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Near Miss of the Day 827: Bus driver “bullies his way into a gap that was never there”.

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's Greater Manchester...

We’d guess most people reading this have been on the receiving end of a similar close pass – one in which a bus driver simply has to get past a cyclist, and then squeezes them into the kerb. And we don’t need to tell you how scary it is to be to have been on the wrong end of one of these.

Paul, the reader who filmed the incident, told us: #The following footage happened to me about 7.20am on 21 September.

“You'll see the Vision bus bullying his way into a gap that was never there. As soon as oncoming traffic approached the driver just squeezed me into the kerb instead of backing off.

“I had to brake to avoid getting squashed, my camera is below my stem so my shoulder was right up against the side of the bus.

“I'm having run-ins all the time, that’s why I got the GoPro. Normally I’m swearing like a trooper because i can see what’s happening, on this bus one it was so tight I was just in concentration mode.

“I emailed Vision buses and had no reply over the following week so then reported it to Greater Manchester Police. I had the following reply within a day.

No further action was taken in relation to this matter as the Dashcam footage does not clearly show the registration number of the Bus.

“I’d sent them the attached picture of the number plate and questioned whether it was legal because it's set back behind a glass window and not clearly visible.”

Paul added: “Let’s hope the driver doesn't kill anyone soon.”

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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PRSboy | 2 years ago

A serial no for the bus can be seen under the company address on the side of the bus at 1min 16 secs.  Can that not be used for ID?

Edit to add, oh its the weight! 

alansmurphy | 2 years ago
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Bullying is exactly the word, or try attempted murder... There were many many moments during that 'pass' that the driver should have abandoned!

Bungle_52 | 2 years ago

I don't want to seem ungrateful but I think this should be NMOTD 828 and NMOTD 827 is still tagged as Richmond Park even though it happened in Devon.

Other than that nothing more to add, it was bullying driving and a very disappointing response from the police and the bus company.

HoarseMann | 2 years ago

Strong possiblity it was this bus: YP59 OED (photo)

Tracking data is still available for the 21st September and it pinged a location close to the incident at 7:18

NOtotheEU replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago

Congratulations! you have just qualified to join the police force.

Welcome to your new career. You can rest assured you will not have to do any more detective work, get out of your car or meet the public unless someone is killed or someone rich and/or famous needs help.


Rome73 replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

I see one of your brexitty young ukipconservatives has taken my name. Nothing is sacred to the brexitty lot. 

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Rome73 | 2 years ago

I just assumed you were a secret Tory worshipper being as two of them have now come out with the same phrase you like to use. (And this name only appeared after the first one said it).


Grahamd replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

NOtotheEU wrote:

Congratulations! you have just qualified to join the police force.

No chance, far too good.


HoarseMann replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago

It's not the clearest image, but pretty much beyond doubt to me that it's YP59 OED.

The police should reconsider the decision on this one. The driver can be identified by the bus company and they should be given at least an FPN for careless driving (a 'driver improvement course' would seem a bit ridiculous when that driver is a supposed professional).

Not only do we have tracking data. But the bus has CCTV. This is likely to store footage for at least 30 days. So prompt action will get video of the whole incident from the bus perspective. It's also likely there is an internal camera videoing the driver, removing doubt about who was responsible.

AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago

From their twitter account, (replies), it seems they are a shit service with rude and obnoxious drivers across the board. 

They only run school services in Horwich so that driver could well have been on a school run, or about to start one. 

HoarseMann | 2 years ago
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Bus driver obviously thought the road marking didn't apply to cyclists...

belugabob | 2 years ago

Overtaking on zigzags, too - awful driving standards.
In addition to this, the early part of the video shows how much of an issue on-road parking has become - there are large parts of that road which are effectively a single-track road.
That can't be allowed to continue, as it's totally detrimental to traffic flow and safety (as so many people have no idea how to comply with this part of HWC rule #163 - "give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions on your side of the road")

onlinejones | 2 years ago

Shouldn't the bus have an id number on the side, and if the Police were to chase it up, surely the bus company would know which driver was on that route at that time?

Off the back replied to onlinejones | 2 years ago

Watch this again taking note of EVERY OTHER VEHICLE on the road. Notice how legible they all are then look at the bus. I'm sure the Highway Code states your plates must be clean, legible and not reflective. That number plate is impossible to read. I'd argue that should be a fineable offence on tbe bus companies behalf at least. If the cyclists cam can't pick it up, what if speed cameras can't either?

pockstone replied to onlinejones | 2 years ago

onlinejones wrote:

Shouldn't the bus have an id number on the side, and if the Police were to chase it up, surely the bus company would know which driver was on that route at that time?

The bus id number is visible(but not legible) just below the obscured number plate. Perhaps someone  reading this on a better quality screen than my tablet can make it out. Although HoarseMann 's excellent digital detectory above should be sufficient to get the police off their arses.

No Reply replied to onlinejones | 2 years ago

But, but, but....that means doing actual police work!!! Are you nuts?

Oldfatgit | 2 years ago

It's twats like this bus driver that make you wish that the emergency engine stop was on the outside of the bus like it used to be.

Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

Yeah, cheers mate, I learned what irony was at school, I don't need to be killed by a bus with "Vision" on the back as a practical example.

Utterly pathetic that the rozzers took such a weasel excuse to avoid taking action. Worth an official complaint?

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

I mentioned with Kookaburra vid that in this day and age, most buses have GPS . Vision have their own tracking system so I don't see why they wouldn't be able to get the company to trace this if they were serious in doing something. 

Awavey replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago
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AlsoSomniloquism replied to Awavey | 2 years ago
1 like

Yes, someone posted it in the forum yesterday. 

Awavey replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago

ah missed that  1

HLaB | 2 years ago

Whilst I'd rather have one bus than 30 cars on the road and look out for them, that is terrible driving 

OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

That's rubbish driving. It's poor that the bus company didn't do anything and annoying the cops won't either.

OnYerBike | 2 years ago

Disappointing, if unsurprising, response from the police. Very clear footage, so like Paul I find it hard to believe that the manner in which the registration plate is displayed is legal if not clear from the footage. What's more, it would probably be very easy to establish which bus/driver was involved from the route and time - I guess 5 minutes on the phone to Vision buses is just too much effort.

eburtthebike replied to OnYerBike | 2 years ago

OnYerBike wrote:

I guess 5 minutes on the phone to Vision buses is just too much effort.

Not sure they'd even have to do that, just send them a letter demanding that they identify the driver.

Adam Sutton | 2 years ago

The standards I am seeing from bus drivers is really concerning, and not just with regards cyclists.

On my commute I cycle past the Arriva depot in Dartford. From the depot to the end of the road where there are traffic lights is about 300 yards, yet so many times a bus will insist on overtaking and squeezing past only for us to get to the lights and me overtake. While I am no fan of them, at this point there is a shared path that makes sense to utilize to the station, so they gain NOTHING as I am not even on the road with them any more.

I have also at the same junction seen the lights green to us at which point a car pulled out only to have a bus thunder through the red light on the main road causing a near collision. In the same vicinity do a search for "bus crash overy street" and you will see a double decker that forgot it was a double decker and took the roof off just this last August!

Rendel Harris replied to Adam Sutton | 2 years ago

Adam Sutton wrote:

The standards I am seeing from bus drivers is really concerning, and not just with regards cyclists.

Don't know if this is your experience but at the moment I'm finding at least 50% of London bus drivers are blatantly ignoring cycle boxes, which are there specifically to remove the danger to cyclists of having large vehicles alongside them when the lights change. Police not interested, bus companies promise action but say they can't say what it is due to GDPR or whatever, drivers themselves just give you the back of their head if you try to speak to them about it.

Adam Sutton replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago
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In that respect I've been lucky, most of my route is reasonably segregated. I tried cycling most of the way but it was 20 miles Cycling each way on top of unpredictable work, so I now cycle with a Brompton to where I can get a cheap fare, then cycle the last bit to Chiswick. I have had a ridiculous overtake from a bus on Chiswick High Road though, again just as I was about to turn off to work and was indicating as such. The bus overtook only to immediately pull into a bus stop.

danhopgood | 2 years ago

Timing of this incident would give the bus company all the information it needs to take action to find and deal with the driver.


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