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"Irresponsible and dangerous parking": Police tow 40 vehicles to "reduce risk" to cyclists in Snowdonia

North Wales Police said the bank holiday crackdown on inconsiderate beauty spot parking will continue, with drivers' vehicles removed at their own expense...

Police in North Wales have been praised for taking strong action against "irresponsible and dangerous" parking at Snowdonia beauty spots this bank holiday weekend, towing 40 vehicles on Friday "to help reduce the risk to walkers, cyclists and other road users".

North Wales Police confirmed the drivers' vehicles had been removed "at their own expense" and warned those visiting later in the weekend to abide by parking rules if they do not want to join those whose vehicles were towed on Good Friday.

"The irresponsible and dangerous parking we witnessed in Pen y Pass and Llyn Ogwen yesterday (Good Friday) not only risks lives, but also prevents emergency vehicle access," North Wales Police explained.

"Almost 40 vehicles parked dangerously on the narrow mountain routes were recovered yesterday, including 29 near Llyn Ogwen and nine in Pen y Pass. Parking in other parts of Eryri National Park will continue to be monitored over the bank holiday weekend.

"We continue to work closely with our colleagues at Gwynedd Council and the Eryri National Park to help reduce the risk to walkers, cyclists and other road users.

"Any further vehicles found to be parked on the clearway, double yellows or causing an obstruction will also have their vehicle removed at their own expense. Please heed the warning."

Snowdonia parking (North Wales Police)

The force added that it appreciates many will want to visit to enjoy the weather and stunning scenery, but urged motorists to "be responsible" and "think about where they park and to make full use of the park and ride facilities that are available".

The towing was well-received, one social media reply saying: "Well done for taking action to make it safe for all road users and for ensuring emergency vehicles can get to where they're needed safely and quickly."

Another added: "I wish more forces would follow your example. People are so incredibly selfish these days."

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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David9694 | 1 year ago

There must be a moment of "where's the car?" realisation as the road hoves back into view. How do you get notified that it's been towed (as opposed to stolen)? 

eburtthebike replied to David9694 | 1 year ago
David9694 wrote:

There must be a moment of "where's the car?"

A delicious moment.

IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

Llyn Ogwen really has very little parking, but it is it's remoteness that is its attraction.

Where would you put parking here?

wtjs replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago
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That's Llyn Idwal!

IanMSpencer replied to wtjs | 1 year ago

Well yes, but you park at Ogwen (by the YHA) to get here. There are only about 30 places in the public car park IIRC (though looking at the sat. I don't remember the on road parking - probably unused when we went 3 May 2019).

Mark B replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago
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There's significant parking in three laybys along the road. You can also (legally) park on the gravel verge for quite some distance to the east of the lake. Of course, by that point you're a long way from Idwal Cottage, which would be a problem for holidaymakers planning a short stroll up to Llyn Idwal.


ktache replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

Right next to the motorway junction and retail park...

yupiteru | 1 year ago

Bloody mororists!

I'm sure if I parked my piano on a narrow road, there would soon be a song and a dance about it

Rendel Harris replied to yupiteru | 1 year ago
yupiteru wrote:

Bloody mororists!

I'm sure if I parked my piano on a narrow road, there would soon be a song and a dance about it

Well, unless you played Beethoven's Für Elise; you could explain to any objectors it was just A Minor.

Safety | 1 year ago

I loved some of the comments in the DM on this, full card on buzz word bingo. From racist comments on the Welsh to have they no real crime and cash cow. But my favourite was " build more car parks up Snowdonia", aye that'll really enhance the reasons people go there.

Hirsute replied to Safety | 1 year ago

There are several car parks in llanberis and a park and ride and a bus that does a circular route. If you want to walk, plenty of ways to do it - unless it's park and look.

Mark B replied to Hirsute | 1 year ago

There are a couple of car parks in Capel Curig but they're both fairly small. It would be good if there was a bigger car park and more buses up to Pen-y-pass from there, to catch people before they drive all the way up to the pass. The existing park and ride is the wrong side of the pass for most visitors I suspect.


IanMSpencer replied to Mark B | 1 year ago

My preferred way up Snowdon is from Rhyd Ddu, never busy, in fact it can be quite a surprise to get to the top and see the hoards.

Rome73 | 1 year ago

Good work by the Police.  

Adam Sutton | 1 year ago

Nowhere does it mention cyclists. Piss poor journalism.

"Dan wrote about various sports, including football and boxing for the Daily Express"

Daily express, nuff said really. One step down from the daily heil.

ktache replied to Adam Sutton | 1 year ago

Third paragraph below the tweet.

Poor comprehension?

Adam Sutton replied to ktache | 1 year ago
1 like

Yes I missed that tiny bit of subtext, but if you think that warrants spinning a headline towards cyclist's it's you who has an issue with "comprehension"

Rik Mayals unde... | 1 year ago

About time. I am sick and tired of selfish people parking where the hell they want. Lets hope that this continues with all police forces. Theres a village near me, on the edge of the West Pennine Moors, the main road is a clearway. People park on the verges of the road, with their offside wheels on the clearway line, they either don't know that they can still be fined, or they don't care. either way, they are a pain in the arse.

jpj84 replied to Rik Mayals underpants | 1 year ago
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Abbey Village? Cars parked all over the white lines when I rode through on Friday (as is always the case when it's sunny)

Velophaart_95 | 1 year ago

About bloody time - and other Police forces in other places should do the same. Problem is, people turn up somewhere, and with nowhere to park, think it's acceptable to park's not. It happens near to me on a few canal side pubs; car park is full, so they park in the road. 

ubercurmudgeon | 1 year ago

I can't be bothered to check the comments section of whichever local news website reported this story. But I'm willing to bet somebody there has called cracking down on dangerous parking in a beauty spot on a public holiday an act of communism by the police. Won't somebody think of the teashop owners and ice cream sellers who'll be put out of business if tourists cannot park wherever and however they please?

Simon E replied to ubercurmudgeon | 1 year ago
ubercurmudgeon wrote:

Won't somebody think of the teashop owners and ice cream sellers who'll be put out of business if tourists cannot park wherever and however they please?

This is Ogwen Cottage and Llanberis Pass, probably the 2 worst locations because of their proximity to the most popular peaks. Both have very limited space for parking and do not enjoy loads of fine shopping or dining facilities. There are P&R sites in Llanberis and Bethesda and car parks around the area but these 2 honeypot sites attract by far the most visitors.

The main problem is that everyone thinks they are entitled to jump in their car and drive wherever they want at whatever time of day suits them and be able to park wherever they want at their destination. This may be manageable if there are acres of flat or multi-storey car parks but it shouldn't take a genius to work out that these places are going to be rammed on a sunny Easter weekend. And overflowing with litter (and faeces). It's ridiculously unsustainable and hugely damaging.

The news source is like to be the Daily Post, a 40 cars towed article was posted on Saturday morning so there may be a load more carted away by now. It says states that "Scores of other vehicles were also ticketed" in those 2 locations.

I'm now sure why this warrants an article on I doubt the illegal parking was an issue that impacted local cyclists, they know to steer clear of these places on bank holidays, especially if the weather is as good it has been this week.

eburtthebike | 1 year ago

OMG!  A police force taking road safety seriously, and towing dangerously parked cars.  One can only hope that this isn't just for Easter and will continue until it isn't needed anymore: and that it catches on in other places.

Owd Big 'Ead | 1 year ago

Can the editors quit with the sensationalism?
They weren't towed to make it safer for cyclists as your headline suggests, but for all road users and pedestrians.
The editorial team often site other establishments for their continual divisive headlines, then do exactly the same themselves.
Stop trying to turn everything into a war on cyclists.

eburtthebike replied to Owd Big 'Ead | 1 year ago
Owd Big 'Ead wrote:

Can the editors quit with the sensationalism? They weren't towed to make it safer for cyclists as your headline suggests, but for all road users and pedestrians. The editorial team often site other establishments for their continual divisive headlines, then do exactly the same themselves. Stop trying to turn everything into a war on cyclists.

Since you've already pointed out that all road users includes cyclists, it seems a trifle curmudgeonly to say that the headline is inaccurate: they were moved for cyclists, and everyone else, but they were moved for cyclists.

ktache | 1 year ago
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I enjoyed the euphemistical use by the police of "recovered"

And I somehow doubt if the removal was universally well received...

IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

Snowdon is not Brigadoon, it does not magically appear for Easter.

hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

More of this please!

David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

but will the economy suffer as a result of the removal of all these hard working drivers?

eburtthebike replied to David9694 | 1 year ago
David9694 wrote:

but will the economy suffer as a result of the removal of all these hard working drivers?

If they are hardworking, they can afford the fines and fees.  Or we could organise a whip around for them: what do you think?


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