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Near Miss of the Day 406: Articulated lorry driver in frightening close pass on cyclist (includes swearing)

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's Cardiff...

One of the most frightening types of close pass happens when the driver of an articulated lorry overtakes you, leaving insufficient room to begin with which then becomes less and less as they pull back in - and today, we have a frightening example of one of those.

If you've ever been on the receiving end of one of these, you'll know just how frightening it can be and the feeling of helplessness it can put you in if you have nowhere to bale out to your left - all you can do is watch that gap narrow, concentrate on staying upright, and hope the rear of the trailer passes by you.

This one happened on the outskirts of Cardiff, and was sent in by reader Graeme, who told us: "It was on the morning of Tuesday 5th May at the end of an hour's ride coming back into Cardiff on what's known locally as 'the flats', a relatively quiet route into the city.

"Warning: the audio contains some strong language! You'll notice from the audio that I could deduce what was going to happen before it did - that awareness is probably what saved me from not ending up under the wheels of the lorry."

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Balthazar | 4 years ago
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It's a terrifying road to cycle on. I've had to travel between Pinewood studios (further along this road) and Cardiff regularly, and even though I could have cycled, I've chosen to drive instead, simply to avoid this stretch. A depressing decision to take, but there are no practical alternative routes, and the area has quickly become heavily industrialised, and has long exceeded the capacity of the country lane infrastructure. I'm a very experienced (*old*) bike rider, once a london courier, etc; and the aggression and intolerance I've encountered the few times I've cycled here put me off. HGV's, soil trucks, scaff trucks, scrap trucks, delivery vans (various depots up the road), arsey commuters, everyone angry. Sadly, this video footage is not exceptional. Horrible. 

quiff | 4 years ago

Please report this Graeme. I've had a few unpleasant passes on that road, but that one was shocking.  

fwhite181 | 4 years ago

I ride this road about 3 times/week (well, I did before lockdown and probably will again after lockdown) as my commute. The number of c*ckwomble HGV drivers is staggering. In more normal times they only get 1/4 mile down the road before hitting the tailback for joining the A48/M4 and any overtake is therefore entirely pointless. Have to confess, I tend to ride bang down the middle of the lane on that stretch to try and discourage drivers from even attempting an overtake if there's an oncoming vehicle. The (poor) quality of driving on that stretch was also the reason I bought a helmet cam. WIsh Cardiff Council would put a proper segregated route along there (as in a proper mini bike 'road', not a crappy shared-use pavement) because it's the only vaguely direct route between Cardiff and Newport that isn't a socking great A-road or a 35 mile bimble through poorly maintained backroads

Jem PT | 4 years ago

DEFINITELY needs reporting! The guy started overtaking with traffic coming the other way as if he was driving an Astra not an artic.

EK Spinner replied to Jem PT | 4 years ago

would it be acceptable in an Astra ? No, there is oncoming traffic, he shouldn't be crossing over the line and over the line in the ext lane is the only correct place to overtake

Jem PT replied to EK Spinner | 4 years ago
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No, not acceptable, but probably less dangerous - an Astra being narrower, considerably shorter, and quicker than an artic.

srchar | 4 years ago

HGV driver needs to be reported. Graeme, please do so and let us know the response.

Plenty of impatient driving going on near me, despite the roads being pretty much dead. You'd have thought halving journey times would be enough for everyone, but no, there are still some people for whom shaving five seconds off their journey is more important than someone else's life.

nicmason | 4 years ago

I'd have been hard on the brakes once that lorry was beside me (you may have been On the video it deson't look like it). I had a similar thing with an artic near Finsbury Park and hard braking was a life saver.

lesterama replied to nicmason | 4 years ago

Me too, age 14, in outer London

Awavey replied to nicmason | 4 years ago
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Having been in that same situation more than once,& try it in the rain if you want a real white knuckle experience, I think hard on the brakes is possibly alot riskier than actually just keep pedalling, as you could lock a wheel & fall off,hit a bump whilst braking hard & fall off,any vehicle closely following the lorry is not expecting you to brake hard,so they just hit you instead.

Ease off maybe,but whilst you are still moving you are still in control of the bike and can manoeuvre to try to keep out of harms way,you've still got options, braking hard it's a one way option, you cant decide to opt out part way through and quickly regain that momentum,maneuverability you lost

nicmason replied to Awavey | 4 years ago

you've got to adjust your braking to the road conditions (in a bicycle motorcycle car etc) and imo any sort of braking is always the best way to get out of the way of the back of that truck as he (or she) moves back over.

nedcase | 4 years ago

That's how I broke my collarbone. Or rather took the option of crashing left onto the pavement rather than right under the wheels.
I hope you get joy from the police. In my case (in NZ) there was no prosecution and blamed me because he spoke to a friend who said 'i wouldn't cycle on that road'.
I discovered when reviewing crash stars some years later that the copper reported it as 'only the cyclist involved', I assume because it saved him the hassle of trying to trace the truck.

Welcome to NZ policing.

nedcase replied to nedcase | 4 years ago

Stats, not stars...

NZ Vegan Rider replied to nedcase | 4 years ago

You corrected his spelling but show no sympathy. Jerk ;-(

Hirsute replied to NZ Vegan Rider | 4 years ago

Eh? One of us is having a whoosh moment.

NZ Vegan Rider replied to nedcase | 4 years ago

Yek, not good.

I've found the Police here in NZ good re my cycling incidents - thankfully.

Gary's bike channel | 4 years ago

can we have a comparison here please:

grumpyoldcyclist | 4 years ago

Glad you're here to tell the tale Graeme.

Like others have commented, I do hope it was reported, Operation Snap is usually good with these cases.

Stay safe

duzza | 4 years ago

Had this happen to me about 15 years ago. Lorry overtook on a busy country A road  but didn't have time to complete the manouvre before a car approached from the other direction. The driver just pulled in on me as he didn't want a head on collision with a car. Luckily for me there was a nettle filled ditch which I rode into, it hurt like hell but not as much as going under the wheels. The driver of the lorry didn't stop, neither did any of the following cars when the saw me climb out the ditch.50 yards further on there was no ditch. Never rode a bike on that road since, and never will. Like the cyclist in the video, you know it's coming but you can't do anything about it. Glad he survived to tell the tale!

kil0ran | 4 years ago
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There was a fatality similar to that in Southampton 3 or 4 years ago where there was perceived widening of the road due to a tarmac driveway. Camber of the road  caused the cyclist to move too close to the edge of the road, artic driver tried to squeeze by, road narrowed, cyclist went under the back wheels, killed instantly. Completely avoidable and treated by the courts as "just one of those things" I believe.

Hirsute | 4 years ago

My first thought was 'that is not an artic' followed by 'shit that one is'

The mentaility of these drivers is beyond me.

Gary's bike channel replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

i got close passed about this far by a similar truck.  i followed the truck, got the plate, guy shouted at me whats your problem? i said to him you know how far 1.5 metres is? and he said'' you know whaqt that little blue sign means?''          stupid thing was, that little blue sign was followed by an END OF ROUTE sign, a third of a mile back from where he close passed me. 

eburtthebike | 4 years ago

I had to drive somewhere on Saturday, necessary honest, and came across a few cyclists, which I overtook with as much room as I could and only when safe to do so.  One of them was on a relatively narrow and winding road, so I hung back until it was safe to overtake, much to the annoyance of the following driver, who sounded his horn to tell me to stop blocking the road and overtake godammit.  I ignored him and waited until the road widened and I had sufficient forward view to know I could overtake without having to pull in suddenly, and as soon as I did, the following driver overtook the cyclist and me in a flash.  I don't know how fast he was going, but I was doing near the limit as he flew by.

Seems like the whole amount of this Golden Age of cycling money could be spent on more traffic cops in unmarked cars and bicycles to get these dangerous drivers off the road.  As has been pointed out many times, it isn't fear of punishment that makes people obey the law, it's the probability of being caught, and that probability is currently insignificant.

Glad Graeme got out of that with life and limb; one gust of wind, one pothole, one stone in the road.......I do hope he reported this incident.

Gary's bike channel replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago

this may actually be a parital cause of bad passes, not deliberate, but perhaps some weaker willed people who would otherwise feel ok waiting a few moments to pass safely, feel pressured from the car behind into overtaking as quickly as possible. 

eburtthebike replied to Gary's bike channel | 4 years ago

david rides wrote:

this may actually be a parital cause of bad passes, not deliberate, but perhaps some weaker willed people who would otherwise feel ok waiting a few moments to pass safely, feel pressured from the car behind into overtaking as quickly as possible. 

Yes, I'm sure that happens and people do feel that they're holding up other drivers, but a second's thought ought to convince them that it isn't worth someone's life because the prat behind you is an impatient git.

I'm also sure that the government will be publishing close passing videos demonstrating the danger and encouraging drivers not to pass unless it's safe soon.  Well, as soon as the review of road traffic law reports anyway.  So never.

crazy-legs | 4 years ago

Wow, that was close! Rider did well to hold onto that one.

IME, one close pass will usually result in another. The driver of the lorry has seen the flatbed squeeze through there and thought, "well if he can do it..."

I had it yesterday with cars - a BMW squeezed through and the avoiding swerve, combined with a bit of wind pushed me left and then right as I regained my balance. The car behind was also trying to squeeze through - precisely because he'd seen the BMW do it - but had to hang back because of my movement outwards. He hooted, I was screaming and gesticulating at him like where did he expect me to go, the road is not wide enough. Anyway, around the bend it opened up and I waved him through - credit where it was due he did actually pass wide but the passenger screamed some abuse (couldn't hear due to wind noise). Yeah, if you get one close pass, you're probably going to get a second as the driver behind goes "oh yeah, it does fit..."

CXR94Di2 | 4 years ago
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Terrible driving by both drivers.

Why didnt the rider occupy primary centre of the road on his side.  This would have blocked the van overtake and subsequent. 

When there is no centre line ride central, when there is a centre line ride central too


Hirsute replied to CXR94Di2 | 4 years ago

Maybe easier to say in retrospect. Or you have more nerve than most of us! Or go a bit quicker.

fwhite181 replied to CXR94Di2 | 4 years ago

Unfortunately there's a row of potholes down the middle of the lane - you effectively have to ride just left of the white line, and get unpleasantly close to oncoming vehicles doing so!

a1white | 4 years ago

And that is how people die, folks. So close to going under that artic there, and if that had happened the driver wouldn't even be proesecuted. It'd be in the press as "Cyclist killed in tragic collision with lorry". This is why cycling rates are so low in the UK.


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