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On your bike! Cycling expenses MP hits back at critical media coverage

Matt Western urges fellow MPs to follow his example and get in the saddle

An MP has hit back at media coverage of expenses claims of as little as 20 pence that he made for cycling trips on constituency business – and has urged parliamentary colleagues to follow his example and get in the saddle.

Writing in the Guardian, Matt Western, the Labour MP for Warwick & Leamington recalled the recent climate change strikes in schools, the Extinction Rebellion protests in London, and teenage activist Greta Thunberg addressing MPs, including him.

“So, at a time when most of the country is focused on the threats to our environment, the challenges we face in addressing them and the need for not just behavioural change but a transformation of our economy, what is more newsworthy to Fleet Street?” he asked.

“An MP legitimately claiming 20p a mile through parliamentary expenses for cycling between meetings around his constituency? Or an MP trying to lead by example by cycling, attempting to reduce his carbon footprint, and contributing to improving the poor air quality in our towns and cities – all while doing so at lower cost to the taxpayer?”

As we reported at the weekend, The Sun published a story about Western having claimed a total of £8.60 in 2018/19 for cycling, and while the newspaper highlighted that he had done nothing wrong and was entitled to submit the claim, the tone of the article suggested otherwise – including quoting an unnamed MP who said, “Your legs may hurt a little bit after going for a bike ride but it’s not like putting petrol in your car.”

> “It’s not like putting petrol in your car” – MP slams colleague for claiming 20p expenses for bike ride

In fact, as we pointed out, the amount claimed for cycling represented just 0.29 per cent of his total travel expenses of £2,989.64 for the year, most of which related to rail travel but also including £623.70 for use of his own car, something that passed without comment in The Sun.

The story was picked up by other newspapers, with Western saying: “The double standards hit an all-time high when The Times covered the story, accompanied by a front page talking about stalling electric car sales and their Clean Air For All campaign. This context left me wondering whether the Times would rather I use my car for these short visits. Interestingly, they have yet to answer this question.”

He pointed out that both in the public and private sectors, claiming 20 pence per mile (the rate approved by HMRC) for cycling on business is commonplace and complies with guidelines set be parliamentary expenses watchdog, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).

The MP said that “besides the cost of maintaining a bicycle, the most important part of this storm in a teacup is an MP practising what they preach and leading by example.”

Noting that his Leamington last week registered the worst air quality in the country, an issue of concern to his constituents, he said that “when the original story in the Sun appeared, a large number of them told me that they’re not only delighted I’m so visible cycling around our towns, but also relieved that I care enough about our local environment to offer deeds, not words, on local climate change.”

Western said he believed fellow MPs should follow his example to help show leadership on tackling climate change, and highlighted a scheme running in Bari, Italy, where people are given cash incentives to cycle to work or grants to buy a bike – something he said “has huge potential if attached to an infrastructure programme that focuses on improving cycling routes, making it a viable and accessible option for all commuters. It goes without saying that it’s significantly better for the health of others around you, as well as your own physical and mental health.”

He added: “Inadvertently, the national newspapers who attacked me for claiming this expense have raised an important issue and helped kickstart a positive campaign that I want to wage. I would challenge any of my parliamentary colleagues to lead by example during this declared climate emergency and cycle as much as they can. Not only that, but I challenge anyone reading this article to contact their employer to discuss cycle mileage.

“If they wouldn’t have an issue with you claiming for gas-guzzling vehicle mileage, or taking an Uber to your next meeting, why on earth should they be against something that is beneficial for all?

“In the meantime, I will continue cycling in my constituency – for my constituency,” he concluded.

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Mungecrundle | 5 years ago
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Exceptional circumstances aside. How about a general principle of not paying travel expenses for private car journeys of less than 2 miles?

billymansell | 5 years ago
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I'm all for cutting car allowance as motorists are already massively subsidised by the state; they haven't paid their fare share of fuel duty in years denying the Treasury billions and don't contribute equitably through VED and insursnce for the damage they do to the environment, the roads and human life. We need to be dis-incentivising driving and not rewarding it where alternative forms of transport that can be better for the environment and society are available.

In fact, in line with last month's call to rename cyclists, I think we should rename motorists benefit scroungers for the financial and social burden they are on society in persisting with their chosen lifestyle borne of them seeing driving as a right and not a privilege.



PS. I do drive but a) don't believe the world owes me to do so and b) enjoy cycling too much, even commuting by bike, to waste my time and energy frustratingly stuck in traffic.

levermonkey | 5 years ago

How about this as an idle thought.

Cars to remain at 40p/mile

Bicycles to rise from 20p/mile to 80p/mile to reflect the social, economic, and enviromental benifits. 

Should a cyclist exceed 250 miles/year in allowed mileage then the rate to increase to £1/mile.

Further increases every additional 250 miles/year of 20p/mile up to a maximum of £2.40/mile (2000+ miles/year).

I bet a lot of MP's (and business men) would suddenly become converts. Just think of the infrastructure that would get voted through.

The holistic cost would be negative as the health benifits would be enormous.


An MP cycles 700 miles/year

250 miles @ 80p/mile + 250 miles @ £1/mile + 200 miles @ £1.20/mile = £690/year

Current cycle allowance = £140 (difference +£550)

Car allowance = £280 (difference -£410)


ktache | 5 years ago

I'm hoping you mentioned the government's upcoming review of road safety laws, burt.

burtthebike | 5 years ago

Good for him, but this does illustrate the orchestrated campaign against cycling in the msm.  When do the facts that cycling reduces congestion, pollution, climate change, obesity, improves health, ever get a mention, let alone the publicity this storm in a thimble has got?

Earlier this week, a BBC R4 prog "You and Yours" was selling electric cars, asking people to ring in, and many did, almost all of them saying that they'd bought an e-car for the environment.  The interviewer never once corrected them or explained that any improvement to the environment is tiny, if any at all.  I rang in and had a long conversation with a producer, who vehemently defended their position and claimed that the BBC regularly featured the benefits of cycling .  How I managed not to swear I'm not sure, but I look upon it as a triumph of self-control.

ROOTminus1 | 5 years ago

It's refreshing to see a politician not making a complete tit of themselves in the headlines, even if we have to read between the vitriol of MSM.

20p a mile is hardly the money-grabbing scheme compared to my local MPs paper round of a second job

hawkinspeter | 5 years ago

Good on him!

I'd be happy if MPs got £2 per cycled mile, let alone 20p as it might focus their mind a bit more on actual road safety and air pollution.

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