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revolve24 - and they're off!!

Ian Upham gets the team off to a flying start!

It's 3pm, September the 10th 2016 and once again team are on the starting grid. This time we're being sponsored by Aldi so there is a bit of expectation on our shoulders and we're going for a podium place.


The whole thing kicks off with an hour on the track for some practice to learn your racing lines and to realise just how bloody hilly the circuit is. Then it's time for the Le Man's style start with the first rider standing at the bottom of the track (the start/finish straight is heavily cambered) with a team mate holding their bike on the opposite side. At 3pm the countdown ends and it's a sprint to your machine.

team member Ian Upham was the first man off and as you can see he was ready and raring to go grabbing his bike and nailing a first lap a few seconds under the six minute mark.

Each rider of our team of eight will then do half hour stints out on the track.

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All that's left to do now is For Ian Stevenson to wait for the next thirty minutes before taking on the baton.....


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The rain has become so the new Aldi wet weather kit is about to be pulled on to see off the worst of the weather. We'll be back later to update the blog and keep you posted.   

As part of the tech team here at F-At Digital, senior product reviewer Stu spends the majority of his time writing in-depth reviews for, and ebiketips using the knowledge gained from testing over 1,500 pieces of kit (plus 100's of bikes) since starting out as a freelancer back in 2009. After first throwing his leg over a race bike back in 2000, Stu's ridden more than 170,000 miles on road, time-trial, track, and gravel bikes, and while he's put his racing days behind him, he still likes to smash the pedals rather than take things easy. With a background in design and engineering, he has an obsession with how things are developed and manufactured, has a borderline fetish for handbuilt metal frames and finds a rim braked road bike very aesthetically pleasing!

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TheFatAndTheFurious | 8 years ago

Good luck all. Remember it's a marathon series of individual sprints, not a sprint.

Hope the rain clears off as forecast.

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