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Family of cyclist killed in Bethnal Green after being hit by lorry in June call for witnesses

More evidence needed as they pursue compensation claim to help fund care for victim's two-year-old daughter...

The partner of a cyclist killed in London earlier this year is appealing for witnesses to come forward as she pursues a claim for compensation against the operators of the lorry involved to help pay for the care of their infant daughter.

Peter McGreal, aged 44, died four days after he was hit by the lorry in Bethnal Green Rode at 8.30am on June 21 as he rode from his home in Walthamstow to his work as a graphic designer at London Metropolitan University’s Aldgate campus, where he was also a trade union representative.

His death left his partner, Amanda Baker, alone to care for their two-year-old daughter, reports the London Evening Standard.

The fatal collision took place at the junction of Hackney Road and Pritchard’s Road. The driver failed to stop but was subsequently traced by police and arrested on suspicion of causing death by careless driver. He was released on bail and is due to return to a police station in East London next month.

Michelle Sutton of Fentons Solicitors LLP, which is acting for Mr McGreal’s family, said that they still did not have a complete understanding of how the incident had unfolded.

"If we are to secure the future care of the couple's daughter, we urgently need witnesses to come forward with their description of what happened,” she explained.

“Peter's family are still suffering the aftermath of losing their loved one. We are hoping people will come forward and help us to secure the help they need right now and also in the future."

Anyone who has information regarding the incident is asked to contact Michelle Sutton at Fentons Solicitors LLP on 0161 238 6408 or michelle.sutton [at] (via email).


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billygene | 12 years ago

I cycle through this junction every day. It is deceptively dangerous. I always felt something bad would happen at it and when I saw the white bicycle on the railings it confirmed my fears. The problem started a couple of years ago when the hotel went up. At this point the zebra crossing was replaced by a pelican crossing. Now instead of the traffic slowing down and being wary of potential pedestrians the cars power through at 30mph speeding up as the amber shows. Trying to get onto the main Hackney road from Pritchard's road or Temple street has since become very difficult, with most cars and cyclists having to edge out and make a dash for it. I wouldn't be surprised if this accident came about by a large vehicle trying to avoid a car turning off hackney road at this point and hitting the cyclist as they were trying to get onto the road. The planners should revert to a zebra crossing or make a traffic lit box junction at this point. As it stands there will be more deaths and accidents at this spot and I hope one of them isn't me.

Paul M | 13 years ago

If we were like all bar four EU countries in having a strict liability law for motor claims and insurance, there woudl be no need to appeal for witnesses, no need to prove the motorists' negligence, no need to spend years and oceans of emotional pain fighting for justice.

It would add £s to a typical annual premium and might perhaps make drivers a little more careful - a not unfair expectation of anyone who handles a "weapon" as lethal as 1.5 tonnes of fast-moving steel.

tarquin_foxglove replied to Paul M | 13 years ago

EU countries don't have 'strict liability', they have 'presumed liability', the burden of proof falls on the motorist to show that the cyclist was at fault/contributed to the accident.

Even so it only applies to insurance claims, so there would still be a need to "appeal for witnesses, a need to prove the motorists' negligence, a need to spend years and oceans of emotional pain fighting for justice" to ensure that the driver was punished for any criminal behaviour.

With regards to the incident above, how can you not be guilty of careless driving if run over & kill someone and don't stop? It's hardly the action of a careful driver.

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