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Furious road rage motorist goes viral for confronting cyclist — as car rolls away because he forgot to apply handbrake

The bizarre incident saw the driver sent a warning letter by Warwickshire Police

A video of a driver overtaking an indicating cyclist ahead of a tight bend before storming out of his car to confront the rider has gone viral on Twitter, being viewed more than three million times since yesterday.

In a twist to the scene the motorist's vehicle rolled away after the man forgot to apply the handbrake, prompting the cyclist to warn, "your car's running away, careful!" and the driver to run back to stop the vehicle before continuing his rant.

> Near Miss of the Day 844: Driver insists cyclists who film motorists are asking to be hit

The clip was shared on social media by the 'Northfield cyclist' account who revealed the driving on show was "only worthy of a 'warning letter sent for inconsiderate driving' from Warwickshire Police".

"I was indicating to turn right approx 50 yards before turn = brake checked and two very, very angry people," they explained.

The video appears to be filmed on Spring Lane near the M24 in Solihull, just south of Birmingham and shows the cyclist riding north at the moment they indicate to turn right.

Seemingly ignoring the signal the driver overtakes the rider who then waves his arm in disgust at the manoeuvere approaching a turn. In reply, the driver of the Peugeot then twice brake checks the cyclist before coming to a stop and shouting, "what's up with you you t**t?"

While the rider answers, "you don't overtake while I'm indicating to turn right please", the driver storms out of the vehicle before comically running back after being told his car's running away. 

Road rage incident (screenshot Twitter @Northfieldcycl1)

Handbrake safely applied the confrontation continued, the driver asking "what on earth is up with you, man?"

Road rage incident (screenshot Twitter @Northfieldcycl1)
Road rage incident (screenshot Twitter @Northfieldcycl1)

With one more brake check the motorist leaves the scene as a passer by checks the cyclist is okay.

Earlier this month we shared the 842nd of our Near Miss of the Day series highlighting dangerous driving on Britain's roads, in which a passenger jumped out of a car to remonstrate with a cyclist — after the driver cut a corner and almost hit him.

Near Miss of the Day 842

"Listen now, I saw you, she wasn't cutting [the corner]," the passenger, now standing in the road in front of the cyclist, suggested.

"What do you mean, she wasn't cutting the corner?" came the baffled reply.

Then, delivered with a startling irony, the woman shouted at the cyclist to "get off the road" before he's on the receiving end of yet more dodgy driving.

After the rider, understandably, asked why he was the recipient of a verbal lashing after a motorist cut the corner of a junction, almost hitting him, the protective passenger replied: "Because you're standing still there and there's other traffic, and you'll cause an accident."

Near Miss of the Day 842

Dan is the news editor and joined in 2020 having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for The Non-League Paper. Dan has been at for four years and mainly writes news and tech articles as well as the occasional feature. He has hopefully kept you entertained on the live blog too.

Never fast enough to take things on the bike too seriously, when he's not working you'll find him exploring the south of England by two wheels at a leisurely weekend pace, or enjoying his favourite Scottish roads when visiting family. Sometimes he'll even load up the bags and ride up the whole way, he's a bit strange like that.

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Zebra | 2 years ago

Probably would have waited until the car got up to jogging speed, and then told him it was rolling away.  He could then explain what happened to his insurance company. 

ubercurmudgeon | 2 years ago

Angry boomer is angry. News at 11.

grOg | 2 years ago

This video would have been far more entertaining if the vehicle had continued rolling away until crashing, with the hapless old fool running after it..

ajft | 2 years ago

Thought experiment.  Overtake a turn-indicating police car, then brake check them and get out and yell at them.  See if you only receive a warning letter

MattieKempy | 2 years ago

It's beyond me how someone with such uncontrolled anger issues is allowed out in public, let alone allowed to be in charge (I hesitate to say control, for obvious reasons) of a 4-wheeled killing machine.

Dhill replied to MattieKempy | 2 years ago
1 like

MattieKempy wrote:

It's beyond me how someone with such uncontrolled anger issues is allowed out in public, let alone allowed to be in charge (I hesitate to say control, for obvious reasons) of a 4-wheeled killing machine.

Agree 100%. If you get that angry that easily should you be driving or even out and about unsupervised. 

IanMSpencer replied to Dhill | 2 years ago
1 like

I bet if you did a Twitter survey, a high percentage would suggest his response was understandable due to "cyclisty things". Remember there are plenty of people who think that anything that doesn't kill a cyclist is acceptable and indeed a fair few are prepared to give killing cyclists a free pass, including our legal institutions.

wtjs replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

Remember there are plenty of people who think that anything that doesn't kill a cyclist is acceptable

Including many in the police, who found this to be such normal driving behaviour that they didn't rate it as worthy of any response at all

I realise that many have seen this before, so I'm practicing making easily identifiable links, so that people will know that!

wtjs | 2 years ago
1 like

PS the motorist leaves the scene as a passer by checks the cyclist is okay

The passer-by is a passenger from the vehicle who possibly got out as a result of the crazed, fist-clenched driver leaving the vehicle to roll away on its own. I think she tries to slow the vehicle manually (as opposed to applying the handbrake herself) and I doubt she is checking that the cyclist is OK- she may have been asking the driver whether he's been taking his medication.

Rendel Harris replied to wtjs | 2 years ago

wtjs wrote:

PS the motorist leaves the scene as a passer by checks the cyclist is okay

The passer-by is a passenger from the vehicle who possibly got out as a result of the crazed, fist-clenched driver leaving the vehicle to roll away on its own. I think she tries to slow the vehicle manually (as opposed to applying the handbrake herself) and I doubt she is checking that the cyclist is OK- she may have been asking the driver whether he's been taking his medication.

It's not referring to her, at the end of the video (1.01) the sunglasses-clad driver of the dark car coming in the other direction sticks his head out of the window and asks the cyclist if he's alright.

mattw | 2 years ago

George and MIldred resurface form the 1970s.

Where's John Pertwee when he is needed?

Calc | 2 years ago

Surely the failure to control the vehicle is an offence?

Rendel Harris replied to Calc | 2 years ago

Calc wrote:

Surely the failure to control the vehicle is an offence?

Definitely, failure to secure the vehicle with the handbrake when exiting the driver's seat comes under careless driving; a number of drivers in tragic cases have been found guilty of causing death by careless driving when they haven't put the handbrake on and their vehicle has rolled over someone.

kil0ran replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

My first job was working for a Ford dealer. Bloke picked up his brand new Scorpio, hopped out to put his sheepskin jacket (I kid you not, it was the late 80s after all) in the boot, forgot the handbrake, car rolled across the forecourt, glanced off a lamp post and into the road. Instant write off. Naturally, he tried to blame the PDI for an improperly adjusted handbrake but had no luck.

In more tragic circumstances the actor who played Chekhov in the Star Trek reboots was killed by an issue related to the electronic handbrake in his car. As with many things in modern cars this sort of improvement (electronic handbrakes) reduce safety for everyone and increases costs when they go wrong.

IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

My worst interactions with drivers are with those with personalised plates.

I reckon this is a Steve.

BJP 9 was as Audi driver (I'm guessing Brian)
who was incensed that I objected to him giving me no space with his punishment pass when I was walking in the road and didn't step onto the waterlogged slippery verge.

B3 WBA - probably a Bill rather than a Baggies fan, was the guy who said he'd run me off the fecking road of he wanted to, and I regret glancing at the combine harvester to alert him he was about to drive into it to this day!

. . replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

IanMSpencer wrote:

My worst interactions with drivers are with those with personalised plates.

Today an Audi with a personal plate close-passed me, jumped a red light, and turned right in front of an oncoming car, all in the space of 30 seconds.  I'm getting a camera!

NOtotheEU replied to . . | 2 years ago

An Audi? Say it isn't so.

© Hall & Oates

Cupov replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

i prefer to call them vanity plates

pablo | 2 years ago

I hate that corner know it well. Always hated it because I'm worried about getting hit from behind when turning right. It's really tricky because the junction is on a hairpin bend and you can't see the oncoming traffic until the last moment and neither can the twats behind who are desperate to get past because you've slowed them down. It's one of those junctions where you just hope to get past it as fast as possible.

ktache replied to pablo | 2 years ago

Hence the early preparation.

Thanks for the local knowledge.

IanMSpencer replied to pablo | 2 years ago

The whole network of roads between there and Earlswood have cycling unfriendly features - but the main feature is the drivers.

spen | 2 years ago

I'd be willing to give you 10 to 1 that if the cyclist had got off his bike that idiot wouldn't have set foot outside his car.  Staying on your bike puts you at an obvious disadvantage and empowers morons ike him

kil0ran replied to spen | 2 years ago

Hopping off and placing bike between you and them is best policy. Particularly if you're riding mahoosive pinned pedals. You can use it defensively to fend them off and probably offensively too. In fact, perhaps the UCI should include "road rage driver defence" as a set piece in artistic cycling. 

Muddy Ford | 2 years ago

Can request clarification from the police force why this was only a warning letter despite clear evidence of a public order offence. The police have stated many times that cyclists on the receiving end of dangerous overtakes are not allowed to swear or raise their fists because the police would rather prosecute the cyclist for a public order offence than punish a dangerous driver.  

ShutTheFrontDawes replied to Muddy Ford | 2 years ago
Muddy Ford wrote:

the police would rather prosecute the cyclist

I think you've rather answered your own question there.

wtjs replied to Muddy Ford | 2 years ago

Can request clarification from the police force why this was only a warning letter despite clear evidence or a public order offence

No they can't, because they know that the police laugh off questions like that and deal with them by not replying

Rome73 | 2 years ago
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So where did that happen? 

IanMSpencer replied to Rome73 | 2 years ago
mikewood replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago
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We'll have to keep an eye out for this one Ian.

We do have history on this very road too. Apparently 8 extended right arms means "please overtake us here" not "we're turning right in a few yards"

IanMSpencer replied to mikewood | 2 years ago

Ah, yes, I remember it well.


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