The South Downs Way: 100 miles or 100km
The South Downs Way; it has long been a right of passage in mountain biking circles. And now this hundred mile ribbon of imposing chalk downland is the single day gravel challenge, and you can take it on with our unparalleled CX Sportive support.
Renowned as a supreme physical rather than technical challenge, the South Downs Way is the most high profile long distance MTB challenge that we have. But so much more, too. The huge climbs, sweeping descents and expansive coastal views make it a truly memorable ride in one of the most quintessentially beautiful parts of the British countryside.
CX Century brings you all of this in the ultimate South Downs event! An unforgettable experience and a monumental challenge and endurance badge of honour!
CX Century is fully supported, from route marking to multiple feed and support stops, so all you have to do is concentrate on taking on this epic ride!
You mean that other ... bugbear, migrants from eg. the middle east getting here via poorer parts of Europe, like Wojtek?...
No - they're a more recent American import. We (UK) got them in 1876 and Europe waited until 1948 to get them (more specifically, in Stupinigi,...
Bloomin' Time Police think they're above the law (of causality) parking their boxes on the pavements at any point in space-time without so much as...
It's really hard to tell fact from fiction with these stories - the people trying to put forward hardship examples all turn out to be nicely off,...
I've only ever snapped up Shimano components Subtle and subliminal 'pasta cranks' propaganda from HP!
I wonder if Cheshire police officers are of the opinion that the driver is entitled to ram a cyclist off the road if he 'takes the lane' in those...
Not many normal everyday bikes there, for normal riders...... No steel or titanium either.
Driver warned to take his meds after 'spectacular crash'...
But limiting high gear wouldn't really solve all the crashes in sprints, narrow roads, etc. Someone needs to do serious studies and statistics on...