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Shocking footage of road rage driver repeatedly trying to ram cyclist off bike

Police claim insufficient evidence to press for more serious prosecution — driver admits driving without due care, fined £100 and given three points

On December 15th last year, reader Kionne Potter went on his usual one-hour lunchtime training loop, the footage he sent us today shows the shocking road rage attack that followed from a driver who repeatedly tried to ram the West Midlands cyclist from his bike.

The motorist involved admitted driving without due care and received three penalty points and a £100 fine after West Mercia Police downgraded the report from assault to dangerous driving, and then once more to driving without due care, saying there was insufficient evidence for a more severe prosecution.

In his own words, Kionne reacted to the unnecessary dangerous close pass on the A491 Kidderminster Road in Hagley, instinctively throwing an arm up in frustration.

"The motorist then slowed down and as I approached him he wound down his window and shouted abuse at me and instructed me to ‘get off my f***ing bike now’.

"He continued this abuse throughout the incident but you cannot hear most of it. He then deliberately prevented me from getting back into the lane I needed to be in, if I increased my speed so did he and if I slowed down he did also. He made four or five attempts to hit me which I had to avoid and then he tried to pin me into the gutter whilst still shouting ‘get off your f***ing bike now’.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

"When I got in front of him he then tried to hit me from behind, you can hear the car rev hard and hear wheelspin from the hard acceleration, he then made one last swipe to the left before driving off.

"I tried really hard to get away from him but he did everything he could to prevent me escaping. Although the camera got some decent footage it still missed a lot that happened, and because the GoPro Hero 8 is so good at image stabilisation it smooths out a lot of my evasive manoeuvres so it looks a lot less dramatic than it was."

The driver was apologetic once the police were involved, citing relationship problems for his uncharacteristic behaviour, and after the report was twice downgraded by West Mercia Police, he was fined and given penalty points. has contacted West Mercia Police for a further comment on the footage.

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Chris | 2 years ago

3 points is what you get if you set off a speed camera by doing 44 in a 40 zone when the road is deserted. How can this carry the same degree of punishment?

the little onion | 2 years ago

Institutionally anti-cyclist

brooksby | 2 years ago

That is NOT driving without f-ing care and attention.

The motorist knew damn well what they were doing, so clearly were paying attention.

Dangerous driving and/or assault, in my book.


alansmurphy replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

100% - he's driving with total care and attention to do harm!

open_roads | 2 years ago

The combination of the police / courts are a complete joke.

If the driver in this video had taken 5 swings at a stranger victim a 1kg hammer they would now be facing a custodial sentence for assault.

For some reason taking 5 swings at a stranger with a 1500kg hammer at 30mph is only worth a £100 fine.

Anyone who has been on the receiving end of this sort of attack will also know that cycling feels very unsafe for a long time afterwards because there's the constant fear of running into the same driver / lunatic.


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