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TDF Stage 7: Video Preview - La Planche des Belles Filles

Team IG-Sigma's Daniel Lloyd recces the first summit finish at this year's Tour while Team Sky's Geraint Thomas talks contenders...

We really enjoyed the Giro d'Italia video previews of key stages put together by IG Markets Cycling, so it's great news that they are doing them again for the Tour. First up, Team IG-Sigma Sport's Daniel Lloyd undertake a recce of tomorrow's stage, the first climbing stage of this year's Tour.

Stage 7 is one of the most eagerly awaited of this year's race, featuring one of just three summit finishes in the 2012 parcours, with maillot jaune Fabian Cancellara saying yesterday that he had no hope of holding onto the overall lead on what he dubbed the 'Planche of the sore legs.' That's something Dan Lloyd agrees with, and he suggests a couple of likely scenarios for how the stage might develop and who will end the day in yellow.

The stage will provide a testing end to a first week of the race that has perhaps been tougher than expected, including a brutal Stage 3 on Tuesday into Boulogne-sur-Mer. The huge crash on today's stage from Épernay to Metz in which a number of GC contenders thought likley to attack on today's stage has also added to the air on uncertainty. What can be sais is that Saturday's stage is likely to be the first time in this year's Tour in which the GC contenders join battle in earnest.

Never before included in the Tour, the 6km ascent to the finish has an average gradient of 8.5 per cent, and officially hits 13 per cent in places - although as Lloyd points out in the video, his computer recorded a 22 per cent stretch just before the climb levels out towards the end. It should be gripping stuff.

Geraint Thomas says: After the crash on Stage 6, pure climbers like Frank Schleck and Robert Gesink will have to try and get time back on Brad and Cadel on a day like today. Nibali missed the crash, but could also look to get some time, thehy;ve got to make the most of it, haven’t they? There’s just a couple of smaller climbs before that, so it’s all down to the last one. Somebody’s got to take it on, and I’d go for a proper climber today, though maybe not one of the main GC guys, perhaps Rui Costa, he’s in good shape.

To find out more abut this year's race check out our full 2012 Tour de France Preview featuring stage by stage analysis and tips from Team Sky's Geraint Thomas

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Super Domestique | 12 years ago

I enjoyed the Giro vid's Dan did too.

This was a good one, once again. Looking forward to more of the same.

Dan has done a good job in the commentary box too on the occasions I have heard him. That in itself can be a thankless task as hundreds of internet users comment and criticize ever error or pick up on every repeated phrase.

Not sure if Dan will ever read this but just in case, keep up the good work.

Hood4Good | 12 years ago

Really useful video for me personally. I never watched previews like this. And always wanted to participate in smth. like this. But with my weight..  7

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