Our Essex 100 charity cycling sportive is one of our most popular rides attracting over 700 riders. You can enjoy some excellent cycling terrain on this bike ride raising funds for vital research for sick babies and children. Three route options take you on a journey through quiet villages and the farmlands of Essex where the undulations will have you in and out of the saddle.
The Essex 100 offers a Cool 38 mile route that is ideal if you’re new to cycling or haven’t had time to train! The Classic 68 mile route is more challenging as is the Champion at 104 miles - ideal if you’re an experienced Sportive rider.
Expect a great day in the saddle with the Action Medical Research team on this cycling event with first class support throughout the day.
This isn't one of those "aren't GatorSkins terrible" threads is it? Isn't the complaint that they acquired a smooth glossy sheen? ...
Maybe not all Putin's fault - perhaps he inherited some of that wokery from ... Lenin and Stalin!...
That study is likely sound - I haven't stated that women don't consider safety in their plans. ...
Ah, Clevedon ...
That's more than double my car mileage but I'm kinda in the same boat, but I don't feel jealous of folk I'd rather have the freedom to spend my...
The intent is interesting - you might argue that the intent is deterrent and you never intend anyone to actually come into contact with the gas - a...
I like the measure of effectiveness of the new Hutch tires, % of wattage improvement. Instead of saying, "28.6 watts at 49.34 km per mile a nano...
Random driver account: "cyclists should be made to wear hi viz like workers do on a building site"....
"The algorithm" served me an older JV video last week which I now can't get out of my head....
Holy thread resurrection Batman!