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Telegraph admits publishing "erroneous" Strava data — corrects story claiming "death trap" cyclists are hitting "52mph" while chasing London segments; Giro d'Italia helmet row; Richmond Park Strava segment flagged as hazardous + more on the live blog

It's the Wednesday live blog and Dan Alexander is on duty again (apologies if you're getting sick of me)... we've got more Giro coverage, news, reaction and more for you as we creep closer to a bank holiday weekend...


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22 May 2024, 16:36
Telegraph admits publishing "erroneous" Strava data — corrects story claiming "death trap" cyclists are hitting "52mph" while chasing London segments

The Telegraph has removed figures from its story published on Friday claiming that "Lycra lout cyclists are creating death traps all over Britain", the piece justified with dodgy GPS data incorrectly suggesting cyclists were hitting speeds of 52 mph in London.

> Telegraph journalists told "check your research" after front page claims cyclists hit 52mph chasing London Strava segments... despite that being faster than Olympic track cyclists

The correction and amendment has been made online and comes after the newspaper published this on its front page last week...

Telegraph front page

The online version of the story is now titled: "How cyclists are turning UK roads into death traps". 

In a correction at the bottom of the article the newspaper admitted publishing "erroneous" data and claimed Strava data "cannot be checked or independently verified". Adding to the bizarre tale of one of the nation's biggest media organisations getting something so simple so spectacularly wrong, over the weekend it emerged that one of the journalists working on the story was a former BBC fact checker. No, really...

The Telegraph's correction states: "This article and its headline have been amended to remove speeds recorded on Strava which Strava has now deleted and which appear to have been erroneous. Data is uploaded to Strava by users, either automatically or manually, and cannot be checked or independently verified; the data is accepted on trust.  We are happy to clarify this point and correct the record."

The newspaper was ridiculed and heavily criticised for the piece, and there will be concerns the correction comes too late for the thousands of people who will have already read the headline online and in print.

Active Travel Commissioner Chris Boardman described the article as "hate speech" and said certain sections of the press' demonisation of cyclists as killers has "just got to stop".

"Mums, dads, sons and daughters being labelled as killers. It's just got to stop," he said. "I don't normally get involved in calling out headlines but it's just getting bonkers. If this was directed at a gender, race or religion it would be rightly called out as the hate speech it is."

The Sky Sports News presenter Sanny Rudravajhala also expressed his anger at the article's inaccuracies, addressing the authors on X/Twitter: "Your whole piece centres on injuries and deaths from cyclists without anything to compare it with. Four deaths caused by cyclists for example versus say the 1,711 from cars in 2022?

"Or 143,326 injuries from car accidents versus the 462 from cyclists that you mention. And bloody hell, this quote, 'Strava enthusiasts claim dangerous cyclists are a small minority'. - I mean, clearly they are? Or are the majority of Strava cyclists dangerous?

"I just cannot imagine compromising my entire journalistic training to the point of providing no balance whatsoever bar one random rider vox in an entire piece. Please do better."

The glut of media coverage around "dangerous cycling" was sparked by a recent coroner's inquest into the tragic case of 81-year-old Hilda Griffiths, killed in a collision with a cyclist in Regent's Park back in 2022, with the inquest being told that the cyclist would face no charges. 

Last weekend, the Telegraph reported that another pedestrian was hit by a cyclist at the same spot where Ms Griffiths was fatally struck. Strava responded by urging cyclists to "prioritise everyone's safety", stating that "hazardous" segments could be flagged on its platform. 

In response, the government agreed to introduce tougher laws for "dangerous cyclists" who kill or injure. The amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill, put forward by Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, would introduce the offence of 'causing death by dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling, and causing serious injury by careless or inconsiderate cycling', with Transport Secretary Mark Harper saying the proposed legislation would ensure the "tiny minority" of reckless cyclists would face the "full weight of the law", while protecting "law-abiding cyclists".

22 May 2024, 16:03
So... anyone doing anything on July 4th?

It's nice of Rishi to schedule the election for the day of a flat (and likely very boring) first-week Tour de France sprint stage. July the fourth... wouldn't want to overshadow any of those punchy days or early mountains...

Rishi Sunak (OpenArt AI)


22 May 2024, 15:49
Alright smart-arse! Now you can turn your butt into a fitness tracker
22 May 2024, 15:16
Georg Steinhauser wins stage 17 of the Giro d'Italia

EF Pro Cycling and Georg Steinhauser finally have their stage win, for the German it's also his first pro win — not a bad day to do it on...

The result was in the bag from quite far out on the final climb, not that it will have felt that way for the 22-year-old grinding his way up the vicious (if immaculately surfaced) slopes of Passo Brocon. In the end his advantage was cut to 1:24 by the finish line, a late surge by Tadej Pogačar meaning the maglia rosa took even more time on his rivals. 

Behind Pogačar, there was once again little between the rest, Ben O'Connor suffering a bad day and losing time, but Antonio Tiberi, Geraint Thomas, Dani Martinez, Einer Rubio and Romain Bardet all finishing 1:42 down on Steinhauser.

22 May 2024, 14:41
Comment(s) of the day... I'm glad we're not the only ones who enjoy Soudal Quick-Step's sponsor shout-outs
Live blog comments 22 May 2024

It's a full on job when you work for a team whose website lists 48 sponsors and partners...

22 May 2024, 13:24
Giro d'Italia stage 17: Another tough day in the mountains

Picture the scene. You're two weeks into a Grand Tour. Knackered. You limp through a freezing day in the mountains, get back to the bus, open up the roadbook and are confronted with this for the next stage...

Giro d'Italia stage 17 (RCS)

An earlier break containing Julian Alaphilippe, Nairo Quintana, Damiano Caruso and a few others has since returned to the peloton, meaning it's almost entirely back together as the riders approach 50km to go. Lidl-Trek's Amanuel Ghebreigzabhier chased some mountain points at the top of the last climb and has found himself alone at the front with 30 seconds' advantage. Apart from that, there's just the main bunch of favourites (well, THE favourite and the rest) and those well off the back.

Is it going to be stage win number six for Pog?

22 May 2024, 13:06
Former cycling film actor accused of motor doping at French stage race dramatically flees and knocks down race director with his van
22 May 2024, 09:46
"If that does not invoke the extreme weather protocol, then what does?": Adam Hansen comments on stage 16 chaos

CPA riders' union President Adam Hansen has tried to explain the events that led to yesterday's stage being shortened and questioned the organisers' "let's see how it goes approach" in the face of freezing conditions that "would have resulted in riders on the side of the road, scattered all over the climb, looking for shelter in the snow".

Giro d'Italia 2024 ( Williams)

"On the rest day, the CPA first contacted all stakeholders to arrange an agreement based on the weather forecast for stage 16," he said. "It was clear that the conditions on Umbrail Pass should invoke the UCI extreme weather protocol, and the riders proposed eliminating this pass to avoid two degrees with snow during the long descent.

"The riders' intention was to have a full race without having to stop and restart due to extreme weather. The riders stood united in their decision, which was communicated to show the seriousness of their stance. After many hours of negotiations on the morning of the race, the CPA did their best to convey the riders' seriousness in avoiding today's situation.

"In the end, it was clear that Umbrail Pass could not have been raced as local authorities closed the pass due to too much snow. If the riders had raced, as the stakeholders wanted, the race would have stopped at the Umbrail Pass. Please remember, the riders' intention was always to race from point A to B and put on a show, exactly like they did and how a race should be.

Larry Warbasse Giro d'Italia 2024 ( Williams)

"So ultimately, due to the weather, the original race course could not have been completed. Especially since before the race had even started, it was zero degrees with snow. If that does not invoke the extreme weather protocol, then what does?

"It is 2024; we need to have a clear protocol in place for all stakeholders to understand and accept to preserve the good image of cycling. A 'let's see how it goes' approach, especially today, would have resulted in riders on the side of the road, scattered all over the climb, looking for shelter in the snow. This is not the solution for ensuring the riders' health."

22 May 2024, 09:37
The good people of Facebook sum up Pat's hat spat

Lefevere or the UCI: pick your fighter... no, you can't say neither...

Julian Alaphilippe 2024 Giro d'Italia (Zac Williams/

The two comments we've got over on Facebook sum up the way this sort of thing divides opinion...

Steve Soper: "Stupid doesn't really cover most of these so called officials."

Paul Wilson: "Imagine the guys who are in charge of the rules applying the rules. The horror. You can't have it both ways, if the weather is increasing the danger then all the more reason to enforce the safety rules."

We'll spare you the poll...

22 May 2024, 09:29
Coastguard rescues child who fell 20 metres "down a steep bank" while cycling along cliff path
Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team (Facebook)

Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team said it was called to a cliff path between Maenporth and Swanpool on Monday evening to a report that a child had fallen around 20 metres down a steep bank while cycling along the route.

"Team members carried out an assessment of the casualty's injuries, suspecting a potentially serious leg injury and began treating him. Paramedics then arrived on scene and administered some pain relief to enable a comfortable move to our stretcher," the coastguard team confirmed.

"The casualty was then moved up the bank using some of our rope rescue equipment. He was then carried out along the footpath to a waiting ambulance for onward transport to hospital. The casualty was incredibly brave throughout his ordeal and we wish him a speedy recovery."

22 May 2024, 09:14
How long does it take to save up for an S-Works SL8 around the world? has shared an interesting article detailing how long it takes to afford a top-of-the-range SL8 around the world...

How long to save up for an S-Works SL8? ( Minarik)

Check out the full piece and all the stats here...

22 May 2024, 08:58
Richmond Park Strava segment flagged as hazardous
Richmond Park Strava segment hazardous

The main segment in south-west London's Richmond Park, a popular destination for cyclists in the English capital, has been flagged as hazardous after a week where Strava was thrust into the spotlight by much coverage around "dangerous cycling" in the national press.

The Royal Parks, the charity which also manages Richmond Park, asked Strava to remove a popular segment in Regent's Park due to a pedestrian being killed in a collision with a cyclist in two years ago.

In response, Strava told that it was urging cyclists to "prioritise everyone's safety" and "behaviours related to" the death of a pensioner — hit by a cyclist at speeds of 25-29mph as a group ride completed laps of Regent's Park — "violate" its community standards. The ride-sharing app also made it clear the feature to flag a segment as hazardous already exists.

On Friday, we reported that Telegraph journalists had been told to "check your research" after the paper put a story on its front page claiming that cyclists are hitting 52mph in pursuit of London Strava segments... despite that being faster than Olympic track cyclists, with Richmond Park named as one segment where cyclists were "creating death traps".

Telegraph front page/ cyclists in Richmond Park (Simon MacMichael/Telegraph)

The story led Active Travel Commissioner Chris Boardman to criticise the media's portrayal of cyclists. "Mums, dads, sons and daughters being labelled as killers. It’s just got to stop," he said.

22 May 2024, 08:39
What's the fastest way to commute by bike on a budget? The sub-£500 DIY e-bike vs acoustic bike challenge
22 May 2024, 07:51
Giro d'Italia helmet row as Patrick Lefevere questions jury after Julian Alaphilippe fined for removing helmet to "take off his wet cap" in the cold
Julian Alaphilippe 2024 Giro d'Italia (Zac Williams/

A grim day at the Giro yesterday as the riders tackled a shortened, but still freezing cold and sodden, day of riding through the mountains. Julian Alaphilippe was again one of the protagonists, up the road chasing stage victory before Tadej Pogačar's latest display of inevitable superiority.

Everyone will have a story from stage 16, few who completed it will forget it quickly, but one reaction angle coming post-stage was regarding the jury's attitude to Alaphilippe briefly removing his helmet mid-stage to remove his wet hat beneath. Patrick Lefevere took to Twitter (a quintet of words that'll strike fear into anyone, I know, but don't worry, nothing contemptible today) to point out his rider was fined 200 Swiss francs (£172) for the pleasure.

"That's how they treat a rider who wants to take off his wet cap under his helmet," he wrote.

You can certainly understand Lefevere's frustration (a sentence I never thought I'd write), given the extreme weather conditions perhaps the jury could have cut Alaphilippe some slack in not wanting a soaking hat on his head? I'm sure they'd argue it is just their job to enforce the rules as they are written.

The replies suggest the cycling-watching public are split on it:

"The UCI wants a big Christmas Party this year!! Often wondered if fines are their party fund?"

"The correct way to do it is to stop, take of his helmet and wet cap, put helmet back on and set off again."

"When he falls on the wet road and suffers a serious head injury, everyone screams that he should have obeyed the rules. Or would he have done everything right even in this case? The penalty is justified if he doesn't stop, there are already enough serious injuries this season!"

"UCI are clowns sadly"

I'm glad we've cleared that one up then. Alaphilippe was also the subject of post-stage comments from fellow breakaway rider Ewen Costiou of Arkéa - B&B Hotels who finished ninth, the young Frenchman thanking his compatriot for taking "a big turn just for me while he was dead". The TV pictures showed the peloton nearing as the two-time champion got on the front of the breakaway, pushing the pace and emptying the tank to earn them some welcome seconds before he subsequently dropped out the back of the telly completely empty.

"He's a huge champion, it's great to have done that, he didn't have to," Costiou said.

And finally, we can't let this opportunity pass without another look at the Frenchman's amusing quotes published on his team's website. I say 'amusing' because Soudal-QuickStep are the masters of seamless sponsor shout-outs. This is the team, after all, who (in 2022 during Alaphilippe's recovery from a crash at Liège-Bastogne-Liège) reported their rider was now strong enough to "resume light training on a set of Tacx rollers".

It gave us a laugh imagining the team's doctor earnestly concluding: 'I'm sorry, Julian. Your body is not strong enough for Elite or Wahoo just yet. For people with your injuries, I always prescribe Tacx...'

Welcome to today's shoehorned sponsor shout-out...

"It was a crazy day," Alaphilppe said. "With the route change because of the weather, and the full gas tempo from the start all the way to the finish. The weather didn't make it easy, but Specialized's rain tyres have lots of grip in these conditions. I rode on my instinct and I can be happy with the way I gave my best.

"It was cold today, but I had my Castelli clothing to keep me warm and dry, which helped me stay in the lead so deep into the stage."

Fair play, superb name-dropping, plus the sponsors pay the bills to keep the team running... and we enjoy reading it and putting it on the blog. Long may it continue...

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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CyclingGardener replied to I love my bike | 4 months ago

You can give priority without stopping - just making the point that there might be other, bigger and less polite silent things around!

mitsky replied to brooksby | 4 months ago

brooksby wrote:

"Drivers", surely?


"wow, that car did that all by itself?"

john_smith replied to mitsky | 4 months ago

So how would you reword the sentence without making it unnecessarily verbose?

"You are more likely to be hit by a car driven by a driver driving a hybrid or electric car than by a car driven by a driver driving a car with a petrol or diesel engine"?

hawkinspeter replied to john_smith | 4 months ago

john_smith wrote:

So how would you reword the sentence without making it unnecessarily verbose?

"You are more likely to be hit by a car driven by a driver driving a hybrid or electric car than by a car driven by a driver driving a car with a petrol or diesel engine"?

You are more likely to be hit by an EV driver than an ICE driver

mitsky replied to john_smith | 4 months ago

If news media/journalists are able to say "Pedestrian hit by cyclist." (rather than "Pedestrian hit by bike.") then they should be able to say "Pedestrian hit by driver."

john_smith replied to mitsky | 4 months ago

I'm not sure they're equivalent--in the first case you've got a person on a bike and in the second a box with a person inside.

"Pedestrian hit by bike" sounds to me as though bike was perhaps unmanned, and "pedestrian hit by driver" makes me think maybe the driver got out and biffed the ped.

hawkinspeter replied to john_smith | 4 months ago

john_smith wrote:

I'm not sure they're equivalent--in the first case you've got a person on a bike and in the second a box with a person inside.

"Pedestrian hit by bike" sounds to me as though bike was perhaps unmanned, and "pedestrian hit by driver" makes me maybe think the driver got out and biffed the ped.

When a driver gets out of their vehicle, they become a pedestrian, so you're incorrect

OnYerBike replied to brooksby | 4 months ago

The claim that younger people are more likely to own an electric car seems to be based on a very spurious survey. Following the link in the article, the survey results seem to indicate that 41% of people aged 16-24 own an electric car. And that's 41% of all people aged 16-24 own an electric car; not even 41% of young car owners own electric as opposed to ICE cars (and even that would seem implausible).

In fact, given there are ~7 million people aged 16-24 in the UK, and ~1 million electric cars registered in the UK, even if every single electric car was owned by someone aged aged 16-24 , you still wouldn't reach 41% of people aged 16-24 owning one.

Backladder replied to OnYerBike | 4 months ago

OnYerBike wrote:

The claim that younger people are more likely to own an electric car seems to be based on a very spurious survey. Following the link in the article, the survey results seem to indicate that 41% of people aged 16-24 own an electric car. And that's 41% of all people aged 16-24 own an electric car; not even 41% of young car owners own electric as opposed to ICE cars (and even that would seem implausible).

In fact, given there are ~7 million people aged 16-24 in the UK, and ~1 million electric cars registered in the UK, even if every single electric car was owned by someone aged aged 16-24 , you still wouldn't reach 41% of people aged 16-24 owning one.

Figures probably skewed by 16 year olds thinking they were being asked about their scalextric toys as they are not old enough to hold a driving licence.

kingleo replied to brooksby | 4 months ago

Something needs to be done about the dangerous pedestrians walking out onto the road without carefully looking to see if anything is coming.

henryb | 4 months ago

Disappointed Alaphillipe  didn't also say "With all the wet weather I'm glad our team bus has nice, grippy QuickStep flooring"

Rendel Harris replied to henryb | 4 months ago

henryb wrote:

Disappointed Alaphillipe  didn't also say "With all the wet weather I'm glad our team bus has nice, grippy QuickStep flooring"

"In future I'm going to avoid helmet fine misery by covering my cap in Soudal's market-leading marine sealant..."

brooksby | 4 months ago

Did Alaphilippe literally take his helmet off long enough to remove his cap?  So, how many seconds, exactly, was he helmetless?

Steve K replied to brooksby | 4 months ago

brooksby wrote:

Did Alaphilippe literally take his helmet off long enough to remove his cap?  So, how many seconds, exactly, was he helmetless?

Not very many - there is a video doing the rounds on social media.

Global Nomad replied to brooksby | 4 months ago
1 like

I can't help but think that removing your  jacket, or even arm warmers while riding is more risky than removing a helmet...but also these are top level pro's who in most circumstances having highly developed bike skills. 

Rendel Harris replied to Global Nomad | 4 months ago
1 like

Global Nomad wrote:

I can't help but think that removing your  jacket, or even arm warmers while riding is more risky than removing a helmet...but also these are top level pro's who in most circumstances having highly developed bike skills. 

I was thinking that today watching riders in the middle of the peloton cycling hands-free whilst trying to deal with a flappy jacket, taking a helmet off and removing a cap is something that could actually be done with one hand, apart from perhaps a very brief moment to clip the strap back on.

john_smith replied to Global Nomad | 4 months ago

I don't know about taking arm-warmers off, but I once spent a fortnight in hospital after my seatpost broke as I was putting them on.

ROOTminus1 | 4 months ago

The title of that article needs changing.
"£500 Commuter challenge: Bike Vs e-bike hack-job" better reflects that a) the questionable quality of cheap aftermarket motor conversion kits and b) no regular bike should ever be referred to as "acoustic".
"Bike Vs Fire hazard" is also acceptable.

NotNigel replied to ROOTminus1 | 4 months ago
1 like

I think Dan needs to dish out the RoadCC admin login details again..

mark1a replied to ROOTminus1 | 4 months ago

ROOTminus1 wrote:

The title of that article needs changing. "£500 Commuter challenge: Bike Vs e-bike hack-job" better reflects that a) the questionable quality of cheap aftermarket motor conversion kits and b) no regular bike should ever be referred to as "acoustic". "Bike Vs Fire hazard" is also acceptable.

I don't think you can compare the cheap aftermarket shite conversion kits with the likes of those from Swytch and similar. 

Rendel Harris replied to ROOTminus1 | 4 months ago

ROOTminus1 wrote:

The title of that article needs changing. "£500 Commuter challenge: Bike Vs e-bike hack-job" better reflects that a) the questionable quality of cheap aftermarket motor conversion kits and b) no regular bike should ever be referred to as "acoustic". "Bike Vs Fire hazard" is also acceptable.

Swytch are a highly respected mainstream British company – hardly cheap, either – and as far as I'm aware their products have never been implicated in a fire, but don't let that get in the way of the "all ebikes are a fire hazard" narrative.



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