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Thief who targeted high value bikes banned from town centre

Man who took seven bikes mustn’t “enter or loiter near” bike racks anywhere in the country

A man who stole seven ‘high value’ bikes in Windsor has been handed a 20-week suspended sentence and banned from the town centre for five years.

The Windsor Express reports that Ryan Beresford admitted using bolt cutters to take the bikes between June 1 and 29.

He was handed a 20-week prison term, suspended for a year, and ordered to undergo drug dependency treatment for six months and rehabilitation activity for 30 days.

He was also issued with a five-year criminal behaviour order (CBO) which dictates that he must not enter Windsor town centre or be in possession of bolt cutters or other tools except for the purpose of employment.

The order also states that he must not use a bike or bike accessory without proof of ownership. Nor is he permitted to “enter or loiter near any bicycle storage area or cycle rack anywhere within England and Wales” – except when retrieving his own bike.

Investigating officer, PC Tom Hughes-Parry, said: “Beresford repeatedly stole high-value bicycles from various locations in Windsor.

"He gave no regard to the owners of the bicycles, which for some are an important mode of transport.

“I hope this sentence and his time on remand, combined with the CBO gives him time to reflect on his actions and reassures the community that Thames Valley Police does not tolerate this behaviour and we will work hard to bring offenders to justice and put an end to this behaviour.”

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Rick_Rude | 4 years ago

I do think we now need 2000ad character Judge Death to deal with these people. 

One side says beat them to the point of life support then jail them . Another side says prison doesn't work so let them roam free with therapy. Judge Death says the sentence is death. Problem solved. No prison , no reoffending. 


hawkinspeter replied to Rick_Rude | 4 years ago


ktache replied to hawkinspeter | 4 years ago

FInding non squirelly animal based images is sometimes hard.

wtjs | 4 years ago

Unusually for me, I have some sympathy with the police on this one. The problem is the enforcement- which I suspect will be 'light touch' or 'non-existent'. 

Judge dreadful | 4 years ago
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If I caught him at it, the only drugs he'd be dependant on would be the ones keeping his life support working.

fukawitribe replied to Judge dreadful | 4 years ago

..and i'd look forward to seeing you put away for a fucking long time for attempted murder. Seriously, beheading ? Life support ? Keyboard warrior fucking bravado - grow up, fuck off or both.

Luca Patrono replied to fukawitribe | 4 years ago

Personally, I find your tedious and predictable virtue signalling just as irritating as the false bravado.

fukawitribe replied to Luca Patrono | 4 years ago

"predictable virtue signalling".... interesting - i'm open to the 'predictable' bit but 'virtue signalling' ? They're were talking about fucking killing someone.

ktache replied to fukawitribe | 4 years ago

You might be angry, to find your bike being stolen, and justifyably so, but this is a drug addict, probably in urgent need of a fix with a set of bolt cutters.

Be careful out there.

Titanus replied to fukawitribe | 4 years ago

I will do niether of those things. Suggesting he gets mutilated on an online forum/comments section is literally the maximum I am actually capeable of. It's not like I know his address so I can go there and kerb stomp him or something. So keyboard warrior bravado will have to do.

You sound like you support the thieving scum. With such a bleak outlook on people who support severe punishment on criminals, you might as well be a criminal yourself.

What punishment would you suggest? Thieves who do not learn their lesson the first time should have their hands cut off. Altho not for stuff like taking pens out of an office, I mean high value thieves.

TheBillder replied to Titanus | 4 years ago

Yep, judicial mutilation or termination has been so outstandingly effective in spreading peace, harmony and prosperity. US 3 strikes and out also worked wonders. Victorian hanging for pickpockets reduced that problem far more effectively than namby-pamby nonsense like universal free education.

This guy clearly has a drug problem. Addiction is seldom something just to snap out of - very difficult to do and very unpleasant experience. Treatment programmes are not great in this country and given the cost of supplying a habit and the detrimental effect on work, theft is the main option open.

Regardless of fault or judgment, the cycle of addiction, criminality, jail needs to get broken somehow. The handless or headless convict isn't going to be repaying a debt to society. Yes, people shouldn't get into drugs in the first place and shouldn't steal to support an addiction. But until you've dealt with underlying issues, you might as well be replacing your tyre without checking for the thorn that caused the puncture.

And as for the remark about taking pens from offices, sure, white collar crime cos you couldn't be arsed to spend your own pound on a pack of 5 from the supermarket is totally fine and obv 100% different and understandable, cos you need those pens to do your sudoku and otherwise your kids don't eat.

Sriracha | 4 years ago

So for stealing bikes he is sentenced not to steal bikes, for at least five years. The rest of us are under that sentence all the time.

So his punishment is not being welcome in Windsor. And being given help to kick drugs. That ought serve as a deterent to anyone else.

Titanus replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago

I think he will go on to become an outstanding citizen. Just gotta leave the justice system do it's thing and fuck it, behead the bastard.

Dropped replied to Titanus | 4 years ago
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Titanus wrote:

I think he will go on to become an outstanding citizen. Just gotta leave the justice system do it's thing and fuck it, behead the bastard.

Bike thieves are not as bad inadequate keyboard warrior mummy's boys who like to fantisize about mulilating and murdering people. In fact I say gas them all - it's the only reasonable and proportionate thing to do........

Titanus replied to Dropped | 4 years ago

What would you realistically suggest as an appropriate punishment for the thief in the article? Ignore my ramblings about severed bodies, I just have a sadistic attitude to theives and certain other types of criminals. I think we both agree that what we want is for the thief to not be a thief anymore, and for the thief to pay for his crimes.

TheBillder replied to Titanus | 4 years ago

I can't speak for Dropped but there's little that will be achieved whilst the drugs are in charge. Work on that and then restorative justice. Community programmes are often seen as a soft touch - and for crimes against the person I might agree. But for property crime it certainly has its place, if well targeted, properly supervised and at the right level.

Unfortunately probation and similar services have been hollowed out in the last decade or so, and to get results from this kind of programme, investment is needed and it's not popular.

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