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Conservative leadership candidate backed by controversial FairFuelUK — pledges 50% fuel VAT cut

Penny Mordaunt said she was "glad" to have the backing of the pro-motoring lobby group which boasts to have stopped £165bn in fuel duty rises...

Conservative Party leadership candidate Penny Mordaunt has announced the support of pro-motoring lobby group FairFuelUK, which calls for lower fuel duty for motorists, along with the news that she would cut fuel VAT by 50 per cent "immediately".

Mordaunt, who this weeked was backed as the early front runner in the race to succeed Boris Johnson in a poll of young Conservative members and is the current second favourite with the bookmakers, spread the news of FairFuelUK's backing on social media, saying she is "glad" for it.

"Penny has been a staunch and loyal backer of UK's 37 million drivers and as an MP, is a founding supporter of FairFuelUK," Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK, said.

"I have known her for 12 years and truly believe she will deliver on the need for lower and fairer fuel taxation. She will introduce fairer incentives to drive cleaner, instead of inflicting ill-informed cliff edge, idealistic and costly punitive bans.

"I am also certain she will bring a large dose of common-sense fiscal tactics to reduce the pain of the cost-of-living crisis. Our leadership survey shows she is a popular choice to lead her party to what millions of new Tory converts wanted back in 2019.

"I am looking forward at long last, to working with a kindred spirit in creating an effective road user strategy that benefits the economy and UK's much-villified drivers."

FairFuelUK, which is funded by the Road Haulage Association and Logistics UK, boasts that it has saved drivers £165 billion in planned fuel duty rises.

In August last year the lobby group paid for and produced a report on behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Fair Fuel for UK Motorists and UK Hauliers titled What does the 2030 fossil fuelled new vehicle sales ban really mean to the economy, environment, and UK's 37m drivers?

In the report were repeated references to it aiming to give a voice to "the UK's 37 million drivers" – described as "hard-pressed" and "perennially demonised" and all for the benefit, apparently, of cyclists, supported by the policies of a "virtue-signalling government" and a "political bias […] towards cyclists, particularly in urban areas."

Just a week after the report's publication, Mr Cox accused Jeremy Vine of "politicising" cycling and "fuelling a war between drivers and cyclists".

One month later, Mr Cox blamed a "militant cyclist" for marking his house as a petrol station on Google Maps during the shortages of last September. While in February the lobby group's founder wrote that the "lunatic Highway Code" encourages road rage and gives cyclists carte blanche.

Mordaunt's campaign got off to a high-profile start after Paralympic athlete Jonnie Peacock was one of several public figures who asked to be removed from a promotional video.

The video also used footage of South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius, convicted in 2014 of the culpable homicide of his partner Reeva Steenkamp after she was shot dead at the couple's home in Pretoria.

[Main image: Michael Hughes / DFID / CC Attribution 2.0 Generic]

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Rome73 replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

Unfortunately the next leader will be another brexthicker. They seem to be in plentiful supply in The Tory party. 

nosferatu1001 replied to Rome73 | 2 years ago
1 like

Unfortunately the next leader will be another brexthicker. They seem to be in plentiful supply in The Tory party. 

I wonder if they think 90bn of damage just isn't eniugh, and they want to get it to the full 12 figures asap 

NOtotheEU replied to Rome73 | 2 years ago

Unfortunately the next leader will be another brexthicker. They seem to be in plentiful supply in The Tory party. 

From what I have heard the party is split 50/50 on Brexit, at least among the MP's.

If you are a regular person your life will not change much whoever gets the job.

Whether you vote tory or not and whether you are a brexitier or remainer, any improvement in your life bought about by any political party will be purely coincidental to their quest to gain power and then pay back their media, corperate, and wealthy individual backers.

HarrogateSpa replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
1 like


NOtotheEU replied to HarrogateSpa | 2 years ago
HarrogateSpa wrote:


If you are after a negative responce I'm sorry to dissapoint you. Life would be pretty boring if we all agreed and I'm perfectly capable of not hating you or insulting you when your opinions differ from mine.

I'm sure we both love cycling and want to be happy, healthy and free to live our lives as we want while being kind and not hurting others along the way.

wtjs | 2 years ago

Could there be a more telling picture of someone so desperate to appease the 'My Right To Drive' nutter Tory lobby than this?

eburtthebike | 2 years ago

Well, she's got my vote.  yes

I've just done a quick search for her and active travel, and I'm sure nobody here will be surprised to learn that the result was zero hits, but she does seem to have supported a hire bike scheme in Portsmouth; I wonder what Howard Cox thinks of that?  And she did support the Times' Cities Fit for Cycling campaign; anyone remember it?

That said, anyone so desperate for support to have to resort to the deranged FairFuelUK is doomed.  And she was in Boris the Liar's cabinet, so is tainted because she supported his lies.


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