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Pedal on Parliament not impressed with Scotland’s Nice Way Code campaign

"£500,000 waste of taxpayers' money"...

The Scottish government today launched its the Nice Way Code initiative, a £500,000 campaign asking road users to all just get along and be lovely to each other. Scottish cycling campaign group Pedal on Parliament is not impressed.

According to Pedal on Parliament, research shows that the most effective means to reduce road deaths are changes to the road environment and lower speeds. Education campaigns, especially where not backed up by visible enforcement, do very little.

The campaign comes after government figures revealed that nine cyclists had died on Scotland’s roads so far this year, the same as the whole of 2012 and already more than twice the 2009 figure of just four.

Sally Hinchcliffe, one of the organisers of Pedal on Parliament, said: “While we don’t disagree that behaviour needs to improve between road users, simply asking us all to be nice to one another without backing it up with real changes and enforcement is a waste of taxpayers’ money.

“Most drivers don’t set out to harm anyone, whether they’re cyclists or not.  It’s the way our roads are designed and policed that put drivers and people on bikes into conflict.

“We’d rather see that money spent on cutting speeds, or improving known accident black spots. It’s a drop in the ocean, but it would be a start.”

In May, a claimed 4,000 people - led by former cycling Hour Record holder and national treasure Graeme Obree - rode to the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood to demand that the Scottish Government allocate five percent of transport spending to cycling.

“Spending nearly £500,000 asking drivers, cyclists and pedestrians all to be nicer to one another offers poor value for money on its own,” says Pedal on Parliament. “Coming on top of the Scottish government’s last education campaign ‘Give me Cycle Space’, which did little to reassure parents that their children would be safe on Scotland’s roads, this ‘words rather than actions’ approach demonstrates  the government’s lack of commitment to saving the lives of cyclists and other vulnerable road users.”

David Brennan, another of the Pedal on Parliament organisers said: “The government is keen to encourage more people on their bikes, and yet they are putting no effort into making the roads safer for these prospective new cyclists. 

“I know of no country in the world where cycling has become safer and more common place through advertising alone. There are however, many examples of countries with excellent road safety records for all road users where they have invested in cycling infrastructure. 

“With the government pushing on with a number of very expensive road projects with billion pound price tags, is it too much to ask for £100m a year to be spent on saving cyclists lives and on investing in a healthier more environmentally friendly Scotland?”

The recently-updated Cycling Action Plan for Scotland commits the Scottish Government to  increasing the proportion of journeys made by bike to 10 percent by 2020. Some feel that time is running out for there to be any chance of achieving that goal.

Government response

Quoted in The Scotsman, a Scottish Government spokesman said: “Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and we make no apology for raising awareness of this issue or for seeking to improve behaviour.

“As Pedal on Parliament are acutely aware from our recent meetings, this campaign isn’t being run in isolation. Effective road safety relies on the three ‘E’s - education, enforcement and engineering.

“In terms of funding, an average of £3.80 per head is currently spent on cycling in Scotland - more than double the amount being spent in England outside of London. Promoting cycling needs to be a partnership endeavour and we are working across ministerial portfolios to identify opportunities to enhance funding where possible.

“We are currently investing almost £58 million on cycling infrastructure, training and road safety projects through Cycling Scotland, Sustrans and local authorities. Funding of £20 million goes directly to local authorities for cycling, walking and Safer Streets projects. Together, these three approaches can reduce casualties on Scotland’s roads.

“We also held extensive stakeholder consultations during the creative process for the Nice Way Code which is supported by the likes of the AA, the Bike Station, Cycling Scotland, IAM, Paths for All, Police Scotland, the RHA, and Sustrans, to name just a few.”

Pedal on Parliament’s 8-point manifesto calls for:

Proper funding for cycling
Design cycling into Scotland’s roads
Safer speeds where people live, work and play
Integrate cycling into local transport strategies
Sensible road traffic law and enforcement
Reduce the risk of HGVs to cyclists and pedestrians
A strategic and joined-up programme of road user training
Solid research on cycling to support policy making


John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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a_to_the_j | 11 years ago

I do wonder where this “... £58 million on cycling infrastructure, .. £20 million goes directly to local authorities"
actually goes, cos i dont see sh*t all on the roads around Moray and outer Inverness. Is it all being spent on lovely tourist routes and MTB parks instead of real proper COMMUTER routes that day to day cyclists really need.

Scotland is especially bad in that the'A' routes between towns are heavily congested with HGV's, vans, and cars doing crazy 60-70+ with no shoulders. (A96 a prime example) and the canny motorists using the lovely single-track B roads as high speed cut through's.

a.jumper | 11 years ago

£78m on actually doing stuff, £500m on telling people to be nice. I think they've got the figures backwards.

HKCambridge replied to a.jumper | 11 years ago
a.jumper wrote:

£78m on actually doing stuff, £500m on telling people to be nice. I think they've got the figures backwards.

Er, no, £500,000 on telling people to be nice. Still pretty pointless to my mind, but not quite that bad.

I don't think all money on education is wasted, but this is so ill-targeted I can't see how it will have an effect. I could get behind a campaign that, for instance, sought to educate motorists about why cyclists take the lane, and that they have the right to do so. I can see the point of telling cyclists not to ride up the inside of a moving bus.

I can't see the point of telling people to play nice.

I'm also highly skeptical of govt figures on cycle spending, particularly at a local level. I know exactly what my local council spend cycle safety funds on, and it ain't helping cyclists.

Mattrb78 | 11 years ago

£500,000!!!!! To tell people to be nice to each other and that's it! No enforcement! No engineering! No real changes! No road safety! Just goes to show the government is already taking the easy option that involves zero effort and ticks a box!!!

euanlindsay replied to Mattrb78 | 11 years ago
Mattrb78 wrote:

£500,000!!!!! To tell people to be nice to each other and that's it! No enforcement! No engineering! No real changes! No road safety! Just goes to show the government is already taking the easy option that involves zero effort and ticks a box!!!

Read the article. Specifically the Gov's response.

Cycle_Jim | 11 years ago

There's a highway code, people don't follow that...
What the hell makes them this code will make people 'nice'

TeamCC | 11 years ago

Hey now, don't call that £500,000 spend on Be Nice marketing a waste before we see the outcome. Car drivers have never been asked to be nice before, not that I'm aware of, so this could really turn things around!

Remember, when God gave Moses those 10 commandments and spread them around the world that totally stopped all the killing, idolatry, coveting, etc... God missed a crucial point, "Be Nice", but luckily we have this £500,000 to shore up those commandments.

djpalmer32 | 11 years ago

I think you need to proof-read and spellcheck the article first. I spotted at leat two typos: 'Aufust' and 'moer'!

shay cycles replied to djpalmer32 | 11 years ago

Thought they were just slipping into local dialects  3

Some Fella | 11 years ago

"We also held extensive stakeholder consultations during the creative process"

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