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Study: Good cycling infrastructure makes roads safer for everyone

UK campaigners say US study proves the value of investing in high-quality cycle lanes

The authors of a study into road safety in a number of US cities say they are “surprised and encouraged” by the finding that protected cycling infrastructure not only makes roads safer for people on bikes, but for motorists too.

Researchers from the University of Colorado Denver and the University of New Mexico discovered that where local governments had spent money on high-quality cycle lanes, drivers became more aware of what was going on around them and were also more inclined to reduce their speed.

The result was a drop in casualty rates for all road users – although they noted that a similar effect was not seen in areas where bike lanes were simply marked out with paint, reports the Independent.

Co-author Wesley Marshall, a professor of civil engineering, told the newspaper: "Regular, painted bike lanes turned out to be non-significant. They may help in terms of bicyclist safety but weren't a factor when we focused on all road users.

"We are both surprised and encouraged by our results. When you think about travelling by different modes, a mile on public transport is about 20 times safer than a mile in a car, and a mile in a car is about 10 times safer than a mile on a bicycle.

"Thus, it stands to reason that a city (or country) with a lot of bicycling would be the least safe. However, the places with a lot of bicycling turned out to be some of our safest places – and not just for bicyclists."

The study focused on 12 large cities in the US, some of which have invested heavily in cycling infrastructure in recent years.

They said that between 1990 and 2010, deaths in road traffic collisions fell by 75 per cent in Portland, Oregon, by 61 per cent in Seattle, 49 per cent in San Francisco, 40 per cent in Colorado and 38 per cent in Chicago.

Nicholas Ferenchak, who co-authored the study, commented: "When we believed it was the old safety-in-numbers concept, that meant we had to figure out how to get more people on bicycles to make a city safer.

"That's not easy. But this research has boiled it down for city planners: create cycling facilities, and you'll see the impact."

Campaigners in the UK say that the research should prompt local authorities here to invest in high-quality infrastructure.

London Cycling Campaign’s Simon Munk told the Independent that the research findings showed it was “imperative for the mayor to crack on and deliver his pledge to triple the amount of segregated cycle lanes on main roads.

“Sadiq Khan is on track to do that,” he added, “but it is important that the next mayor continues to accelerate the pace of change.”

Cycling UK’s Roger Geffen said: "Investment in cycling is great value for reducing congestion, pollution, and physical inactivity," he said.

"The fact that it could also make our roads safer for everyone is another powerful argument for our government to increase substantially its investment in quality cycle provision.”

We've featured research from Professor Marshall on before. In 2015, he explored why some cyclists break the law. His answer? Because of the dominance of motor vehicles on the roads. 

Observing that cyclists who infringe traffic laws tend to be judged more harshly than drivers who do so, he called for city authorities to build more dedicated cycling infrastructure.

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spen | 5 years ago

The problem with research like this, I don't have access to the full article but I have looked at the summary on the journals website, is that the cities they cite are not typical of what could be achieved in most British towns or cities.


Whenever protected facilities are mentioned places such as Portland, Utrecht, london and Copenhagen are cited but what's rarely mentioned is the amount of space available for conversion.  The main routes through the centre of Copenhagen and Utrecht are as wide as the average British motorway.  In the place I live the main roads into the centre were laid down when the horse was the main mode of transport.  These roads are two lanes wide with 1.5 to 2 metre wide footways and many houses opening directly onto the footway.  No one ever seems to do research on how you provide facilities on roads like these without knocking down numerous houses.  While it would be great to have facilities like those in the picture at the top of the article in most places in the real world it ain't going to happen


This research does also cast doubt on the notion of safety in numbers.

imajez replied to spen | 5 years ago

spen wrote:

what's rarely mentioned is the amount of space available for conversion. 

THis is often used to excuse why it couldn't happen here. But funnily enough Holland until the mid-70s had the same car problems and narrow streets as we do and yet somehow they managed it just fine. Seville more recently is an example of an old world city adapting to bikes succesfully.

Anotehr  thing you forget is that roads can carry way more people on bikes than in cars. 

chrisonabike replied to spen | 10 months ago
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Overall - what you're describing is how we look at what are choices.  So those who will countenance any change (but also those seeking to neutralise it) often have the view "yes, we want change!  But we can't have things being different".

We are where we are (motornormativity) because "in the real world" it did happen.  We took all that space and allocated it to (initially) a small number of drivers.  Then as more people drove (which was strongly pushed by the motor trade and governments) we absolutely did knock down numerous houses.  And lovely trees, and pleasant grass and lots besides.

Everyone did.  Even in the Netherlands [1] [2].

But ... it's a choice.  And now *lots* of places - in many different countries - are choosing a different path going forward.

Not denying it's difficult to see how we break out of the vicious circle in the UK.  But it's really not because (uniquely) the UK has narrow streets, or cars to park, or weather, or hills, or lazy people, or bad drivers...

chrisonabike replied to spen | 10 months ago
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On US cities - interestingly I have heard exactly the opposite from some US campaigners!  Apparently in some places in the US they simply don't have the space!  The suggestion is that because the suburbs are far too sprawling they are a lost cause for active travel anyway - the only place it makes sense is the dense urban cores.  However those often have streets built to a rather narrower size (perhaps 15 - 20m wide - the buildings grew but the streets didn't).  For example see this article and the (sadly talking past each other) discussion between the Davids in the comments.

On the general issue:

As for your example - as e.g. imajez mentioned other places "have narrow historic streets" - and yet have managed to cope.  Much of NL, in fact.  It's true some cities do have wide boulevards (centre of Paris - but perhaps not everywhere in the city?).  But plenty of other places have somehow squared this circle e.g. Oslo, Malmo, Oulu, Seville ... and even Cambridge (narrow historic streets again!) and parts of London (a work in progress).

spen wrote:

These roads are two lanes wide with 1.5 to 2 metre wide footways and many houses opening directly onto the footway.  No one ever seems to do research on how you provide facilities on roads like these without knocking down numerous houses.

Well ... you could.  The "problem" is of course "something has to give".  And it's "convenience for those using motor vehicles - and in especially private cars".

So - is there parking there?  Perhaps that could be reduced / moved elsewhere?  There are two lanes - why?  Perhaps this could be a single lane e.g. one-way?  If this is a through-route for motor traffic, should it be?  (If a relatively narrow residential street the answer is likely "no, it shouldn't be").  What are the motor traffic volumes?  Do we expect (and allow) drivers to travel at 30mph there (or even 20+)?  If so, why?

The other "barrier to thought" about this in the UK is that once people have appreciated the "separate cycle path" idea they assume that this is the only solution.  In practice this is just one of many tools for achieving the bigger goal - a rebalancing of our public spaces and transport.  Even in NL such cycle paths are not on every street - in fact they're the exception.  There are lots of other ways to make places safer and more pleasant - including "sending the traffic elsewhere" (separate networks), using "modal filtering", unravelling modes etc.

Bmblbzzz | 5 years ago
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At a guess, the mechanism at work here is that the carriageway is slightly narrower, thus forcing drivers to pay a bit more attention?

burtthebike | 5 years ago

Well, not exactly surprising, but good news.  Wait for the DfT and ministers to say how wonderful this is and to promise funding, and I'm sure the msm will be all over this, especially the BBC and the Mail.

pockstone | 5 years ago

Study: good driving makes roads safer for everyone.

StraelGuy | 5 years ago

In other breaking news, creatures of the ursine persuasion defecate in woodland...

John Fernando replied to StraelGuy | 10 months ago

In light of these findings, it's imperative for local authorities to heed the call for investment in high-quality cycling facilities. By doing so, they can not only enhance road safety but also contribute to the creation of more livable and sustainable cities for all. If you're interested in delving deeper into discussions surrounding urban mobility and infrastructure investment, you might find valuable resources at, where scholarly discourse meets practical insights.

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