustrated busnut or permanent ped, but a career in politics beckons...

Leviathan | 8 years ago

So they say I need a licence to pay for the bike lane you want to force me to use so I am out of your way? No thanks, I'll ride on the road I paid for through direct taxation that connects to the other roads and doesn't end in a railing with a Cyclists Dismount sign on it.

brooksby replied to Leviathan | 8 years ago
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Leviathan wrote:

So they say I need a licence to pay for the bike lane you want to force me to use so I am out of your way? No thanks, I'll ride on the road I paid for through direct taxation that connects to the other roads and doesn't end in a railing with a Cyclists Dismount sign on it.

Exactly. If I'm paying bicycle excise duty then in return I (not unreasonably) demand my own cycle network parallel to and not inferior in any way to the road network.

Gourmet Shot | 8 years ago


davel | 8 years ago

Hang on...

Motons are complaining about cyclists becoming a menace on the roads.

If the trade-off of licensing cyclists will be an entirely new network, purely for cyclists, to keep cyclists off the road...

WTF is the point of the licence?


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