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Video: London cyclist tells fellow rider: "If you're scared you shouldn't be on the f*cking road"

Incident happened on Evelyn Street near Surrey Quays shopping centre after rider chose not to go up inside of tipper truck

A London cyclist who decided to hang back rather than go up the inside of a tipper truck at a junction near the Surrey Quays shopping centre was told by another rider:  "If you're scared you shouldn't be on the f*cking road."

Footage of the incident was posted online last Thursday bu YouTube user CBL, who had been waiting behind the lorry at the start of a gyratory at the junction of Evelyn Street, Bestwood Street and Lower Road.

Another cyclist said to him, "come on mate!" to which CBL replied: "I'm not going down the side of that, mate. You want me to die?"

Shortly afterwards, the other rider says to him as he overtakes:  "If you're scared you shouldn't be on the f*cking road"

CBL replied: You think I'm scared? That's how other people have died," the other rider giving him a 'wanker' sign in response as he rode off.

"I'm a wanker because I don't want to die down the side of a truck?" CBL shouted after him.

He caught up with the other cyclist at a set of traffic lights just past Bermondsey Station on Jamaica Road, around a mile from where the original exchange took place.

"Can you do me one favour, mate?" he asked, as other cyclists watched.

"Just say to the camera, 'You're a scared wanker if you don't ride down the side of a tipper truck' - because I'll show this to the friends and family of the people who have been killed by them, yeah?"

As the lights changed, he added: "Just have a little patience in your life. It's okay if you want to do it, but if I don't, shut your f*cking mouth."

Posting the video to Youtube, CBL said: "Please excuse me, I'm not at my most articulate so early in the morning. 

"I don't feel like squeezing down the side of a tipper truck which is turning left to get around road works. This guy calls me a wanker and tells me I shouldn't be on the road."

He added: "I wonder how the friends and families of people killed by these hulking trucks feel about this guy's opinion?"

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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dottigirl replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago
1 like

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

drosco wrote:

Are cycling hipsters any better or worse than pompous overbearing middle class mamils? Perhaps should run a feature on cycling's most disliked sub-cultures?

Personally I dislike the lyrca MTBer. It's perverse.

Personally, I struggle to say 'fixie' without attaching '-scum' on the end.

Or refrain from flicking Vs at The Borg on their rare forays out of Richmond Park.

And there's always those worn/white shorts twats showing us their chocolate starfishes. Now, that's perverse.

But in fact, I like most people on bikes just that little bit more than those in cars.



Yorkshire wallet replied to Nemesis | 7 years ago
Nemesis wrote:


"Kudos for keeping so level headed...."


Whilst the beardy bloke has an opinion I don't agree with and there wasn't a gap worth cycling up anyway.... the bloke filming does not keep his cool. 

He doesn't shut up once and keeps on and on at beardy bloke (and commits various prima facade public order offences)

Like many of you, he needs to grow up - those of you who say you would have 'spread his beardy face' - you don't know his history and if you do that he might take you apart. 

Just be careful out there - there are some quiet, reserved, evil bastards out there who are fed up with your pathetic wingeing. 

Cycle safely y'all 

I think we've identified beard guy.

hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

There seems to be a lot of hate on here for beards (and hipsters).

As much as that bloke may be an arsehole, hate on him for his behaviour/attitude, not his fashion choices. I'd much rather people like that are riding bikes than driving cars anyway. I say we should welcome all the idiots to ride bikes as much as possible. Keep them out of death-boxes.

Jackson | 7 years ago

Someone was rude and has a beard and now everyone's shouting about wanting him to get hit by a truck? People who could stand to chill out include the beard guy, the guy who uploaded it to YouTube and every one on this comments section writing very believable and certainly not fictional accounts of the time they had to beat up a "hipster" who shouted at them.

ianguignet | 7 years ago

Hopefully the bearded prick reads these comments... total arsehole.

reliablemeatloaf | 7 years ago

Beard or not, that guy is a colossal dickhead.

Ush | 7 years ago

I wouldn't go up the inside either.  And I certainly wouldn't be telling other people to do so.  But is the initial problem that CBL is stopping in, and blocking the gap, that crazy people want to squeeze into?

Barraob1 | 7 years ago
1 like

Is the bearded fool dead yet?

Barraob1 | 7 years ago

Dinosaur Jr boom! Nail on the head. Hopefully his bearded unoriginal arse will end up under a truck and his ghost bike, without beard, edgy tattoos or obnoxious attitude, can serve as a warning to other cyclists.

shay cycles | 7 years ago

I'm a little bit baffled that someone who feels the need to wrap his bonce in polystyrene and wear a dayglo backpack has the gall to call someone else scared for not taking stupid risks.

Beecho | 7 years ago

Every day, twice a day (in London) I shake my head in disbelief at the fruity manoeuvres pulled by others on two wheels. I slow down, they fly past. I wait, they fly past. I'm going to see something horrible one day, I'm sure.

mingsta | 7 years ago

Respect to the helmet cam guy for keeping his cool in that situation. As for the other guy, he clearly doesn't know as much about roadcraft as he'd like to think. What an utter bell end. I hope he sees that clip of himself and feels the shame...

muffies | 7 years ago

story of my life lol.
every morning s the same. random cyclist passes on red, being turning truck, etc.
i catch up with them within seconds and im trying not to - they re just slow.
then im facing the choice of passing them which is always dangerous with traffic or stay back which is also dangerous as cars rarely see the 2nd bike, plus is too slow for traffic.

the dance repeats 3, 4 times per commute. every single day.

don simon fbpe | 7 years ago

I've just realised that Gobby McGobshite didn't jump the red light.

Scared wanker was he?

don simon fbpe | 7 years ago

That's just the sort iof interaction you don't get when driving.

Love cycling.

Love cyclists (even beardy wankers).

Applecart | 7 years ago

Can't stand hipsters with road rage. I've had two altercations in my whole life on a bike, and both times it's been motherf***ing hipsters:

1. Beardo + androgynous girlfriend posing on pastel fixies screamed absolute blue murder and every swearword they knew for me 'overtaking too close'. It was so bizarre that I deliberately slowed down and cut them up, twice, looking at their faces just to see if they could possibly overreact any more (it was on a dedicated cycle path, completely empty, ie. safe..).
2. Ray-Banned retro racer with skinny jeans and a buzzcut yelled continually at me at some lights and told me to fuck off and read the highway code etc all the way down a road for having LED lights on at dusk (what?). I ignored it but eventually got so aggravated I headed him off, got off the bike and told him his glasses, beard, hair, and shitty bike already mark him out as a colossal fucking twat even before he opened his mouth, and I'd just done a hundred K, and would he like to come and do another hundred with me, right now, because I feel like f**king beating you. He buggered off.


Basically the only thing I say to other road users is "sorry", "thanks", "it's ok", "welcome". It's not that hard to be a little bit patient and give the benefit of the doubt, rather than living one's life as a canker on the arse of humanity.

scooterjinx | 7 years ago
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What an absolute wanker! Proof that twats also ride bikes 

Note not everyone with a beard is a cunt though no

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Won't be long before beardo gets doxxed and starts crying about harassment. 

50kcommute | 7 years ago

Kudos to the cyclist filming...the other guy is clearly a self absorbed twat.

If camera cyclist is reading, that's my old commuting route before I tried quietway 1 ... Try the quietway, it's surprisingly quick with little traffic... The wannabe pro's don't use it so it's usually twat free  1

rjfrussell | 7 years ago

I don't understand why so many cyclists have to get so shouty and cross with other cyclists.  I was hollered at for "dangerously"/ "suicidally"/ "giving us all a bad name" cycling up the left hand side of a line of stationary traffic.  

I was in a cycle lane.



Leviathan | 7 years ago

Some of you seem to harbouring a lot of prejudice against bearded velosapiens. As a person who recently acquired facial hair I can assure you it does not effect my opinions, nor do the opinions of this individual represent all bearded gentlemen.  

Applecart replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago

Leviathan wrote:

Some of you seem to harbouring a lot of prejudice against bearded velosapiens. As a person who recently acquired facial hair I can assure you it does not effect my opinions, nor do the opinions of this individual represent all bearded gentlemen.  

But you're not aero now dude as you've basically attached a sail to your face. To counterbalance the drag you'll need a full skin suit and a tri bike. Think on.

Lincolnshire Mamil replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago
1 like

Leviathan wrote:

Some of you seem to harbouring a lot of prejudice against bearded velosapiens. As a person who recently acquired facial hair I can assure you it does not effect my opinions, nor do the opinions of this individual represent all bearded gentlemen.  

Well said. I take exception to all us beardies being tarred with the same brush by some contributors on this thread. There are plenty of clean shaven a***holes* out there too.


*other abusive names are available.

Lincolnshire Mamil replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago

Leviathan wrote:

Some of you seem to harbouring a lot of prejudice against bearded velosapiens. As a person who recently acquired facial hair I can assure you it does not effect my opinions, nor do the opinions of this individual represent all bearded gentlemen.  

I heartily concur. I've got a big beard which I'm proud of but I'm no hipster w***** c*** etc. In fact I take exception to the generalisation by a lot of people on this thread who seem to think they can tar all us beardies with the same brush. I for one prefer to ride safely so I'm on the side of the helmet cam rider even if he came across as sanctimonious. I suspect that even if he was clean shaven the kamikaze rider would come across as a twat. Pity because that beard is epic.

BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

I've made calls when the gap might have being a bit narrower than some would choose to go through, even with bigger vehicles. Would I give another rider crap for not taking a line I would/have done before, no, because I don't know them, what their level is, how experienced/nuanced they are and most of all it's simply not my fucking business to interfere when someone isn't harming anyone else.

Some people say they have an instinct for when things are about to go pete tong, i say it's usually down to lots of experience and being able to judge when the % simply isn't in your favour at any given moment.

And as others have said this is MGIF, it doesn't benefit you to take make the pass at that juncture, you would know that already if this is a regular route before you even got to the back of the wagon so just ease off well before as you know the wagon is slow to accelerate.

clearly the bearded fucktard doesn't understand risk as he's wearing a H@@@@t.

As i always say, those that ride like a cunt usually drive their cars like a cunt too, so don't be a cunt and maybe you'll live longer/not put others lives at risk and not fuck off so many people


bstock | 7 years ago

The state of his mudguard, who'd take riding advice from that?

srchar | 7 years ago

I need a "I had a beard before 2016" sticker to go with my "I rode a bike before 2012" sticker.

part_robot | 7 years ago

Often when I complain about all-too-frequent bad cyclists in London (who cut me up, try to race me, don't look where they are going, bump into my tyres, cut off entire corners, cycle using their phones, cycle the wrong way up one way streets, jump lights, speed in pedastian zones and generally intimidate other cyclists as per above) many times people borderline defend those actions by saying "car drivers are worse". Well, maybe, but there's way too many wankers like this and it really takes the fun out of commuting. What's more it can put off those who are less confident and experienced and who don't enjoy feeling they are in Mad Max.

Also: attitudes coming with beards? Did Santa once say you were a bad boy and that's haunted you ever since? 

Also also: that route is horrible at rush hour and has the worst pot holes in London. If you happen to live in that area, I advise taking the various cycle lanes and quiet roads that run south and parallel-ish to Jamaica... they are actually faster too.

embattle | 7 years ago

This is why it is easy to see that no matter what you do some people on bikes are just going to get killed.


Personally I have and always will hang back, I've no wish to be the one reported about because I've put myself in a bad position.

alansmurphy replied to embattle | 7 years ago

embattle wrote:

This is why it is easy to see that no matter what you do some people on bikes are just going to get killed.


Personally I have and always will hang back, I've no wish to be the one reported about because I've put myself in a bad position.


That would suggest that everyone killed by a left turning vehicle was at fault; no responsibility for the vehicle designers, road planners, drivers? Even those that were overtaken and then side swiped put themselves in that position by merely being on the road. Genius!


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