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It's a sign


This seems to be quite a common problem in the states with people hacking electronic road signs. To further add insult to possible delays argues the point that bicycles are the best way to travel in town to avoid congestion but it possiblty isn't done in the most subtle manner. It made me laugh though.


Hey A@#$Hole from rossangeles on Vimeo.

Latest Comments

  • Rome73 58 min 41 sec ago

    6 years!  Is that it?  It should be six years just for the speeding offence. 

  • Rendel Harris 1 hour 17 min ago

    Good reliable wheels in my experience and the three year warranty shows a good degree of confidence - I should think for someone with your sort of...

  • Rendel Harris 1 hour 22 min ago

    Definitely; to walk up to someone and commit such a calculated act of aggression without any shouting or further ado and then to walk calmly back...

  • westernmaitian 6 hours 18 sec ago

    How fast can it go? By the way, it's a very beautiful road bike.

  • andystow 9 hours 28 min ago

    Yes, a Brompton with the load on the carrier block handles just as twitchily no matter how heavy the load is!

  • NOtotheEU 10 hours 13 min ago

    You're potentially helping every local cyclist even if they will never know so you're very welcome. Funnily enough today I replied with the exact...

  • IanGlasgow 10 hours 16 min ago

    I have the original Ortlieb Vario. It's now 6 years old. By far the best feature is the 5 year warranty....

  • OneManGrupetto 10 hours 17 min ago

    Really sad postscript to the Tashkent story. The Uzbek federation took exception to Yanina Kuskova posting that Insta story and has refused to fly...

  • Miller 12 hours 49 sec ago

    You're obviously a tall guy, unless you're built like a blade of grass you're going to have some weight. I see plenty of cyclists who would...

  • MinardiM189 12 hours 34 min ago
