Yaxley Riders 2015 Reliability Ride
The second annual Yaxley Riders Reliability Ride will be taking place on Sunday 18thJanuary with a new base and start point in Yaxley FC.
You can see a map of the shorter route here.
There will be two distances of 60 miles and 90 miles with a host of average speeds to target.
It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce we will be holding our annual reliability trial on Sunday 18th January 2015.
To Celebrate Yaxley Riders 5th Birthday we have made it extra special this year. We have two distances on offer, 60miles and 90 miles, with check point/cafe stop at Uppingham, as last year.
This celebratory ride has been sponsored by the Bollywood Tiger and Green Wheels Cycles and will start from Yaxley Football Club, Holme Road, Yaxley, PE7 3NA.
Registration is from 8am-8.45am and the ride starts at 9am sharp, weather permitting.
• The entry fee this year is £5.
• On your return Jacket potatoes and chilli will be available prepared by the Bollywood Tiger £2.50 (optional)
• Coffee and Cakes, from Yaxley Football Club, £2.50 (optional)
GreenWheels Cycles will be available for any mechanicals at the start only and will carry a selection of inner tubes, tyres etc.
Other complimentary services available include:
. Free photo at the finish
• Free GPS file
• Free village by village only route cards
• Free bike wash on return
• Free technofuel samples (GreenWheels Cycles)
• Free viewing of this years Tour de France
• Free parking with CCTV
• Free showers
• PLUS fully licensed bar.
Is there extensive musette coverage?
I took that to be where the shared path *should* start, because in the opposite direction it's where cyclists are told to dismount (though no end...
Useless for us weak-armed females, those with electric bikes, or panniers or baskets, or anyone who is short, who would never be able to lift them...
Not following that one. Why would the barrel adjuster now be out of alignment ? Unless your sprockets are too worn.
Otherwise law-abiding...
Absolutely. Even in places with efficient parking enforcement or - like London and now Edinburgh - where they have decided it's not legally on -...
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A pair of aero belay glasses would suffice