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Number of motorists fined for using mobiles jumps by a third in last year

But insurer that secured police data under FOI request says only a tiny fraction getting caught

Motorists are adopting a devil-may-care attitude towards illegally using their mobile phones at the wheel, with the number of drivers fined for doing so rising by a third over the past year to more than 171,000. What’s more, when the figures are viewed against research into motorists’ self-reported use of mobiles while driving, it’s clear that the vast majority of those breaking the law and putting lives at risk are going unpunished.

According to a Freedom of Information request conducted by the insurer Swiftcover, to which 41 of the 43 police forces in England and Wales responded, over 171,000 motorists were fined £60 and had their driving licences endorsed with three penalty points over the last 12 months, reports Mail Online. That compares to 115,900 in 2008.

Swiftcover added that it had conducted research among drivers which suggested that less than 3 per cent of those admitting using their mobile phone while driving are actually getting caught and fined.

Younger drivers accessing social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter was also highlighted as an area of particular concern, which was also a key finding of the 2011 edition of the RAC’s annual Report on Motoring.

According to road safety campaigners, the rise in the number of motorists being fined – a reversal of a dip observed in 2008 after stiffer penalties were introduced – is due to many drivers feeling that they can get away with it because of relatively low levels of enforcement and the fact that the punishment provides an insufficient deterrent.

Katie Shephard, director of Brake, told the Mail: “If 171,000 drivers have been caught, perhaps the penalties aren’t high enough.

“There is no call important enough to risk your life or that or another road user. Our message to all drivers is switch off your mobile when behind the wheel.”

Robin Reames, chief claims officer at Swiftcover, pointed out that drivers who caused a collision while using their mobile phones risked their insurance being rendered void, and could also face more serious sanctions than a fixed penalty notice depending on the charges brought.

“Not only do you face fines, disqualification or even the possibility of a jail sentence, but anyone who crashes their vehicle while on the phone will be unable to make a claim with their insurer,” he explained.

Road Safety Minister Mike Penning, quoted by the Mail, said: “To make sure drivers take this seriously we are increasing the fine for the offence from £60 to between £80 and £100 next year.”

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Simon E | 13 years ago

It's not as if they can claim ignorance, it has been illegal since 2003.


bassjunkieuk | 13 years ago

It's all well and good increasing the fine but it ain't worth sh!t if the law isn't being enforced. I've caught clear as day video's of dozens of drivers on their phones, including recently an excellent one of a young male driver giving me the finger as he drove past having noticed my "phone" hand signal - leaving no hands on the wheel!

Each time if the footage is good enough I'll usually report to Roadsafe. I have already had one of my Youtube clips pulled on "privacy" grounds, presumably after the muppet who was on his phone for a good 4 miles (and still didn't manage to lose the "slow" cyclist ;-)) presumably received his nice letter from the Roadsafe unit and actually googled his numberplate only to find a shot of his mug with phone glued to ear in the clip  4

I've also heard from a workmate who was rear-ended in her car and the driver actually admitted "I didn't see you'd stopped as I was looking for my phone that I dropped!"

There have been numerous studies showing that driving whilst using a mobile phone effects your driving ability to the same degree as being twice over the drink drive limit. As we are now getting towards a point where drink driving is becoming socially un-acceptable I guess there is hope that one day mobile phone use will be viewed in the same light.

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