After another successful Kids Ride in the new year, we are hoping to get even more Kids out this Easter!
There will be two meeting places - the wind shelter at the bottom of George Fifth Avenue to the West, and the shelter near the lights at Ham Road from the East.
Aiming to end up all together at Worthing Pier for a photo opportunity, to be the new cover picture for the Worthing Cycling Facebook Page!
This isn't an organised event, so turn up, join in along the way, meet at the pier, or whatever suits you. Last time we took over a cafe for brunch, but if the weather is more acceptable, I am sure we will end up outside for refreshments somewhere!
Any one who isn't sure - I will be on my Cargo Bike with child shaped passengers, last time we had a wide age group from those only just pedalling, to teens, and adults who never grew up. The aim as always is to stay on the traffic free cycle routes along the sea front - there is free parking at the western end if you need to transport everyone nearer, and I will be riding back that way afterwards.
This is all about kids on bikes, having fun, making new friends, and burning off some calories after all those Easter Eggs. No one gets left behind, as there is no set schedule - after all this isn't an officially organised ride, just people on bikes!
Please share this event as much as possible, invite all your friends to do the same! As last time, there should be bells, badges and balloons to hand out too!!
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Ah, but anything that sounds like "making excuses for criminals" is going to trigger the "right-thinking folk" (and in fact many of us). The...
That works both ways, because people who could have taken advantage of the health, financial and social benefits of cycling are put off too. Those...
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As an amply-figured female leisure cyclist, the comfort of a slightly downward angled saddle has long been known for avoidance of mincing one's...
Certainly membership trippled in numbers between 2012 to 2019.i think it's been in decline since so theydon't tend to shout about the numbers...
The Sora groupset seems very expensive for what it is. Even without going down the AliExpress route, you can get 11spd 105 for £360 (https://www...
I like the way that it can collect water in the wrong places and so putting it through a car wash invalidates the warranty.
You're overlooking the 'lifting it out of the shed' factor, though.
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