Now an established fixture on the RIDE IT calendar, this ride is a favourite amongst staff, most of whom are mad for a day of challenging off-road trails in the depths of winter! Regardless of the time of year, the trails tend to stay firm whatever the month, allowing a good pace and chance to enjoy some exhilarating descents. The route heads north to the stunning Watergrove Reservoir, before heading towards Todmorden on an absolutely breath-taking remote trail. Rough Hill awaits before a spin through Hades and final push back to base. This ride is full of epic climbs and challenging terrain, but the incredible scenery, phenomenal trail-riding and adrenaline filled descents make it all worth it.
Less academic, but memorably encapsulated recently by Saoirse Ronan
Fascinating - I have always thought Hersheys has a whiff of vomit about it!
good to see you're testing the farsports wheels - hope to see continue to expand the range of brands it considers. These or the shallower...
Duly triggered! (At least "it's comedy!" though)....
Agreed, though those in thrall to the car lease would probably think the same of my coffee expenditure...
Frustratingly we could probably avoid (most of) this if only one or two fundamental things were the other way around e.g. "you can only drive on...
Sadly very normal. And the sand contains loads of evil little shards of flint.
Ah, Clevedon ...
Random driver account: "cyclists should be made to wear hi viz like workers do on a building site"....
"The algorithm" served me an older JV video last week which I now can't get out of my head....