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Fantasy Cycling the final TdF scores + get set for the Olympics!

Who won what at the Tour, plus a look at the numbers and a guide to playing the Olympic road race and TT

So that's it. The Tour de France won by a Brit for the first time, with another Brit in second place. Cav wins on the Champs-Elysées for the fourth time, in the World Champ stripes. Roll on the Olympics!

Before we go there though, let's round up the Fantasy Tour de France. We were all a bit excited about Wiggo and Froome-dog and in our excitement got a bit lax with the stage updates. We've got six winners still to announce. So without further ado, here they are:

Stage 15: Curtains for Karpets won at a canter with 210 points on the flat to Pau. They win an Altura Ergofit Race Cape worth £69
Stage 16: Microdose's 238 point haul, including a round ton from Voeckler, is the second best stage score all season. They win a Prologo Zero Ti 1.4 saddle (Hard Black) worth £99
Stage 17: purefantasy correctly picked Valverde to go off the front and helped themselves to 231 points. They win a Bryton Rider 40 GPS computer worth £149
Stage 18: Team Cheese lined up the sprinters and ended up with 138 points. They win a Zefal FP70 Track pump worth £59
Stage 19: Lyrca Poofs took a tight TT stage with a total of 158. The win an Altura Ergofit Comp Short Sleeve Jersey (White) worth £59
Stage 20: Team Runaway bossed the Champs-Elysées with a 167-point haul. They win a pair of Tifosi Tyrant sunglasses (Race Red) worth £59.99

What does all that mean for the overall standings? Well, none of the teams above made it onto the podium, although Microdose did managed a very creditable 8th overall. In fact there weren't any podium changes for the last three stages of the race. Top of the heap this year is johnking, with 2,461 points. That's an average of 117 per stage, which is pretty impressive. Second place goes to Green Hedge Cycling, with 2,429 and third is EPO breaks. Those three are all premium players so they're also the prize winners this year. So we can announce the following winners of the Tour:

First: johnking wins a BMC Roadracer SL01 Tiagra Compact 2012 Road Bike worth £1,699
Second: Green Hedge Cycling wins a Full BMC team kit including jersey, shorts, windproof gilet and gloves, worth £260
Third: EPO breaks wins a Louis Garneau X-Lite Helmet worth £124.99

There's the purist's competition to wrap up too. Again, no change for the final few stages of the Tour, and Wigging it's team of Wiggins, Sagan, Goss, Rogers, Kiserlovski, Voigt, Izagirre, Lund and Huguet win out with 1,715 points. That's especially impressive since they managed to pick two of the handful of riders - Lund and Huguet - that didn't score any points at all for the entire race.

The Fantasy TdF in numbers

A quick look at the stats of the Tour. Sagan won three stages, took points in a lot of intermediate sprints and went in the break across a big mountain stage. So it's perhaps no surprise that he's the overall top scorer in the game with 550 points. Wiggo was next with 475, Froome third on 367. Here's the top ten:

1  Peter Sagan          550
2  Bradley Wiggins      475
3  Christopher Froome   367
4  Matthew Goss         326
5  Vicenzo Nibali       304
6  Tejay van Garderen   301
7  Andre Greipel        295
8  Thomas Voeckler      293
9  Cadel Evans          288
10 Edvald Boasson Hagen 270

A decent mix of GC riders, all-rounders and sprinters in there. Top domestique was Thibaut Pinot, with 204 points, in twelfth equal with Pierre Rolland.

In terms of who was best value, our crude points-divided-by-cost calculation shows that it's all domestiques at the top. Gorka Izagirre is top of the pile with an impressive 38.9 points for each of his 2.7 credits. He's followed by Daryl Impey (27.1) and Kris Boeckmans (24.2); Sagan is first star rider on 15.9 in eighth place.

1  Gorka Izagirre      38.9
2  Daryl Impey         27.1
3  Kris Boeckmans      24.2
4  Michael Morkov      21.1
5  Thibaut Pinot       20.4
6  Pablo Urtasun       18.1
7  Yukiya Arashiro     16.4
8  Peter Sagan         15.9
9  Egoi Martinez       15.7
10 Julien Simon        15.3

Highest score for a single rider on a single day goes to Tommy Voeckler for his escape over the Pyrenees. He netted 100 points for that, the first time any rider has got into triple figures for a stage.

So that's it! Next up: the Olympics

The Olympics fantasy game

It's a touch different. Not much, but a bit. Obviously the riders are still in trade teams but that doesn't make much sense when you're riding for your country. So there are no team limits. If you want three Sky riders, fill your boots.

All the riders who weren't in the game as a member of a trade team have been added to a catch-all Olympic team; again, you can pick as many of them as you like.

Scoring will be similar to a one-day classic for the road race, with the exception that the bonus goes to members of the country squad, not the trade team. For the TT the same applies.

The roster is in for the road race, we'll update with the Time Trial riders after the road race is completed. There's about four days to go to deadline. Good luck!

Dave is a founding father of, having previously worked on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike magazines back in the day. He also writes about e-bikes for our sister publication ebiketips. He's won three mountain bike bog snorkelling World Championships, and races at the back of the third cats.

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Gkam84 | 12 years ago

So the purist goes not a non premium then  14

captain_slog | 12 years ago

Congratulations to all the winners.

Can I just mention that I came eleventh in the Tour of Poland purist league?

DonnyCampo | 12 years ago

Am I the only one who can't make transfers? On my pick a team page it shows the next stage as being TdF Stage 20 and the deadline as having passed

dave atkinson replied to DonnyCampo | 12 years ago
DonnyCampo wrote:

Am I the only one who can't make transfers? On my pick a team page it shows the next stage as being TdF Stage 20 and the deadline as having passed

go to 'competitions', select 'olympics'

et la


Marauder | 12 years ago

There is a great variety of prizes that have been available. Well done on keeping everything on course and moving especially considering the possible server issues last month.

Only criticism I have is where is my prize  7

Haha only joking.

Skibish | 12 years ago

Cheers Dave. Given you mentioned three sky riders I just looked to see if I could have a whole Sky team - unfortunately are not enough DS's riding so would need to pick one de-listed rider (prob Puccio as cheep) - but it makes for an interesting conundrum as to what combination of their star riders you think will score most points.

Skibish | 12 years ago

Dave - I presume that the unlimited transfer window means that purists can change teams between road race and the TT rather than having to pick a team to cover both?

dave atkinson replied to Skibish | 12 years ago
Skibish wrote:

Dave - I presume that the unlimited transfer window means that purists can change teams between road race and the TT rather than having to pick a team to cover both?

yes. there isn't a purists comp as such for the olympics.

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